First day of ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ I mean Sophomore year.

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"Lacey! Someone's here to take you to school!" Melissa yelled with a tad bit if fan-girl... I walk down stairs "Oh my Irene, I swear if it's-" "If it's who, pup?" "You" I said once I saw Gene. I gave a groan. "Bye, Melissa" I said and walked out with Gene.

"What are you doing, you don't have to walk me. That and it's a little early" "Well I wanted to take you to get you some breakfast. Is that alright?" I looked up at Gene with a suspicious look... Only yo see him smirk...

We stopped by McDonalds and got something to eat. I got a moka and Sausage McMuffin, Gene got the same just his with eggs. "Why do you get that if it's harming you?" Gene asked while I was taking a sip of the moka. "I could ask you the same thing with your alcoholic" I shot back giving a small glare. I'm so sick and tired of him asking that! Gene gave a soft smile "Will you at least try to start having more werewolf-safe chocolate?" Gene rested his hand on my cheek. "You know I can't promise that. Werewolf chocolate sucks" I said softly. Gene moves him hand and I look at my phone to see what time it is. "Well guess I should be getting to school now" I said and got up and threw away my trash.  Gene got up and did the same "want me to still walk with you?" I looked at Gene real quick and motioned him to come along.

  Once I got to the school there was a couple of werewolves waved 'hi' to me. "Wow, someone's popular" "No, I'm just beta, bye Gene if I don't get in trouble I'll see you latter today" I said and ran off.

   Home room was weird I saw Garroth and Dante... "Yo! Lacey!" I walked over and sat down not looking at Dante. "I see Gene walked you~" "Keep you mouth shut and you may survive the year, Hay Garroth" I said and smiled at him. He chuckled and Dante wined. "Come on we've know each other for sooooo long and you never talk to me" Dante wined and lied his head in my desk... I gave him a glare and growled as a warning. He shivered and sat in his desk and started a random conversation with Garroth.

   The day was boring, but right now everyone was looking at the clubs... Me being beta joined the werewolf club... "Miss. Lycan?" I turned around to see the new principal. "Yes, ma'am?" "you're the Beta, correct?" I gave a nod. "Okay, well we have a new transfer student. He's from an all werewolf school, and sense you beta and have been to one before maybe you can help him fit in here along with Aphmau." She said. "Uh, yes ma'am. Can you take me to him?" I asked.

    I don't know what I was expecting to see, but it wasn't what I did. I boy with tan skin, black hair with a blue highlight, dark blue ears and tail, ear piercing, and gary blue eyes that made him look blind... "H-Hay, I'm E-" "E-Ein?" I said my eyes wide. "Y-Ya, I'm sorry do I know you?" He asked. I blinked a couple times "you should. I was Alpha for all of are jrhigh years and I w-was your best friend." I said with my smart-alick tone. "Sorry I don't remember you" Ein said with a tone of sympathy... I felt my hart sink in my chest, and I felt like I couldn't breath... So I ran, tears were flooding from my eyes, and I couldn't control them.

   I ran all the way to the gym, and hid behind the bleachers in there... I took out my phone and called Gene... The phone rang for a bit before he picked up.  "Lacey, I can't talk right now I'm at wor- are you crying?" Gene stopped in the middle of his sentence and asked me that. I gave a slight whimper as I tried to hold the tears in. Gene let out a sigh "Yo Trevor! I got to go deal with a crying teen mind if I take the day off?!" I heard Gene yell from the other side of the phone. "Don't worry I'll be over there in a bit, just stay calm and don't go into a panic attack..." Gene said before hanging up.

   I waited out side for him curled into a ball so no one saw my tears. I already told the principal I wasn't doing so well, and she said I could go home because everyone was just looking at clubs today... After about 15 minutes Gene walked up to me and sat down. "Hey, pup" Gene said in a soft tone as if you were to talk to a child. Gene put an arm around me and pulled me close to him. (How many of you realized that Lacey is 15 and Gene is 18?)

    "Hey, look at me" Gene put both of his hands on each side of my face and had me look at him. "You going to tell me what going on, or are you just going to cry?" Gene asked with a small smirk. I smiled and punched him lightly, but cuddled close to him. "C-can we talk at your house? I feel like someone might hear out here"  I asked as I steadied my breathing.  Gene gave a nod and helped me up. "Come on, my mom finely gave me the other car" I gave a small laugh and walked right behind him...


     Okay so I'm going to leave this here for the next chapter, because it's 10:57 almost 11 and I need sleep😁

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