(Part 2) D+D with the shadow knights

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Gene walked down in a black cloak, and a black and red looking armor type typo thing. "Well, look who's the first one here" Gene said letting me in. "So who's the DM?" I asked. Dante walked up "Me!" I looked up at Gene to see him smirking. "Okay, but to let you know I charter's a guy" I said heading up to Gene's room to put my stuff up there. Once I come back down Zenix is in the living room, and with a red and black cape thing and black sword. "Are you all shadow knights in this?!" Zenix looked up and smiled "Yup!" "grate know I'm the only elf..." I said sitting down on the floor next to Gene. Gene put his hand over my shoulder. "*sigh* really?" I asked looking up at him. He just smirked "Zenix is Sasha almost here?" Gene asked look at Zenix. "What can't use your own phone, Gene?" I asked knowing Aaron broke it. Gene just glared at me as Zenix chuckle. A couple seconds latter Sasha walked in with red and black armor. "Now were all here!" Gene said getting up. "What am I your prisoner?!" I yelled. Gene pulled me up "Depends on how you act, pup~" Gene purred. I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen table that Dante was sitting at. Gene sat right next to me. "Okay, so I know Gene, Sasha, and Zenix's charters, but Lacey what is yours like?" Dante asked. "Well... H-He's a frickboi, an-and is bi... But he has a reason why..." Gene put an arm around me and had his other make me look at him. "A 'frickboi' you say?" Gene said with a smirk. I smacked his had away and went up stairs to grab my camera. "Do you guys mind if I do a live stream on YouTube?" I asked holding up my camera to them. "I don't care, I have my own YouTube channel" Gene said which would have shocked me if I didn't come across one of his videos. He just does gaming videos with Dante and the other shadow knights. "Okay" I set up my camera, after a running back up to get the stan. "Here let me help" Gene said getting out of his chair. "I know what I'm doing sit back down" Gene walked up behind me and picked me up and moved me out of way. "Hay! It's my live stream!" "I know I've seen your other one, and the camera is always tilled" I could Dante laugh a little. "Shut it blue boy" I snapped. "Okay, jeez Leys just get the game started" Gene connect my phone to the camera, and gave me a thumbs up. "3, 2, 1, and you should be live" "Thank you Gene." Gene came back and stood next to me. "Gene what's your channel called?" "Shadow rebellion" "how am I not surprised. Anyways I'm here with Gene, Dante, Sasha, and Zenix. If you guys have been on Shadow rebellion's Channel then would know them." Gene nudges me "Just say what we're doing" I gave him a quick glare then looked at the camera. "Well today we're going to be playing D'nD!" "In other words we're going to be nerds" Gene said after I was done. "Okay 'jerk-sir-lot' you get to role last for that!" Dante yelled.

After everyone got through this portal ,that led into another dimension that was all black, Dante said that Sasha and Zenix were taken by an unknown creature. That left mine and Gene's charters alone. "Well looks like were alone together. huh Senpi" Gene has been calling my charter that ever sense I said mine was older and taller than his... "Sadly... Russell pulls out his flask and takes a big gulp" I said as I took a drink of Ginger Ale. Gene gave me small puppy eyes as if an attempt to have Russell notice his charter. I just looked away and took another sip. We had the drinks in these plastic wine cups. "Oh come on at least role to see if he notices him 'cause it's just sad seeing my brother like this. If you make a 5 out of 20 he looks at him, and of you make above a 16 Russell kisses Gene's charter." Dante said. Gene nodded his head up and down to show he a greed. "You know what, fine! But only 'cause Russell's drunk at if point" I take the die, role it, and what do you know... IT GET A 20! "YES!" Gene yelled I looked at the live comet section to see everyone typing in 'Yes' in all caps. I let out a sigh and sit back down. "Russell, as drunk as he is, grabs Him and pulls him close" I got close to Gene's face as Dante rolled to see if it went through. "You know, I really do, Love..." "he doesn't kiss him" "Alcohol!" I scream. Gene's smirk fades as his face is a little pink. "Oh come on!" Gene yelled. We all started to laugh. Sasha and Zenix were still stuck playing poker with a witch... "Dante that doesn't even make sense! Me and Sasha were taken to play POKER!?" Zenix yelled. "Yes, but you're losing everything on you in the process... That means all you gold, diamonds, and some of your close..." Dante said with no emotion. Me and Gene laughed a little. "You know you could try and find, and I don't know Help us" Sasha said a little annoyed that her charter is most likely going to die because of me and Gene just messing around. "Fine"

After we all got tired of playing, aka Gene made to many jokes, I stopped the live stream and we all went to bed.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Okay now for all of you Eddswolrd Fans I am making an OC book for that fandom.

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