Gene Finds Out

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(Derek's POV)

      "SHE WHAT!" I yelled at Melissa as she told me that Lacey had ran into the woods, and out of her so sight. "I'm sorry Dad, but we both know that she knows the woods better then we know her!" I give a sigh from being overwhelmed by Anger, Annoyance, and Fear. "I know... Melissa were does Lacey usually go when this happens?" Oh Irene I hope for once my daughter's weirdness will be of help. "Yep, she goes to one of her friends house, and would usually stay there for the night. I can go get her tomorrow if you like." "No I have deal with Lacey myself, Just tell me the address and I'll go get her." I nearly yelled. I don't like yelling at any of them, but I know when I have to. Melissa acted like she was thinking before answering with "Ok, but in the morning!" She smiled. Me on the other hand "Melissa! Do you not realize why I am concerned right Now! Lacey is an Ultima! And if she is as upset as you said she was!..." I trailed off so she would catch on. "Dad, Lacey isn't going to let anything like that happen, not again. And you should trust she's fine, and has calmed herself down. She's not seven anymore!" "That's right hunny, lacey will be fine. She's a strong girl that CAN take care of herself when it comes to this kind of thing" Damn it now Rachel agrees with her... "Fine! But if she's not back by noon tomorrow then, she's growned!" I said knowing I wasn't going to win this argument. She better...

(Lacey's POV)

     I woke up to the sound of a T.v. I snuggle more in the blanket wanting for sleep to consume me again. "Oh, your awake" I gave a growl, and cuddled more into the warm fabric. I felt someone sit behind to me, and laid their head on my shoulder. "Oh, don't be like that." I jerk my shoulder up. "Ow! Laceey..." I giggled at Gene's wining. "I just wanted to sleep." I groaned sitting up from the cot stretching out my arms. "Sorry, but it's Ten!" I just shrug. "I like sleeping" Gene gave me a disappointed look " I know you do." I get up and fix the shirt so it was hanging only off one shoulder. I had to were my brawl last night. (Did I spell that right?)  "Come on Lacey I'm taking you out!" Gene announced pulling me out of the room. "Gene!" I pull out of his grip and wait for him to look at me. "Laaaceey" He said in a mocking tone turning to face me. "What?" I just jester up and down at what I'm wearing. "I need different close!" Gene gave an annoyed sigh before dragging me back into his room. "Here" Gene through a black 'Set It Off' T-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a Nave blue hoodie. "Why do you have so many band t-shirts?" I wined. "What, jelly?" "Yeeeessssss! You have t-shirts of all my favorite bands!" I wined falling back on his bed holding up the shirt. Gene let out a chuckle, and left so I could change. Just incase I locked the door.

*Time skip*

   Me and Gene went to Starbucks to get son coffee. When I asked for a moka-fapé the werewolf worker/register guy gave me a weird look. We sat down after getting are drinks. "So why did that guy look at you like that?" Gene asked as we sat down. "Oh well, werewolves aren't supposed to have chocolate, just like your not supposed to give a cat or dog any." I explained. "Then why do you?" Gene asked Slightly worried. "Because... of what happen..." I said not louder than a whisper. "Are you talking about with you mom and dad?" Gene asked not trying to get me upset. I gave a small nod "After my dad started to drink. I started to buy chocolate as a way to harm me, but when my body got used to it I started to cut..." I lift up the sleeve of the hoodie to show Gene the scars. "So that's why you had so many scars?" "Not quite. My dad would get drunk and throw the glass bottles at me, making them shader and cut my deeply. I had to learn how to handle stitching my own wounds..." I felt hot tears role down my cheeks. "Hay, hay, hay." Gene stood up just enough for him to dry my tears. "I'm sorry, I shou-" "No you have every right to cry Lacey, but why didn't you tell me before?" I look down at my untouched moka-fapé, and just shrug "I guess I thought you would just avoid me or overreact" Gene got up and sat next to me and held me in his arms. "Lacey, be honest with me. Did you ever stop cutting?" I felt more tears leave "n-no" I said lower then a whisper. Gene Held me closer, and took in a deep breath "Lacey, look at me" I didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes so I kept my head down, my ears flat on my head. "Lacey..." Gene put both of his hands on one side of my face so I had to look at him, but instead of disappointment, he... was... he was about to cry. "Babe don't cut. Thing may seam dark, but it gets better. If you need someone to talk, even if it's 'girl troubles' you can talk to me. I will always be here for you, so Babe please don't cut..." Gene pulled me into a hug, and started to pet my hair. I didn't mind. I let more tears fall. This is the first time in a long time that someone said they always be there for me. We sat like that for a couple minutes before Gene spoke up "Okay..." Gene pulled me back so I could look at him. He wiped more tears away from my face "...Lets go to the store, get you some close, and just hang out for the rest of the day, sound good?" I gave a slight nod.

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