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   It's been a two weeks, and I thought is was time for me to go back... School ends in a couple weeks. "Got your stuff?" "Ya, I'm going to leave somethings here. I have a feeling I'm going to come here a lot." I said with a small smile. "Oh ya! Before I forget, Here!" I hand Gene a small box. He opens it and holds up a key. I smile "Really?" Gene said with a small smirk. I just nodded "just no Fucking up the place, got it!" I shot at him with a glare. He chuckled and gave me a hug. "Ya ya, pup. Come on let me take you back." Gene said letting go and polling on my hand to follow him.

   We were half why there when a wave a pain hit. "Ugh, fuck" I murmured. Gene held me up so I didn't lose my balance "you okay?" He asked. I nodded and continued walking.

   We got to the front gate and I  gave Gene a quick hug. "Let's hope you're not in too much trouble" Gene said and let me go. I started walking up the hill. Once I got to the door I was bombarded by a hug from Melissa. "Get off" I mumbled. Melissa pulled back and I saw the dried tears on her face. "I would say don't do it again, but I already know you will." She said and gave a small smile. "Where's
Derick?" I asked looking inside. "He's in his office..." Melissa said as I walked in. I walk to his office and knock on the door that was a already open. He looked up, and even he had some tear stains on his face. "Lacey?" "Who else would I be?! Listen I just came over to you to hear that I'm grounded and go up to my room" Derick pulled himself together and stood up. "There's no point in grounding you, you'll just sneak out" "Okay, then tell me do understand why I left, Derick?" I asked looking him strait in the eyes. "What there's another reason, other than-" "OF COURSE THERE'S A REASON!! I WOULDN'T JUST LEAVE MELISSA AND AARON TO BE UPSET AND WORRIED FOR NO-REASON!! And I thought you would art least understand that much" I said and run up to my room. I shut my door my back facing it, and slid down tears falling. I didn't need a mirror to know my eyes were red, the look of fear on Melissa's face when I ran by, and the red glow on the wall said it all.

   I sat there for what felt like an hour, 'til I heard someone stop in front of my door and sat down. "Go away" I mumbled. I heard a chuckle and knew it was Aaron "don't even care who it is, just want me to go away. Well ain't this familiar." Aaron said. "What do you mean?" "When we were real little, you were staying one nigh. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door because my eyes turned. Dad didn't want you to see, but you tried so hard to make me open the door. When I wouldn't, you picked the lock and came in. I was in a corner crying. You saw my eyes and ran to hugged me." "Heh, sounds like me, but I don't remember that" I said and then I heard the click of my door being unlocked. I got up and Aaron opened it pulling me onto a hug. "Please don't ran away again, you dum pup" Aaron said with a tint of sadness in his voice. I hugged back and cried a little more. "I'm sorry for making you and Melissa worry" "you're the youngest, it's are job" Aaron said pulled back and looking down at me with tears in his eyes. "Let's go watch some T.V to get our minds off it, okay?" I nodded and we went to Aarons room to watch Supernatural.

     Yes! I got another chapter out! Also I need to get cot up on Supernatural I am on the tenth season, and I need to catch up!! Sorry if I'm not posting as much. I just have a lot of thing I'm working on. I have a fursuit I'm making, I'm working on my room, I'm working on my cosplay, then I have all my books that are still up and running I'm working on. So I am sorry that I can be posting that much. But with that out of the way, Have a wonderful day and PEACE OUT!

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