...A night with Gene...

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   "I said you're staying the night, I didn't say we were going to stay in my room~" Gene said giving a smirk. My face was burning red!

   Gene grabbed my hand and pulled me to close to him. "So..." He put one of his hands up to my face, gave me a small pet and rested it under me chin to have me look up at him, and continued "... were do you want to go?" I thought for a second and played along with this and rapped my arms around Gene's neck "I don't know, were should we go?" I asked in a bit of a childish voice. Gene rolled his eyes to hide the small tint of pink on his cheeks, and push me off gently. I gave a small chuckle "What's this? Are you blushi-" "Why are you paying that close attention to my face?" Gene said with a smirk. I gave a small pouty-face and then looked away "jerk" I mumbled before feeling someone pick me up, putting me on their shoulders. "Ah! Gene put me down before you hurt your back!" I yelled trying to sound serious, but I couldn't help but laugh remembering he'd do this when we were little kids. "Nah, besides you're perty light" Gene said and started walking. "Where are we going?" I asked resting my head on his. "Well fist the store to get you something other than your uniform to wear, then we're going to the movies, and the rest of the night is unknown" Gene said look up at me with a smile present.

   Once we got to the 'store', more like Hot Topic... Gene finely put me down. I looked around till I found a t-shirt that said 'gothic girls club' on it. I picked it up and showed it to Gene. "I don't care what you get remember I get a discount on whatever I buy." Gene said. "Heh, I keep forgetting you work here" I said with a smile. I grabbed some black suspenders, a black choker/caller, and a blue skirt. Once Gene paid for them I went into the changing room and put them on. "That feels better!" I said walking out of the changing room. Gene smiled "someone's trying to look emo, aren't they?" "Shut up I just like it!" I shot back. "Come on or we'll be late for the movie" Gene said and started to walk off. I followed behind him. "You had this planned, didn't you?" Gene look back at me with a smirk "maybe~" was all he said. 

   Once we got to the movie-theater part of the mall, I looked up at Gene "So, what movie are we watching?" I asked. Gene just pointed to one of the posters. "DETECTIVE PIKACHU!?!" I squealed. "I had got the tickets before hand and I was already going to take you tonight" Gene said with smile. Not a Smirk. A. Real. Fucken. SMILE! I gave another small squeal I've been wanting to see this movie sense I saw the teaser-trailer! (Not joking!) "Okay, calm down pup, or people are going to think I'm baby-sitting you. Come on lets go get some snacks" Gene said grabbing a-hold of my hand and having me walk with him to the line.
    I hate the fact that I'm a little short, okay I'm 5'5 but that's short compared to Gene!... "Hello, and what can I get for you two tonight?" The person asked. "We'll have a large popcorn, two large drinks, one of the cinnamon-bons, and these" Gene said as he put the candy on the counter. "Okay, 45 dollars Total" Gene look at me and my ears lowered a bit "Damn your expensive" Gene said handing the guy a 50 "Your the one who wanted most of the stuff" I shot back at him. The guy laughed a little and handed him his change, and the cups "Thank you, your cinnamon-bons and popcorn will be ready for you right over there" he said pointing to the place next to the soda fountains were. Me and Gene nodded as a way of saying 'thank you' and walked over to the soda fountains. "Here you make my cup while I wait, okay?" Gene asked as he handed me his cup. "Okay" I said and walked over to the soda fountain and got us both poop~si, but mine had no ice. (To me the ice makes it taste bad) "Okay come on were in theater 2" Gene yelled for me. I walked over to him.
    We sat in the every back, you know the best place to sit in a movie-theater. "Here's your fucking chocolate" Gene said dropping the candy on my lap. I give him a closed-eye-smile "thank you" I sad in a childish voice. Gene rolled his eyes and took a sip of if soda.

(I don't want to spoil it so a lil time skip)

   The movie was amazing, man I love Ryan Reynolds!! "Like the movie?" Gene asked with a smile. I just jumped up and down nodding my head "Yeeeeeee!" I squealed. Gene chuckled and put me on his shoulders "If you're going to act like a kid I'ma treat you like one" Gene said and started to walk off. "Okay, so where are we going now?" "It's a secret" I gave a small whimper and laid my head on his again.

   After about an hour of Gene carrying me, we stopped outside of an abandon building. "Okay off you go" Gene said taking me off his back. "Where are we?" I asked Gene looked down at me with a look of disappointment. "What's with that look?!" "I can't believe you can't remember the place were we once went to school" Gene said walking in. "Wait, this is Meteli Elementary?! What happened?!" I yelled looking around. "I fire was started by some kid that thought they owned everything, and because of that he died in the fire..." Gene said looking at all the burn marks and graffiti on the walls. "You sound like you new this kid" "Not really, I just heard about it on the news" Gene said giving me a small smile. "Lets take a walk around" he said holding out his hand. I took his hand and we walked around for a bit. To some this would look creepy at night, but to me it was pretty. "So are we going back to your house after this?" I asked. "Depends, do you want to?" Gene said pulling out some spray-cans that were under some bricks. "You really did have this planed didn't you, hand me one" I said as Gene chuckled tossing me a can.

  Me and Gene were there for awhile till I heard a distant syren. "Umm, Gene we gotta go!" I said picking up his bag if spray-cans and running. I heard Gene's foot steps not that far behind mine. "What fuck! Why ar- Never mind" Gene cut himself off once he heard the syrens. We knew the school pretty well, so it wasn't hard for us to get out. We were laughing the entire way out. Once out we saw police officers at the entrance, as we ran through the woods back to Gene's house.

   "Th-at was fun" Gene said as he collapse onto the grass of his back yard. "Ya, it was" I said falling down next to him. Gene pulled me close to him as we just looked up at the stars. "Can we do that again?" I asked looking up at him. Gene gave a small nod and started pushing himself up. "Come on we as much as I'd like to, we can't sleep out here" Gene said as we both got up and walked inside quietly so no-one woke up. Me and Gene collapse onto his bed and fell asleep.

    Yay! I got this out on time! Idk if you guys noticed but I try to get one chapter out each week.

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