Ein's House?

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   The whole thing about not having an alpha male was starting to get rough... Werewolves have gotten in more fights, luckily only arguing with  humans... Why is that weird to say?  But still they've been getting in trouble more then ever. And the worst part the principal blames me and Aph for there actions. Aph was kinda in the middle of handling in her stress while we were at lunch, while I was drawing. "Lacey, what are we going to do?" I put down my pencil, looked down at her and shrugged. "I don't really know. The only thing I know of is an alpha male, but that going to be hard to find the right person to be an alpha..." I said and continued to draw in my sketch book. "Your right *gasp* What about Werewolf Games!" I looked at her confused "What now?" I closed my sketch book, and just put all of my focuses on her. "Werewolf games, So that way we can have the boys compete to be alpha!" "I'd be lying if I didn't say it was worth a shot-" I lost my train of thought when I saw from behind Aph a werewolf being pushed to the ground. I got up and walked over to see Ein on the ground with a bad bruise on his face. I growled to get the bullies attention. Once they saw me there smug faces went to fear. "Now what did I TELL YOU ABOUT HARMING ANY OTHER WEREWOLF!?" There ears went flat on there head. "Now you don't have to like him, but that doesn't mean you hurt Him!" I growled. I heard one of them give a whimper. "Do I make myself clear!?!" "Yes, Beta!" They yelled. I gave a sighed and patted them on the head "I don't like yelling at people, but I also don't like people picking on other's, especially when us werewolves aren't able to that much because of stuff like this, okay?" I asked softly. They looked down at me and nodded there head. "Good, now go before you get into any more trouble" They fave me one last nod before running off.

   Ein got up from the floor and gave me a hug "thank you" He whispered in my ear. I felt a bit of heat form on my cheeks... "Uh sorry..." Ein let go of me. I looked up at him and saw the bruise. I placed my hand on his cheek. He flinched at my touch. "Sorry, just... Here" I made an ice-pack appear in my hand with magic. Ein stared at me then the ice-pack. I placed it on his bruise "My mom was a witch, and I'm taking Witchcraft class" I said focussing on his bruise. He placed his hand on mine, I stoped at looked up at him "Why do you look sad to say that?" I just looked away and removed my hand from his to have him hold the ice-pack... "My Mom, passed when I was only 7, a year later I lost my dad... Before you ask my mom died from an accident, my dad got abusive so I went to live with my Aunt and Uncle, just to have my Dad die in prison..." Ein was quite for a bit. "I-I'm sorry to hear that... But it wasn't your fault" Ein said and placed a hand on my shoulder before pulling me into another hug. The bell ranged and he let go "You get to class, ya hear!" I said playfully. Ein smiled "Same goes to you, and don't have a mental breakdown. If you do text or call me and I'll be there for you."

(Only one person is going to get why I put that... Okay maybe two)

             ~two days later~

     Me and Aph were sitting in the gym after school taking about what to have them do. We made a few posters. "Well I guess we'll put these up tomorrow. I got to get home and do some Homework" I said and took a couple posters with me to finish. "Okay, See you tomorrow Lacey!" Aph yell to me. I walked out of the Gym and ran into someone dropping the posters. "shit" I mumbled under my breath Starting to pick up the posters. "AH! S-sorry! I-I didn't mean-" As soon as I recognized the voice I cut him off "It's okay Ein" I looked up at him with a smile. Ein held out him hand, which I took and he helped me up. "Thanks, but what are you doing here?" "Dad forgot to pick me up, so I thought I stay and get a bit of help in math" Ein was lying about something. "We have the same math class, and you do really well in it" I said. Ein just shrugged with a bit of blush on his cheeks. " *sigh* Well I have to get home and do my homework, see you tomorrow" I said and started to walk off. "Wait! Okay I just wanted to see if you'd like to come over to my house... and hang out" Ein look away and blushed. "Well... I guess it wouldn't if I came over, just as long as I can do some work. Ok?" Ein nodded.

    Man I'm glad I still have the house to myself.

   Me and Ein stopped at what I guessed was his house. He opened the Door and there in the kitchen was ZACK!.. As soon as I walked in behind Ein, he called me out "You must be Lacey, the betta of school. Ein says a lot of great things about you" He came up to he and held out his hand I took it an firmly shook it, like I would when I was a kid. We let go and I looked at Ein to see his face a little red "You talk about me?" Ein jumped and put his hands up in defence "All good things I swear!" I heard Zack Laugh from behind me "more then just good things" Zack said  laughing walking off. He seamed like he was just wanting to be a father... Which I think that's something I missed when I was little... "Lacey, lets head to my room, okay?" Ein's face was far more red. I swear if he turned any redder he'd become a tomato. "Leave the foot open!" Zack yelled after us. "Y-Yes Sir!" Ein yelled still embarrassed. We go up to his room and I set the posters down in the corner of the room along with my other stuff. Wow! His room hasn't changed! He stills has the wolf painting I made! "Oh, i forgot were I got that" Ein said noticing my stare... Did he make him forget everything about me?

   Ein Helped me finish the posters and we both worked on are homework. I'll be honest, I reminded me of when we were in JR High... I explained what Aph's idea was with the whole 'Werewolf games', and he said he would help. I check my phone to see what time it is to see it was almost 8... "What time is it?" Ein said looking over my shoulder, in other words laying on top on me 'cause we were on the floor. "*sigh* time for me to start heading home" I said pushing myself up. Ein decided to go fucking dead wait while still on me. "I don't want you to leave... Don't you think you could stay the night?" I looked at Ein and seeing the bit of blush on his face and how cute he looked made me blush a little. "Maybe this weekend, okay?" Ein smiled and got off of me "Okay" "careful or I'll start calling to pup" I said laughing. I grabbed my stuff and walked down stairs with Ein behind me. "See ya tomorrow, Ein" I said and gave him a hug. Ding hugged back "see ya".

   The walk home was quite and calming. I walked into the house and locked the door behind me. I walked up stair to my room, grabbed some clothes and took a shower. I got out, got dressed, and walked into my room...

   Just to see Gene sitting there.on my bed???
"What The Fuck" I said


  HELLO! So how is everyone? Good? Okay don't lie...

  Anyways so Idk when I'm going to post next, but I should have a new chapter out in 6-17 days😁😜 Like I said I have no clue when.

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