What is happening

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   Detention was finely over. I ran up to Aaron and gave tackled him "Hi!" "Lacey let go..." Aaron said annoyed. "Nope! You've been grumpy all week, so I get to chere you up!" I said happily. Aaron just sighed and started to walk home. "Nope" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my motorcycle. I got on and patted the spot behind me "Sit!" Aaron got on and held onto me. "I still don't trust you on this thing" He mumbled as I started it. "Here baby" I said handing him a helmet. "Safer?" He just nodded. I kicked up the kick-stand and round off to home. Once we got there Melissa was out side warring for us. "You give him a ride?!" She yelled as I pulled into the drive-through. "You're too scared to get on anyways!" I yelled back at her. She just huffed and walked back inside. I could hear Aaron chuckle from behind me "She has good reason to be scared to get on with you. You go too fast" Aaron said walking in front of me and patting my head. "Hay!" I yelled and jumped onto his back. Aaron ran inside with me onto his back and into his room, throwing me onto his bed. Aaron feel down next to me smiling, something I haven't seen from him in a while. "So what do you want to do-"        "AARON! LACEY! DOWN HERE NOW!" I heard uncle Derek yell from down stairs... Both mine and Aaron's smile faded as we got up and walked down stairs. "I heard that you two were in detention again! Not only that but Lacey I heard you got mad and punched a wall and made it crack! Care to explain?" I just shrugged. "Gene" I said simply. I couldn't care less about how mad Derek was at this point. "That's not a reason!" he yelled. Aaron looked at me worried. "Oh really then why is your tie undone?" "why you looking there." I shoot back. "Your Eyes Turned didn't they?!" Derek yelled. I just turned away and started to walk away. I felt someone grab my wrist I look behind me to see it was Aaron "Lacey, please you'll only make it worse" Aaron whispered. I just sighed. "Well maybe if you didn't make us so isolated from the world then they wouldn't! And don't you dare say 'it's for are own good', 'You don't understand', or 'We have to listen to you because you're a adult'! I'm sick and tired of hearing it!" I yelled. Derek's eyes widen, and so did Aaron's. I could see out of the corner of my eye that my weren't red, but instead a green light coming from my hands...? I looked at them scared. I felled to my room, slamming it my door shut, and locking it. I curled into a ball on my bed, and started to cry. "What is happening... I don't know any magic!" I cried to my self. I heard my phone go off to see it was Gene.

Gene- Hay you want to meat me at the park?

Lacey- Y-Ya...

Gene- Are you okay?...

Lacey- Can we talk about it at the park?

Gene- Ya, see you there...

   I turned my phone off and climbed out the window. I ran to the park tears stained on my face. Once I got there I saw Gene by the bridge, and ran as fast as I could to him. I ran right into his arm crying onto his shoulder. "L-Lacey... Shhh. I'm right here just tell me what's going on." he said with concern in his voice, and softly petting my hair.

      After I explained what happened with my uncle. With the whole me yelling, green light coming from my hands, and not knowing any magic. Me and Gene were sitting next to the small river. Gene let out a small chuckle "not to seam mean. you probably don't remember, but when you were about two you would make things float and scare Dante to death. You've always been able to use magic" Gene laughed. I looked up at him and smiled a little. I hug him "Thank you, Gene" I whispered feeling a bit tired. "You can fall asleep on me if you want" Gene said setting me on his lap, and petting me. I could feel myself falling asleep, and before I knew it I was asleep.

     Hope you people enjoyed this chapter, and sorry for people who live in the US and I know it's late here. But thanks for Reading and I'll see you guys in the next Chapter!

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