Going Home

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   "Come and pick already, Lacey" Gene was whining while I was picking out a band shirt. "Buuut, I like all of them!" I said as I pointed to ever single one. "Name the first one that comes to your head, Go!"  "Uhhh, MCR!" Gene grabbed The MCR T-shirt. "Okay, that's what you get then" I nod and we walk up the cash register, I had gotten a black leather skirt, the MCR T-shirt, and black suspenders. "Okay here, go change" Gene said handing me the bag with the close in it. "Okay" I took the bag and ran into the girls bathroom to change. After I put it on I run out and give Gene the bag that now had the close he let me wear in it. I had the t-shirt tucked in my skirt, and had the suspenders clipped on my skirt and over my shoulders. I left my hair down. "You look like a weeb." I just twirled and giggled. "And...? I am!" I said giving a closed eye smile. Gene chuckled, put a hand on my shoulder, and whisper in my ear "~I never said it was a bad thing~" He moved back, keeping his hand on my shoulder, with a smirk. "Your a jerk!" I pout like a child. Gene's smirk only widen "Ya, but you love me" I just rolled my eyes "ya,ya, we'll go with that."

Melissa's POV

   Lacey still isn't back yet, and it's already 12:15. I hope she's at Gene's house, I thought as I got into my car and headed to the house. Once I get there, I get out of my car and nocked on the door. It open, and I see and boy who was maybe around 15 or 16, blue hair, blue eyes, taller than me, and a green hoodie. "Uhh, may I help you..?" I heard 'yelp' that sounded all to familiar. "Her, I've come to get Lacey." I said slightly cold. "Yo! Dude! It's time for your girlfriend to leave!" the boy yelled. The one I knew as Gene came down the stairs with Lacey obviously behind him. "Come on, you can't stay here forever" Gene said with a hint of annoyance. "I can, and I will" Lacey said peaking out from behind him. "Lacey you come home or I'll start Shi-" "FINE!" she yelled her face clouded with red blush. "Let me get my stuff." Lacey ran up the stairs. "I'm going to make sure she's getting her stuff" Gene said and shut the door.

Lacey's POV

     I ran up stairs, grave my stuff and opened the window. "You don't want to do that, Lacey" I froze and turn to see Gene leaning on the door frame.        "H-how di-" " 'cause I know you" he said bluntly. Gene walked up to me and put his hands on my hips, "you really think I wouldn't know what you were going to do?" My face turned red of embarrassment. "Ummm..." "heh,heh, I know you all too well Lacey" Gene chuckled. "Fine, I'll go home. But as soon as I get there I'm coming back to hang out!" I said with a smirk. "I'm cool with that" Gene said and patted my head. I gave a slight growl. "What it didn't bug you before~" I let out a grown of annoyance. Gene led me down the stairs. "Hang on one second" I hand Gene my bag, and ran to punched Dante in the arm "ME AND YOUR BROTHER ARE NOT DATING!" Dante fell on the ground holding his arm. I could her Gene snicker. I walked back over to him. "Was that necessary" Gene ask handing my stuff. I nod my head yes "you know he deserves it" I say and walk to the door. I take a deep breath and open it. "LACEY!" It took me a second, but I knew it was Melissa
, hugging me... "Melisssaaaaa... You know I don't do hugs" I whined. She let go of me. "You better hurry I told Dad that you where home a hour a go!" She said starting to pull me. I mouthed 'Help Me' to Gene. All he did was smirk and yell "Nah, I think you got this one!" I growled at him.

             ~TINY TIME SKIP~

     Once we get through the door Melissa bombarded me with so many questions at once! "Why did you run away Lacey, Lacey are you even lessening to me?!" I look up from my daze and at Melissa. "What? Oh, I don't really know, okay" I said and started to head up stairs to my room. "Lacey" Melissa wined. I turn around "What?" I snap. I wasn't in the mood to talk I wanted to be alone, but my cuz just couldn't let that happen. "I covered for you so you owe me" "No.I.Don't. Melissa how times do I clean up your mess?! I'd think of this more as 'I just paid you back' instead of 'Hay now you owe me'" I said and continued heading to my room. I don't really snap at Melissa like that, but I just wanted to be alone. "Lets see, Melissa said she told Derick I came home, so in other words They already left on their business trip..." I said walking into my room and flopping onto my bed. "*sigh*, Hmm, maybe Ein would like to hang out today" I pick up my phone and start texting him.

(Hello!! Hope you like the chapter, and I've seen that I have more readers then I thought I would! Thank you for reading my stuff. It really makes me happy, and makes me want to continue the story more!)

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