What is going on?!

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   "Oh my Irene, did you hear? The Alphas are dating!!!""Are you serious?! That awesome!". "Man, it's been so long since the Alphas have been a thing".  It's been all I've heard all to day, I know Aph doesn't like Ein, she likes Kai, it didn't take an expert to see that. And even if they were a thing, that would be really really wrong, even if they don't know.

   Gene had came to hang out with me and his gang for lunch today and they all just let me rant about this. Gene was the only one who really understood what was going on, he took werewolf class freshman and sophomore year so he could understand me a little more. "Okay hang on, they're half siblings and don't know it?!" Zenix yelled like normal. "Yep, her Dad cheated on her mom and had another kid. I knew both families after middle school" "why don't you just tell them?" "It's not my place to tell them, and as far that her mom is concerned she doesn't want anything to do with her ex husband" I had to keep from using names because werewolves can get really nosie. Gene picked me up and held me up side-down! "G-Gene! I have a skirt on!" I yelled keeping my skirt up. "Oh come on you have shorts on your fine" "Put me dooooooowwwwnnn!!!!!!" I whined. Gene made so my legs were around him and pulled me up. "I like this a lot more anyways~" Gene said and sat down with me on his lap. Teachers don't say shit to us about this because they know Gene and his gang, we won't do anything too inappropriate, that and I'm a werewolf so they don't even try. Gene buried his head in my neck and let out a soft sigh "you okay?" "Yeah, online college is a pain tho" "Your mom is still making you do that?" Gene look up at me for a second then rested back on my shoulder "Yeah, she said I need to take the online one because going to a real school cost too much and we don't have the money for that, and before you try, no you're not gonna help me with payments" I let a sigh "do you want me to help you with your work?" "No, just focus on your problems for now, okay?" "Okay" I agreed and lied my head on his shoulder.

  I walked down the hall to werewolf club to hear yelling, this was normal so I didn't think much of it til I got to the door to see Aph yelling at Ein. "Deal" Ein said and walked off. "Aph what did you two just make a deal on?!" "The werewolf games are back on! If Ein wins I have to become his girlfriend, but If I win Ein becomes the omega again and which ever other guy werewolf wins becomes the new Alpha male!" Aph was determined, but I was worried. "Aph You can't beat a werewolf! You're human! Werewolves are faster and stronger, no amount of training is gonna change that" Aph keep her determination tho.


  I finally had motivation to wright a chapter! Idk when I'll make a new one tho.

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