Nightmare, And Home Alone

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    *Why is it always dark?* I look around and only see That asshole again. "What the hell do you want! I've already told you I don't have this God Damn book you keep going on about!" I yelled already annoyed by seeing him. "Now, now Lacey. I know you don't have it, but I've also said that you will get it!" At this point we were just yelling back and forth. Kinda like children.

   "ENOUGH!" Some force through to to a wall I didn't even know was there! I ground out of pain, but started to chuckle. "What the hell is so funny!" Michele growled. "Nothing, just the fact that how we act towards each other never changed" I was dropped to the ground. "Let me make this clear! When you get the book you give it to ME! If you don't trust me you'll regret it more then you regret being bron!" and with that he was gone and all I could see was blood... My blood, and above me was Ein with a knife and looked like he was going to cry. "You'll never know what it's like, to love someone and then not be able to help! Not be able to help because someone has been controlling you sense you could walk! Not being able to help them when they need it the most!... And not being able to stop yourself from killing them..." He bent down and kissed my cheek. I couldn't move, I was frozen crying. "I love you, but I can't control myself... Please help me if you can" Was the last thing he whispered before plugging the knife into my gut and twisting it. The pain was worst then I could imagine... But it wasn't the pain from the knife, it was the pain of my heart shattering as the knife hit it.

    "LACEY!" Melissa ran into my room after I woke up screaming. I curled into a ball and started crying. "Lacey, hey, Shhh. It was just a dream" I'm not much for being comfort, but I was glad someone was there for me. I didn't say anything and just stayed there crying. "Want me to make you some tea?" Melissa said as pulled back just enough to see me nod my head. "Okay, you should get up, its 6:30. You have to head to school in a bit." "I don't want to go today, not after that dream..." I mumbled just loud enough for Melissa to hear. "Okay, but I have to go somewhere for a couple of days, so house is to yourself till I get back." Melissa said and walk out of my room. I got up and sat on my window-seal. My phone gave a small 'ding' telling me someo e texted me. I look to see who it was, and it was surprisingly Ein!

E- h-hey, I was wondering if you could help me out in class today... 

L- why do you sound so shy... Know what nevermind. Sorry I'm not going to school today, don't feel well.

E- Oh!😨 I didn't except you to be up so early. Heh😄 I guess that's just a perk of being beta, huh? Anyways hope you feel better.

L- Thanks, and if any one starts to pick on you give me a call and put me on speaker, okay?

E- Okay, now get some rest.

L- you're not the boss!😂

E- I could be though. I'm a buff boi! *puffs out chest in a funny way*

L-😂😂😂 OMI!! You're so dumb. But it's a good thing. You made me laugh.

E-😁 okay well I gotta go, Dad's yelling for me to get breakfast.

L- Okay, ttyl

   I put my phone down and walk down stairs to the kitchen to see Melissa with two cups of tea made. "I was going to bring it up to you, but ok" I rolled my eyes and took my cup. "So what time are you leaving?" I asked as I blew on my tea before taking a sip. "In about an hour, and if you get lonely just have you friend Gene come over" Melissa said. "What not going to say 'boyfriend' this time?" I said giving her a quick glance. "Nah your stressed enough, besides I know you two have know each other for a long time. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop teasing you about it. I'm just not today." Melissa said and walked up to her room. When I was done with my tea I put the cup in the sink and walked up to my room. I look at my phone to see Gene texted.

G- Something in my gut tells me you're not okay right now. What's wrong? Did you have one of those nightmares again? I swear you need to go see someone about those.

L- Fist off, Fuck you. I'm okay not going to see someone. And ya... Its was pretty bad... I cloud feel the physical pain from it.

G- want me to come over. I know you not going to school after that kind of nightmare.

L- how the hell do you know me so well!?! And please! I don't want to be alone right now. Melissa's leaving for a couple days and I'm going to be home... ALONE!

G- Okay I'll start heading over after I get dressed.


   I lied down in my bed and fell asleep.

   "She's asleep" "I can see that" "anyways I gotta get going, don't do anything. You would do if-" "if you were here? Trust me Lacey's fine, now go before you're late for what ever it is you're doing" I felt some one lay down next to me and head me close. "Hey, pup. It's time to wake up" I opened my eyes and look up at Gene with the most tired resting bitch-face ever. Gene brushed back the hair in front of my face, and rested his hand on my cheek. I nuzzled him a little and started to close my eyes. "Nope, come one were going to watch some YouTube, Netflix, and other random shit" I smiled and sat up cuddling into his chests. Gene put his arm around me, and put on vines.

   After about an hour or so... I started to get hungry. I looked up at Gene "I'm hungrwy" I said in my little child voice. Gene stretch out his arms, gently pushed me off him, and got up. "What do you want to eat?" I thought for a moment and said "sushi" Gene just chuckled and called one of my favorite places to get fresh sushi. "30 minutes? Okay, thank you" Was all I picked up from what gene was saying, just because I went off into my own little world. "Okay, so we have 30 minutes, and don't ask me how much it cost I'm paying. You just need to relax." Gene said, I gave a nod and got up. I walked down stairs and sat on the couch.

   We just played games and ate sushi all day, and Gene stayed the night to make sure I was alright.


   Hello so I'm going to try to post one chapter every other week. Also I now have my YouTube and Tik Tok to a pretty good place so if have or are wanting to do Fan art of Lacey just Tag me on Tik Tok or here! Or If you a bit of an animator like me. Post it on YouTube and put "Cursed Werepup" so I can find it. Or you can just put "Lacey Lycan Fan art" which ever you want.

This is mine. Also a bit of a early sneak peak of her in mss6.

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