Werewolf School Starts

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(yes Ein is in this but pleas NO HATING MY LITTLE MUFFIN!! I'm sorry, I'm just relay attached to him, so pleas no hate on him :'} pleas)

"LACEY GET DOWN HERE! NOW!" My uncle yelled. I ran down stairs and see Aaron with his bags his packed packed for military school. I ran to him and gave him a hug making him drop his bags, and hugging back. " I'll miss you Aaron." said with a small tear. " you be safe pup, and don't you worry I'll be back before you know it" I looked up at him ,and lightly punched him "you better, or you'll regret it" I said jokingly. I could hear Melissa laugh a little. " have fun at that all werewolf school." Aaron said letting go and heading out the door. I rolled my eyes "don't remind me" said fallowing him. Everyone waited till the bus was out off site but I stayed till my aunt Rachel called me in. I ran up to my room to see one of Aaron's hoodies and note

Hey, Lacey

I know you really like this hoodie of MINE , even tho I have so many. I also know that if I didn't give it to you would go into my room and steal it. any ways here it's your's now. I hope you were it. 8D

Love, Aaron

"ugh, that face! but thanks " I said quietly to myself, and put it on.

"1..2..3.. 1 2 3. I've been felling so small watch the clock tick of-" "thank you alarm." I said sarcastically getting up to get dressed. I put on black ripped jeans, a nave blue tang top,a black choker with a wolf charm ,and a pair of black knee high boots. I grabbed the hoodie Aaron had given to me and throne it on. I ran down stair to see Melissa tried to make French toast. She must of heard me because ran over to me and shoved a burnt peace of French toast in my mouth. I did my best not to spit it out. I cough a couple times before grabbing a glass of malk.


I'm sorry)

"come on it wasn't that bad... was it?" I glared at Melissa "yes, yes it was Melissa. THIS.." I pointed to all the burnt French toast "IS WHAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME YOU COOK!" I yelled. "meany" Melissa muttered. I let out a sigh and left to start heading to school. " well a 'bye' to you t-" I had already shut the door before Melissa could finish that sentence.

Once I got to school what my uncle said raced though my head 'stay out of any packs. that means NO friends, boy-girlfriend, only ales' "man this years going to suck now" I whispered heading to the front of the school. "hay you omega!" I looked over to see a boy with dark brown hair, bark blue eyes, black jeans, dark grey ears and tail, and a dark purple leather jacket. "ugh, great not even inside yet and already being claimed as the omega." I mumbled. "hay, you alright" I looked in front of me to see a boy with black hair with a blue highlight, silver blue eyes, dark blue ears and tail, blue jeans, and a black hoodie. "ya, but it's none of your concern" I said pushing past him, but he grabbed my arm. I looked back at him with a p.o look on my face " look I'm just trying to help." "and I'm just trying to get to my first period class, is that alright with you?" I said ,jerked my arm out of his grip, continued to walk to class. I got to first period and sat in the vary back. "hello again." I looked over to see the same boy I basically told to screw off sit next to me. I lightly banged my head on the desk " you got o be kidding me" I mumbled. "what don't like me?" I looked at him "Lacey..." I said holding out my hand. he shook it "Ein, nice not to get a smart mouth comet" I gave a small smirk "don't be so sure about that, blueberry" I said right before the teacher came in so he couldn't say anything back. I lad back in my seat and gave Ein a bigger smirk as he growled at me. The day so far was boring, but it was finely time for lunch. I walked into the cafeteria, and as so as I got in their someone pushed me into the wall. I gasped trying to catch my breath "awe, what's the matter did the omega lose some air" I opened my eyes slightly, and gave a small smirk. " I'd put me down unless- ugh" The damn jerk punched me in the gut "unless what? what could a small little omega like you possibly do to Me?! The Alpha!" I chuckled a little "well theirs this..." I kneed him were the sun doesn't shine, and punched him in dead in the face. He got up from the floor and went to punch me again, but I grabbed his hand and started to twist. I could tell he was trying not to yell. By now their was a crowd of students and teachers surrounding us. "Beg me me stop." I growled squeezing his hand and kneeling next to him as he was now laying on the floor trying to get out of my grip. "Beg, and I'll stop " I coued. I mad sure to keep my eyes under control, so their wasn't an accident. I could hear him start to whimper not wanting to give up. "I can stay like this all day, but your arm on the other hand..." I twisted him arm further back, and I knew it was about to snap. "ALRIGHT! alright, I give! just pleas let go..." he had some tear rolling down his face. I let out a sigh and let go of him, but not after throwing him out the window. "you should have pleaded earlier" I growled taking a seat. "EVERYONE PLEAS SIT BACK DOWN!" one of the teachers yelled obviously not caring about what just happen. "remind me not to get on your bad side." I looked over and smiled to see Ein. "Hi, blueberry." Ein sighed annoyed "do you have to call me that, Alpha" I felt my face heat up "d-did you j-just call m-me A-Al-Alpha?!" Ein gave me a smirk "what don't like it, alpha?" with any other person I would have punched them by now! BUT all I did was blush more, and curl into a ball. "jerk" I mumbled. "here you should eat." I popped my head out of my little ball to see Ein gave me half his sandwich. "thanks, just pleas don't c-call me that." I said starting to eat the sandwich. " why? your now the Alpha of the school, 'cause you did just beat the crap out the past Alpha" I leaned my head back "oh ya, I just thought of it as defending myself" Ein gave me a small smile. "what?" "nothing, have you not had a friend give you a smile ?" Ein asked smiling more. 'huh, I guess I really haven't had some one to talk to in awhile. I haven't talked to Gene. I usually talk to my mom, but ever sense she passed I always kept everything in... ' I got lost in thought trying not cry in front of Ein. "Oh? I-I didn't know Lacey" Ein gave me a hug to calm me down, and for some reason I let my tears fall. "Ein, I'm fine just, a thought that came to my head that's all" I said giving him a small smile.

(Wow I finished this all in one day , well I'll try to have chapter three out next week. Oh ya i like to say sorry for a relay lat post. okay that's all for now, bye)

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