D+D with the shadow knights

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I was in detention, again, when Gene walked up and sat next to me. "Hay Lacey" "what do you want Gene?" I said looking down and continuing to draw in my sketchbook. "Well, me and the others were going to be playing D and D at my house, and I was wondering if you would like to play as well." I looked up at him trying not to squeal. "I'll take you face as a yes" I just nodded violently. "Okay after this... meet up at my house" Gene said right before the teacher woke up.

   Once detention was over Me and Gene walked out to the parking lot. "Well I see your 'baby' is still in the shop, so want a ride from my mom?" he said pointing over to his mother waving at us. That lady thinks we've been dating sense I was in kindergarten! "Ugh... Sure" I said already regretting what I just did. Gene grabbed my hand and pulled me to fallow. "Hay mom, it's a right his Lacey get a ride, right?" Gene asked. "Oh sure honey, just remember we have mother, son dance class today." Gene's mother said in her little country accent of hers'. I giggled "were at?" Gene shot his head at me "why does it madder?!" "'Cause I may go to the same place..." I said with smirk. "Oh we go to the one right up the street." "Mom!" I giggled "So you do go to the same one" Gene let out an annoyed sigh and gave me a slight push "just get in" I got in the back with Gene sitting next to me. "Lacey you want me to take you to the gate or up to your house?" Gene's mom asked me as she started the car. "To the gate is fine, thank you." I said pulling out my phone and texting my uncle...

Lacey- can I hang out at Gene's tonight?

Derick- What for

Lacey- to play a game

Derick- What game

Lacey-  -_- Dungeons and Dragons...

Derick- Fine but be back at 12!

Lacey- have you ever played?! D and D takes a long time to play! Don't you think I could stay the night?

Derick- I'm not debating this with you over the phone! Discuss this with me when you gay home

Lacey- So now

   I text once I got out of the car, and thanked Gene's mom for the ride. I open the gate and walk up the hill to the grunt door opening it. Derick was in his office when he called for me. "Lacey!" I just walked to the door and stood in the die frame. "So, can I?" I asked. Derick already seemed annoyed with me. "It doesn't madder what I say you're going to go ether way" He said not looking up from his work. "As long as you come back before one tomorrow, You can go" My eyes lit up (not in that way) "Thank you!" I yelled in a fan-girly voice running up to my room to get ready.

    I heard a knock on my door. I didn't need to look up to know it was Aaron. "Where are you going?" "Gene's to play D'nD, and sleep over" I said still getting stuff together. "D'nD with other people other than Me and Melissa? Wow you really are a nerd" Aaron said walking over to see what I was brining. "*sigh* you're going as Russell again..."  *pick above* I just nodded and through on my cloak on that I made to look like him. "Like always!" I said and zipped up my bag. I got down stairs to see Melissa with my camera. "Lacey will you please do a live stream on you channel of you guys playing D'nD?" Melissa wined? I chucked "Sure, that is if Gene and the rest are okay with it that is" I said and headed out. "Aaron" Derick called from behind. I stopped and turned around. "Walk with Lacey" He said simply. "Yes, sir" Aaron said and walked up to me. "Come on, Dum pup" He said with a small smirk. I gave a playful growl "jerk" I mumbled. On the way to Gene's I stopped by Aph's. Now, now, I didn't do it because Aaron was with me. I did it because left her sketchbook for art at school. I ring the door bell. "I got it mom!" I heard Aph's voice yell from inside. The door opened for me to see the short potato. "Lacey?! What are you doing here?" "Heh heh, you left your sketchbook at school, and sense I was heading to Gene's, I figured I drop it off." I said with a smile. "Oh okay, thank you" Aph said as she took it from my hands. "See you Monday" I said walking away. I see Aaron still at the curb, standing there. "I know you sneak out to see her, but that's not the reason I stopped here" "Didn't think so, I could see you just gave her back her book." Aaron said a continued to walk. "Hay! Genius! You're going the wrong way" I said pointing the other way.

    Once I got Gene's house Dante answered the door. "Yo! Gene your girlfriend is here!" he yelled. I could here Aaron laughing a little, and he knows how long I have been dealing with this. "Bye" I said to Aaron as he turned around and walked away.

    Okay so I really wanted to get a chapter out so here do t worry there is going to be a Part 2. So don't freak out. Thank you for reading and for the 452 READS!!! OMI THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THAT!

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