Anime, Cuddles, And A Sick Lacey?

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"What. The. Fuck."

  "Why not?" Gene got up and walked up to me. "I mean you didn't return my texts or call, so I should come and make sure your okay, and not... Well ya know." Gene said and took my wrist in his hands gently. I looked away, then looked back up at him "Hay I haven't done anything like that for awh-" "A year" Gene said cutting me off. "A year doesn't mean shit if you you get stuck..." "Okay, first of all, The reason I didn't respond to you was because I was at a friend's house, and we were working on these" I said walking over to the posters and showed them to him. "And I kept my phone off so I didn't get a text from my Uncle or cuz." I said placing and hand on his shoulder. "You know sometimes I swear you act like an overprotective boyfriend, or dad" I said and sat on my bed grabbing my computer from my desk. Gene rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. "maybe I want to be your's" "huh?" I asked, not hearing what he said, and looked up at Gene. He just shook his head "nothing" He sighed. He just looked at my computer screen to see what I was doing. I had gone onto my editing app and worked on a speed paint for my YouTube.

                  (Yes this is mine)

  I stretched my arms and yelled in victory! "Finely Done! I was afraid I wasn't going to get a video up to day, Well I guess night now" I said with a small yawn. Gene chuckled and put his arms around me, pulling me close. "How about we watch Assassination Classroom" Gene said as he took my computer into his lap.

   After about two hours of watching it, I started to get more sleepy. "Here" Gene grabbed the blankets and pulled them up more to cover me. "I'm *yawn* tired not cold" I said and cuddled closer to him still watching the anime.

    I woke up in the middle of the night do to felling cold but hot at the same time. I felt something burning in my throat, I knew that felling, I got up and ran to the bathroom. I leaned over the Toilet and puked. Gene came in not long after and held my hair while rubbing my back. I gave a couple of coughs and wiped my mouth. "Let me see you forehead" I turned to Gene and flinched as how cold his hand felt. "You burning up. I'll go make you some tea..." Well at least that the great thing about being the only one that uses the coffee pot, you can put it in your room. I walked back to my room with a bit of Gene's help... In other words he picked me up, but I didn't care. I was to tired too. Gene lied me down on my bed. "Here, now how the hell did you get sick?" Gene muttered after giving me a cup of tea. I shrugged and took a sip. "It be easier to take care of you at my house so I'd know were things were, but I live kinda far from here. That and it's past 12..." Gene said and sat down besides me. "Well if it's easier... Wait- OOOOH FUUUUUUUUCK!" I groaned remembering something. "What?" "My Dis Melissa is supposed to be home by tomorrow..." "well I guess we'll be fine. She should know how to take care of you, right" Gene said with a small laugh. I was starting to get tiered again and curled up onto Gene's lap. He chuckled and laid down with me laying on his chest. I soon past out.

  I woke up to someone opening and closing the door. I sat up just to have Gene make me lay back down. "No you need to rest" "No, I need to make sure my cuz doesn't think anything happened here"(if you know, you know) Gene gave a nod and pulled his shirt on over his head. "When did you take that off?" "last night while you slept. Your body heat got really warm" I stood up and when out to the top of the stairs and looked down at Melissa. "Lacey!? What are you doing home?!" "Came down with a fever and Gene came over. He's still on my room" I whispered tired. Melissa put her hand on my forehead "Lacey, you should be laying down" "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" "I'm gonna kill him, I swear" I whispered and walked back to my room. Gene was sitting on my bed like he was a little innocent boy. "Come on, you know you need to rest" Gene said as he held his arms open. I walked over to him and fell face first on my bed. I could hear Melissa giggle. "Okay, I need to catch up on sleep. No funny business got it?" I just put a thumbs up and put my hand back down. Gene chuckled and lied down right on top of me, I let out an annoyed groan. "Get off me, you fat fuck" "you know what, sure, but only if listen" I gave a groan, Gene rolled off me and pulled me into his arms. "Just get some sleep. I'll make sure you cuz doesn't do anything" Gene said as I just laid my head down on him and drifted off. 

     Ya sorry this was short and boring promise the next chapter will be better than this and something will actually happen

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