Little problems

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      "G-Gene?!" He turns around, with a shocked expression. "Lacey what are you doing out here, and why are you dressed up like Yandere~can?" I had tear stains on my face, and no doubt that my costume ripped by a couple branches. "Gene, c-can I stay at    y-your house for the night. I know I haven't talked or seen you in a while, bu-" I got cut off by Gene giving me a hug. "Your always welcome, Lacey." I couldn't speak, all I could do was cry and hug Gene back. "Hay, everything is alright, but you'll have to tell me what happened when we get to my house" I nodded in response.

{Time skip to Gene's house}

  Gene let me were one of his MCR (My Chemical romance)   t-shirts. "G-Gene is-isn't this a bit big on me?" the shirt went all the way down to my thighs, but still showed them. Not only that but part of the caller was hanging over my shoulder. "Nah, if anything it makes you look..." Gene trailed off trying to think of a word. "Hmm, I don't know..." A smirk grew on Gene's face. "~Sexy~" Gene purred. I stood frozen from embarrassment. "G- GENE! NO!" I yelled, my face burning red. "Oh, come on..." Gene walked up to me and put an arm around my shoulders. "I'm a teenaged boy, with a girl in my room, what did you expect me to say?" Gene purred rubbing my shoulder. I started to get uncomfortable, and I usually end up biting someone. I tensed up to show I was getting uncomfortable. "Geene? What are you doing to Lacey?" I looked over, and the fist time ever was I glad to see Dante. "Ugh, really Dante?" Gene said annoyed. "What? Look I know you li-" Dante was cut off Gene knocking him upside the head. "SHUT UP! NO I DON'T!" Gene yelled. I tilted my head in confusion "What was that about?" I asked after Gene slammed his door shut. His face seamed to have a tent of red. "Nothing, just Dante being noise.." Gene practically growled. "Are you sure? It didn't seam like 'nothing'" I said slightly concerned. Gene let out a sigh and moved his gaze from the door to me, but still with his back facing me. "Ya, I'm sure" he growled. "Besides..." Gene turned to me and walked to my side. "You're the one who should be worried." My face turned a tad red "W-Why?" 'oh Irene help me now, 'cause if he's talking about what I think he is then...' Gene got close to my face "'Cause you have some explaining to do" I blushed more from embarrassment of what I was thinking. I gave a slight whimper. "Well...?" "Umm, Well, y-you see..."

{Time Skip}

   I explained why I was in the woods, why I was dressed like Yandere~can, and why I had cried. I heard Gene laugh a little. "W-what's so funny?!" we were sitting on his bed. "Well it seems to me that you..." he paused, booped my nose, and continued " little pup, seem to have a little fish on this 'Ein' guy" Gene said as my face turned 50 shades of red! "WHAT! NO I DON'T!!!" I yelled in protests. "Are trying to convents me, or yourself?" Gene laughed more. "Both" I mumbled. "Heh, wait Lacey this is your first crush right?" I nodded in response. He put an arm around me as I lade my head on his shoulder and mumbled something, but I could still here. "Why him?" The door bust open and Gene's mother was right there "Alright you two love birds time for bed!" she yelled in a fangirling voice. Me and Gene looked at each other then at her "WE'RE NOT DATING!" We yelled at the same time. She ran out of the room calling for Gene's dad to get the camera. I pushed Gene off me and lade down on the cot Gene let me use. "Night pup" I flicked Gene off and closed my eyes to sleep.

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