Party at Aph's?

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   I was hanging out with Gene and the other two when I got a text from Kaitlynn.

    'Hay Aph's throwing a party at her house tonight, to celebrate the last day of school! Hope to see you there!'

   Gene read it from over my shoulder. "Huh, that doesn't sound like the K- Ugh!" I elbowed him before he could call Aph kitty. "1.) you're right that doesn't sound like Aph, and 2.) What have I told you about calling her Kitty!?" I yelled. Gene gave me a small smirk "Oh, but you don't care when I call you pup?" He asked grabbing my chin. I slapped his hand away "That's because you've been calling me that sense I was born." I said not looking at him. "Oh ya, it being the last day of school. Lacey there's something I need to ask you" I looked up at him then at Sasha and Zenix, but they looked just as confused as I did. "Well I'm not going to be here next year, so I need someone to watch over those two" Gene said pointing to Sasha and Zenix. "In other words you need someone to take you spot as the leader of the Shadow Nights, and you want me to be it?" I asked. Gene's smirk grew "I knew you smart" He said and patted my head. "But why her?!" Zenix yelled, Sasha smacked him up side the head "Shut up, you're going to mess up my ship!" She whispered yelled. I sighed and look back at Gene "I would but, I promised Aph I'd be beta next year." Gene chuckled "I didn't say you have to do anything, just make sure they don't get in too much trouble." I smiled "If I was able to make you not get kicked out, then you know they'll be okay" I said. "That means you two have to listen to Lacey as if she was me! Got it?!" Sasha and Zenix nodded pretty quick. "Well if they don't... Zenix knows what happens" We saw the color practically drain from him. We all cracked up laughing "HAY! SHE'S SCARY!" Zenix yelled. Gene looked at me with a smirk "Not when you know her soft spots" He said petting me. I snapped at his hand playfully, like I would when me were kids. "*tisk tisk tisk* No biting. Unless you want me to bite back~" Gene whispered that last in my ear making my face turn red knowing exactly what he meant...

(You all know how dirty minded Gene is. And if you don't sorry ask someone)

   "GENE! You mother Fuc- OW!" I was interrupted by a high pitch squeal. I look behind me to see Kawaii~Chan with 'death of fangirling' all over her face. "Shit, you better run" Gene said "Same for you" I said back "See you later today though right?" I nodded and ran off and Gene did the same in the opposite direction.

   I was heading to my last class of the day, werewolf class, yaaay. I sat in my chair and looked over at Aph and Aaron, to see Aaron was helping Aph out with some of her notes. I got up and walked over to them "Hay Aph, Aaron, so do you have anything planed this summer?" Aaron gave me a look, and Aph shook her head 'no'. "Just sleeping. What about you?" Aph asked. "I'm most likely going to be hanging out with this one..." I said pointing at Aaron "and Gene" I finished. "Oh ya, I keep forgetting you two are cousins" Aph said laughing a little out of endearment. I chuckled "Hmm, so Kaitlynn must of been joking when she sent me this" I said showing her the text. "I hope so because I just want to go home and sleep" Aph said laughing I laughed a little. "You know maybe during the summer we can all go to the movies, and hang ou-" "You know Dad doubt let us" Aaron said interrupting me. "But you forget, My dear cousin, That I have my ways!" I said in a 'royal' voice while doing a 'grand' jester. "You've watched Sander Sides to much" Aaron said looking down, but with a smile.

    It was the end if the day, and I was walking home with Gene. I already told Derick I would be hanging out with him after school. Gene put his arm around me. "What do you think you're doing" I said looking up at him, just to see a smirk in his face. "What can't out my arm around my friend?" I just riled my eyes as we kept walking. "Fine, but if you mom says anything that's on you" Gene just chuckled and pulled me closer "I don't mind what she says. I just hope she gets over this, and leaves us alone." Gene said slightly annoyed. "That'd be the day" I said with a small laugh. Me and Gene headed up to his room. "You two behave, Okay!" Gene's mom yelled as we got up to Gene's room. "Ya, Ya!" Gene said shutting his door and sitting next to me on his bed.

   We were playing some Halo, (Slayer) When my phone went off. I look at it to see it was Aph. I paused the game and read the text.

  Lacey! Help! Kaitlynn and KC through a party at my house and no-buddy will leave!!!

     I let out a sigh "Gene?" He looked at me with a concerned look "what's up?" "Kaitlynn through a party at Aph's, so you won't mind if I-" "Not at all, but you have to stay the night~" Gene said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "Whatever I'll be back in a bit, hopefully" I said and walked out. "I'll be back, Maria!" I yelled while running out.

   When I got to Aph's house I saw werewolves, and a lot of teens... "Fuck" I muttered under my breath walking in. Once Kaitlynn and KC saw me they knew they were screwed. I walked up to them normal. "I'm not going to get mad, as long as you help get everyone out. And I don't care how you two my look like after, just get everyone out" I said calm. They were going to say something when someone came up behind me and turned me around to face them. It was one the old beta of the school. He had a smirk on him face as he lifted my chin to have me look at him "Oh come on. We're all just wanting a little fun, Princess~" He said getting close to my face. I gave a look of discuss as I kicked him across the room, making him hit the wall. "Don't call me Princess, pervert!" I said and saw a couple people looking at me. I heard a loud crash from the living room and saw Aaron and a werewolf out the window. "ANYONE ELSE!" After he yelled that everyone ran out. I walked up to him. "Aph, texted you didn't she?" I asked, his face turning a shade of pink was a good enough answer for me. "Oh and tell Derick I'm staying the night at Gene's, M-k" I said walking out.

   When I got back to Gene's house I saw he was sitting on the fount porch. "You didn't have to wait" I snickered. "Never said I was" He said and got up. "I said you're staying the night, I didn't say we were going to stay in my room~" Gene said giving a smirk. My face was burning red!

   Well I'm going to leave it there, bye!

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