A new Omega and a new Ein

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  Because Ein was the past Omega and he became Alpha, that means one of the pups are gonna become the new omega. Me and Blaze already said we would protect new omega whoever it ends up being. "Beta!" my ears perked up "Yes, Rylan?" I look up with a smile that faded as I saw the fear on his face. I stood up from my seat and gave a stern look. "What's wrong?" "E-Ein made Daniel the omega, a-and we c-can't get some of the others to b-back off" "Were is Daniel?" Rylan ran off and had me follow. We came to a stop outside behind the bleachers. Guess Sasha a Zenix left. There sent is still slightly strong. "MIND TELLING ME WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE IS GOING ON HERE!" Rylan stayed back because I told him to, I don't need them picking a fight and him getting hurt. There were two both male, both juniors, and both dickheads I've dealt with before. I looked a Daniel and saw he had a black eye and bruises all over his arm. "I'LL ASK AGAIN WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! AND IF I DON'T GET A RESPONSE I'LL JUST START THROWING PUNCHES." I closed my eyes and took a breath to calm down a little. I opened my eyes to see that the two bullies had a smirk. "Oh come on, Lacey. We're just doing what's natural. He's the Omega, and the Omega needs to remember that there's always gonna be someone strong and better then them" "I just hear a whole lot if bull shit. An Omega has one job and that is to bring a smile to everyone's face by being a goofball and making jokes. NOT BY BEING A PUNCHING BAG FOR THOSE WHO THINK THEY'LL MAKE IT BY IN LIFE WITH THERE SMALL ASS BRAINS!" "Oh you asked for it" I rolled my eyes and waited for the to throw a punch. I didn't start it, but I'll sure as hell finish it. "Can you walk Daniel?" He gave a nod and started running to the hiding stop I told them to go to if needed. "Listen I'm not sure what kind of house you grew up in, but I doubt this was the way you were raised" I said giving them both a punch were the sun don't shine. "*sigh* How many time to I have to say this? I don't care who you are, if I catch anybody picking on anyone I will always stick up for someone who can't protect themselves. Now go to the nurse and get an ice-pack" I said and gave them a pat on the head walking over to the hiding spot for the pups. Daniel was in a ball crying trying to hide his wounds. "Daniel" I said softly. He looked up and jumped into my arms crying. "Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. Let me see your wounds" Daniel gave me his arm. I closed my eyes and focused on healing him. As soon as I felt my energy drain I stopped and opened my eyes to see he was healed. "L-lacey, You shouldn't drain yourself for me" I gave Daniel a smile "I'll be okay, now hurry on class is gonna start soon" Daniel gave me a hug and ran off. I laid against the tree and closed my eyes. "I thought I heard your voice" I felt two people sit down next to me and I smiled. "You two are suppose to be in class" "So are you, But Gene told us to keep an eye on you" I opened one of my eyes and looked at Sasha. "Oh my Irene... I can't get peace can I?" (no, not until you go through hell first)

It was the end of the day and I was heading to my bike to go home. That was until I saw Ein at the end of the outside hall... I walked up to him pissed like all hell. "Hey, Lacey" He said with a smirk. "Don't 'Hey, Lacey' Me! What in Irene's name made you think of making Daniel the Omega!?" I yelled with a growl. "Oh come on he's perfect for one, he's small, weak, and pathetic excuse for a Werewolf" I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face making him fall down the stairs. His eye's were full of fear and betrayal. He touched his face then with a flash of green in his eyes he got up and smirked. My anger went to fear, fear of what was gonna come... "See you tomorrow, Lacey" Ein said and left. "Oh would you look at that. Looks like your little friend is still holding on to the memories of before. What a shame" I looked around trying to find were the voice came from but didn't see anyone. "What's the matter don't like what you're hearing because you know it's true? Or is it just my voice?" I shook my head and ran home.

  I ran up stairs and to my room making sure to close the door quietly. "Lacey, Are you okay?" "Melissa when am I ever 'okay'? And no I don't want to talk" I said. "Wow aren't you mean to her. What would your mother think of that?" Then it clicked. Michel. "What the hell do you want?" I whispered after putting music on so Melissa didn't hear. "Simple, I want a book" "what book? I don't know if you can tell but I only have mangas and text books" "You didn't open it did you?" "Open what?" "The present your mother left for you!" "Go the hell aw-" Before I could finish my sentence the box teleported to my bed...

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