It'll be okay I know it will

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⚠Warning: Cursing from here on out⚠

I woke up in one of the beds, but I didn't remember going to sleep. I went to get up but a shooting pain came Tommy head. "fuck" I murmured holding my head. I look around and see I was at my dad's old hunting cabin... "So it wasn't a dream" I said getting up slowly this time. I walk out of the room to see Gene on the couch watching T.V. "Morning, sleepy head" Gene said not taking his eyes off the T.V. I just rolled my eyes and sat down next yo him. I so tired I didn't even care that he laid my head on his shoulder while rapping his arms around me. Gene had put on Jeff Dunham. "So, mind telling me why you were running away?" Gene asked pausing the show. I just looked down "family" was the only thing I said. Gene pulled me closer and let out a sigh "well, if you don't mind I could ask my mom if I can stay here a while with you to make sure you're okay" Gene said and rested his chin on my head and started petting me in a calming way. I curled closer to Gene. Listen he may seem like a complete asshole a lot of the time, but Gene is always there when I need someone there for me. "I would like that" I said answering his question. I closed my eyes relaxing in Gene's arms. "Someone's getting comfortable." Gene said with a small chuckle. "Fuck off, I'm tired." I said cuddling a little more before falling asleep.

"Lacey, wake up" I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see Gene standing in front of me, and with a plate with pizza? "When did you get-" "I just ordered, don't worry I went to go pick it up" Gene said putting an arm around me. "What do you want to watch?" Gene asked while I slowly ate the pizza. I just shrugged and curled into a little bit of a ball. "Want to watch Sander Sides?" I looked at Gene and nodded. (Just incase you want to watch it I shall put the first episode right here⬇)

Gene pulled out his phone started playing it. After awhile we finished was there was so far, and I got up to find something to drink. I look in the fridge to see some poop~si.

The rest of the day was pretty much just me and Gene sitting on the couch being potatoes...

Sorry for the short chap, but school just ended and I was really bored, so my brain was like "Hay! Why don't you post a new chapter!" ya that's how i work. But! I will hopefully be getting a YouTube chanel with my friend this summer if you guys want to check that out I will have an A.N we we have the first vid up. Also I was thinking of putting Lacey into MCD let me k ow what you guys think!

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