Prom trouble...

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   It was a week before the Senior prom, and every senior werewolf was after Aphmau... "Ugh! Why me!" Aph yelled in frustration as I helped her get away from the other werewolves. "Heh Heh, it was bound to happen once you became Alpha" I said. Aph was still catching her breath. "You should be fine for the next thirty minutes, so go get done what you need done" I said walking off to meet Gene behind the bleachers.

    Once I get there, I could hear he was talking about the prom. "no no no, NO! How in the name of Irene am I going to ask her out..." I heard him yell. "Hay Gene" I said watching him jump and through something into his bag, as if to hide it. "U-Uhh, Hay Lacey" "Did you just stutter?" I asked sitting down next to him. "No, I just-" "Gene are you, Okay? Your face is all red" I said getting on my knees, felling his forehead to see he was fine. "I am now that your here" Gene said with a small smirk. My worried expression went to a disappointment "Are you kidding me" I say and sit back down. Gene gave a small chuckle. "So, why did you want to meet me out here?" I asked looking up at him. He looked like his was in thought for a moment then looked at me. "No real reason, just wanted to see if you wanted to go to this Mini Anime Con with me this weakend" he said with a smirk. My eyes lit up as I tried to not have a major fan-girl out burst. "Okay, Okay, don't hurt yourself. Lacey, breath" Gene said laughing a little. I heard Aph yell. "Hu?! Was that Aph?!" I said my ears perked up. "Sorry Gene. Aph's been having trouble with the other werewolves, and they will not leave her alone unless I'm there. But yes I will love to go to the the Anime Con with you." I said before I ran off.

    When I got to ware Aph was... like I thought another werewolf was asking Aph out. But this one was the purv of the school, worse the Gene and Dante combined!

(WARNING! Cursing ahead!!!)

   "HAY ASS BUT!" I yelled. I don't really curs but when he's around I sure as hell will to get my pout across. "Oh, come the FUCK ON! He yelled looking at me. "TORD! Leave Aphmau alone!" I yelled. I was only a couple feet away from them, but I could still knock him out. "Listen, I just wanted to get to know Alpha a little more~" He purred in my ear as soon as he got close enough to me. All you could see from me was a look of discuss and pissed. I looked to Aph as to tell her to run off. I didn't want her to see me fight him. Once Aph ran off I grabbed Tord's neck and Flipped him over my head. "BITCH!" He yelled getting up and going to kick me. I grabbed his leg and kick were the sun don't shine. He grunted in pain, but still stood his ground. He then smirked "Heh, you know your a feisty little Bitch!

No wander you Father beat you!"

    I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "And No wander why tour's left" I said looking at him with a smirk before getting punched in the face. I hardly moved and only looked at him. I punched him in the gut before kicking him across the hall. "FUCK!" I heard something snap as he yelled in pain. "YOU BITCH YOU DISLOCATED MY ARM!" He yelled standing up. "Good! Maybe you'll learn to leave girls who don't know better alone!" I yelled and walked away. Once I got back out side I saw Gene's had a look of fear on his face? "Lacey a-are you okay? You bleeding." I didn't know I was until Gene said so. "I'm fine" I said with a smile. I felt a pair of arms around me, so I opened my eyes. "Gene, I said I'm fine! It's just a scratch" Gene pulled away and looked at me. "Looks more like a cut and a little deep at that" He said lifting up my chin, and looking at my lip. He put his thumb on my lip and rubbed it gently, trying to get a better look. "Hang on" Gene let go and went into his bag, pulling out a small cloth. "Here" Gene grabbed my chin again and dabbed it on the cut. It stunted a little from pressure, but only my eye would twitch. "Come on, we got to get you to the nurse" Gene said and picked me up bridle stile. "Gene!" I yelled as he continued to carry me.

     I'm so so so sorry if you an Eddsworld fan like me and saw I used Tord... Trust me Tord and Tom are my Senpis!!! Thank you for reading though.

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