Birthday Surprises

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It's a couple day's till my b-day, and Melissa will not stop smiling and giggling. I heard a knock on my door "go away Melissa!" I yelled, but I didn't hear her walk away. So I got up, slammed open my door getting ready to tell her to leave me alone, but instead I ended up tackling Aaron with a hug. "Woa There pup! Did you really miss me that much?" I look up at him and smile "Yes, Yes I did!" I say give him an even titer hug. Aaron picked me up hugging me back. "Wait what are you doing here?" I ask as soon as he set me down. "Derek had me come back for you birthday" hmm, I guess Aaron finely got tired of him. "For how long?" "Till the day after, but that's enough for me" Aaron said and gave me another hug. I could tell something was wrong. I let Aaron into my room and shut the door. He sat on my bed as I did too. "What's wrong?" I asked. Aaron looked at me "Derek... He now has bodyguards watching me all over campus... I had to sneak out just to come last time..." "you really want to her don't you?" I asked. Aaron's face went as red as his jacket.

Time flue by and it was my birthday. I woke up early enough to catch Derek in his office, and knocked on the door frame. He looked up "yes?" "Can me and Aaron go to the arcade, movies, and some other places today?" I asked. Derek look at me with stern look before it soften "Go Ahead, but be back before 1am, got?!" "THAAANK YOOOOU!" I yelled and run up stairs to my room and texted Aph and Gene.

*Aph and Lacey*

L- Hay wanna hang out today?

A- sure I'll ask my mom. That is when she wakes up.😂


*Gene and Lacey*

L- Wanna hang out today?

G- who all is going?

L- Can't get a strait answer can I?

G- Nope

L- ugh! Fine. Me, Aph(most likely) and my cousin Aaron.

G- Oh, so it's a double date?

L- No! And besides Aph and my cousin don't even know each other are going. Hang on Aph just texted me back.


*Aph and Lacey*

A- Okay my Mom said I can untill 11:30

L- Okay😁 Meet up at the park at 10

A- okie dokie

*Gene and Lacey*

L- Okay Aph's going.

G- what time, and where are we meeting up?

L- Park at 10

G- okay so a half an hour

L- shut up

G- Nah I'm good

L- I'm sorry but this number has been blocked

G- Nice try, I know you wouldn't

L- How do you know that

G- because I know you. See ya in a bit
I opened my door to see Aaron standing there. "Derek told me, who all is going?" I just smirked, watching it clicked in his brain and him turning red again. "We're leaving in thirty minutes" I said patting his shoulder walking down stairs.

Once we got to the park I already saw Gene sitting there with a bag... "What's in the bag?" I asked. He just smirked "Don't worry about it" "Gene, that is the worst answer to anything!" I could hear Aaron give a small snicker. "Shut it. OH! HEY APH!" I yelled and Aaron automatically froze. "A-Aaron?" Aph's walked soon turned into a run! "Okay, so now it's a double date" Gene whispered in my ear. "Shut it, and No it's not!" Gene just patted my head. "Okay, I know you're taller then me, you don't have to rub it in!" I yelled slightly looking up at him.

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