Chilling at the cabin with a hint of trauma

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   "Hey Derrick" He look up from his desk "Yes Lacey?" "Imma stay at my cabin for a bit with Gene, that okay?" "As long as y'all are safe I don't ca-" "Derrick! Me and Gene are friends! And I'm a virgin!" I yelled walking to my room to pack some clothes.

    Melissa ran in and stuck condoms in my pocket. "Melissaaaa-" "Ah! Let me stop you right there! *whispers* you never know when you'll need them~" "Melissa, *sigh* I don't want to do that, not now and not anytime soon. Me and Gene are only going so we are able to clear our heads, we've been really stressed out this passed week, with him having online college and me having to deal with drama at school with a friend and the werewolves..." "Awwwwwwwww, that's so cuuuttee, why aren't you two dating ye- Wait Geneeeee's" "18 almost 19, and I just turned 16 a couple weeks ago, and even if age wasn't a thing to worry about I would still rather wait to date anyone..." Melissa gave a soft smile "is he picking you up or?" "Gene said he wanted to be there a little early to get somethings cleaned up and that, so If you want to take me I wouldn't mind" "Okay I'll take you in just a bit" I gave a nod and went back to packing. "why you've changed in a week to her." "are you done bugging me, I know you need me to give you permission to take the book or else you would have  just taken it by now" "someone did some research, so what you're not going to give me the book just because 'mommy said no'?" I gave a small smile "no because I remember what you did with that book to not just me but the other kids, and I've seen what you've done without it. Why would I just give it to you, hmm?" "Don't! Test me! You don't really think what happened to your Mom and Dad was an accident, do you? Oooh I can feel the anger building up inside you, would be a shame if your little Human friend would to get a glance of your dirty little secret"  Quick fashes of Gene laying motionless on the ground and in the hospital, fashed in my head. I fell to the ground and kept from trying to scream as tears ran down my face and onto my floor. I could see the red glow from the corner of my eye. I looked at saw my eyes had turned that bright red in my mirror. "get out of my head!" I growled under my breath. "Give me the book and I'll stop, if not!" Aaron falling from high place, Ein dead on the ground as if an animal had killed him, Aph being shot through the heart with magic,and Blaze being slashed across the chest with a sword filled my head. "If I could make both your parents die what makes you think I can't make you do that to the people you care about, hmm?" I was beyond scared at that point, it started to feel like I couldn't breath, fuck the last thing I need is a panic attack! Fuck it, Oh my Irene I'm sorry Mom! Fuck it take it! Just leave them alone! "Wise chose" and with that the book and Michele were gone. Melissa slammed the door open and gave me a hug. As far as she knows I'm just having a panic attack and I'd rather keep it that way for as long as I can...

   After I calmed down, Melissa took me to the cabin, told Gene about my panic attack,and left us alone.  "Are you okay Lacey?" I shook my head 'no' "do you want to talk about?" again I shook my head 'no' "okay. *gasp* dooo youuuu, want to lay on the couch and snuggle while watching anime and eating sweets?!" I giggle and looked up at him with a smile and nodded. "okay, come here" Gene picked me up like a child and sat me on the couch that already had everything. "So this is why you wanted to come earlier than me?" I asked softly. Gene had a soft red hue on his cheeks "yeah, you deserve it, aaaaannnddd here!" He pulled his jacket, the one that he's always wearing, and put it over me, and pulled me closer. "That better pup?" I nodded and cuddled closer.


 Sorry this one's a little short. I'm writing all of these ahead of time so I can try to have at least one chapter out each month.

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