Mommy's present...

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     I walk to my bed and look at the box I've been keeping in my closet sense I moved in with my uncle. It was a little dusty but other then that it looked that same way as when I last held it in my hands. I open up the top lid and see a locket. I pick it up and open it to see a pitcher of little me in my mom's arms on one side and Aaron holding baby me crying while Melissa is trying to get me to laugh and smile. I gave a soft smile "I wish we could go back to that..." I put the locket on and looked into the box to find a book with strange writing on it... Next to the book was a small music box? I picked it up and I guessed I pushed a button...  A small hologram of m-my mom... "Lacey... I know if you seeing this you're 16 now... A scrappy gift I know, if I was able to survive I would have given you the biggest bestest party ever*giggle**sigh* The reason I made this was because I'm sure now that That was hat Michel is bugging and threatening you to give him the book in the box right there... And I'm sure you can hear me can't you?" "why you-" "I'll tell you this now leave my dau-knight-ghter alone" the hologram glitch to show a woman with a long blue cloak with a gold trim that covered her face, a long white dress down to her feet, and long raven hair... She looked at lot like Aph. "Leave the poor girl alone. And be gone with you" And just like that Michel's voice and presents was gone... I whispered a small 'thank you' before the hologram ended. "Why does everything weird happen to me..."

I'm sorry I'm not posting that much on here anymore this book has just been really dead and so has this app. And I'm sorry this is a really short chapter.

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