Nightmare or Warning

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   "Here Lacey have some 'apple juice'" I take the glass cup and take a sip... "ACH!!" I throw the cup at the person who was in a purple cloak with a golden trim. I watch as the glass shaders and cuts him on his arm. He grabs it in pain and looks up at me his eyes flashing from gray to bright green. "You don't scare me!" I say and turn on the table and cross my arms. "YOU DAMN BIT-" "Ahm! You better not be using that langue infront of my daughter!" I look over to see a pretty brunet woman with bright blue eyes, and wearing a dress suit. "MOMMY!" I yelled jumping of the table and running over to her, arms wide open. "What happen here, Michele?" my mom said picking me up and pointing to all the glass. "THAT DAMN BRAT OF YOURS THROUGH THR GLASS CUP AT ME!" "And you couldn't stop it with magic? I thought you were supposed to be 'the powerful one'. But you couldn't stop as cup from hitting you?" My mother laughed. I giggled a bit as my mother took me out of the room. "Come on Lacey, Zack wants you to meet his son." My mom carried me down the hallway to another room, but stopped before we went in. My mother put me down. "Lacey, why did you through the cup a Miky?" "I don't like him! He's mean and he's always trying to scare me!  In my opinion me deserved it!" My mother laughed "Well I can't argue with that. Come on lets meet Zack's son" my mother opened the door and I see a little kid werewolf with black hair, dark blue ears and tail, clouded pail blue eyes, he wore a blue hoodie, and a pair of jeans. "Hay, Emma, Lacey. Lacey this is My boy Ein..." The boy came over to me and smiled. "H-Hi" I said hiding behind my mother. "Come on Lacey, It's okay. Ein's a good kid, he won't bite." "unless she dose first" I look at Ein and smile at his comment. I run up to him and give him a hug "New Friend!" I yell, gaining a couple laughs from my mommy and Zack. "Okay you two have fun me and Zack have a meeting" My mother said giving me a hug and leaving the room. "What do you want to do?" Ein asked looking around. I boop his nose and run yelling "your it!" I stayed in the room because I couldn't reach the handle. "Hay!" "is for horses!" I yell at him running around the whole room with Ein chasing me. Ein jumped at me and tackled me to the ground. "Got ya!" he yelled. We both cracked up laughing. We both got up and hugged each other. Then everything went black. Don't you miss those days, Lacey? When your mother was still alive and when you and Ein met for the first time? Don't you wish you cloud have it all back? A voice ranged in my head. Then all I could see is Red! Blood poring out of Ein's stomach, him laying lifeless in my arms...

     I jump up waking in a cold sweat! "Wh-what the hell w-was that?" I asked to no one. I looked around to make sure I wasn't dreaming anymore. "Good. I'm awake now." I pick up my phone to see Ein texted me 'Happy Birthday😘😜' I didn't get why he put the emojis... I here a knock on my door. I get up expecting to see Melissa with another bad gift. I open my door to see My uncle with a bag. "What do you want" I asked not wanting to deal with him right now. He just hand me the bag "Officer Bark wanted to hang out with you today, so put that on" "Wait that Werewolf Officer who stayed with me while waiting for you to take me to this hell hole?" I shot at him. Uncle Derick just glared at me and left. The close were cute

           (⬇pick right here⬇)

"At least he got my color right"

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"At least he got my color right"

     OOOOF you're going to love the next chapter and Yes I decided to make Officer Jack Bark officially apart of this story!

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