A little surprise...

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(Yay another chapter... Anyways this chapter is all sorts of embarrassment for Lacey... Mkay hope you like^.^)

    Me and Ein walked back out into the field, just to see Melissa sitting on the log next to the fire pit (oh ya, I forgot to mention that... sorry) I stopped and so did Ein. "Soooo? Who's the booy??" Melissa giggled. "Melissaaaa... S-stop..." I whined embarrassed. Melissa walked up to me with that 'I ship it!!' Look on her face. "L-lacey, who is this?!" Looked up at Ein and gave him a smile to try and calm him down. "M-my consent... Melissa." I said looking down hoping she wouldn't say anything embarrassing. "Awww, Lacey you're blushing!!! I ship-" "SHUT IT!" I yelled cutting Melissa off. " Lacey there's no need to yell. Nice to meet you, My name is Ein" Ein said holding his hand out, which Melissa excepted. "Melissa, but of course you now that because of this one." Melissa said looking down at me. My ears lowered in embarrassment "I hate you..." I mumbled under my breath. "Well, Lacey. Dad told me to come and find you. In author words time to go home..." I looked up at Ein and gave him a quick hug, andhe hugged me back. "See you tomorrow at school...alpha" Ein whispered the last word in my ear, and let go only having his hands on the side of my arms. "See you tomorrow." I said and backed up to go to Melissa's car. "Bye" I said, and Melissa started the car.

   "Soooooo?" I looked at Melissa nearly glaring at her. "'So' what? Ya I'm friends.with a boy, is there something wrong with that?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh, so you don't like him?" She gave me a quick glance. I stayed quite 'how am I supposed know I if like Ein? I mean what he did earlier was...' My face turned red thinking about what he asked me either. I heard Melissa giggle a little. "Shut up!" I had curled into a little ball and say there the uniter time home.

    As soon as we got home I ran to my room. Melissa came into my room right after. I was in a tight ball on my bed, and Melissa say next to me. "Hay cus', so mind telling me why you asked so coldly to me?" Melissa asked still her cheerful voice. 'what could you possibly say that she would be leave?' I heard a strange voice say that scared me, but I didn't move. "I-I don't know, I guess this was just the first time you teased me about hanging out with a boy..." I said turning a little red. I looked at Melissa, and gave a week smile. "Hay! You better give me a real smile, pup!" Melissa said Malone me laugh a little. She always has away of making people smile even in the worst of times. I always loved that about her. I gave Melissa a hug, and gave her a sight push say "now get loss" in a playful way. She gave a smile and left.

(Ya this chapter is a little to short in my opinion, but I already have most of this story on paper and trust me it's long AF! And I'm only close to the end of P.D.H season 2!!! He I'm not putting Lacey in season 1-3 or in F.C.U, but I'm still thinking about adding some thing from F.C.U in it, and having Lacey go to an all werewolf college. So y'all can tell me what you think, should I, or no? Anyways thanks for reading my story and for you creepypasta fans I'm working on my creepypasta PC's story of you want to check that out!)

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