New School...

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  I'm going to be doing questions for now on so... If you could ask me any question what would it be?

    'One, two, one two three. I've be-' "thank you Alarm..." I said sarcastically. I got up and put on the stupid Uniform! I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. "Lacey, I got donuts! Here!" she handed me a double chocolate one. "Thanks Melissa, okay well I'm off to school" I said walking out the door. "WAIT! Aaron wanted me to give this to you before you go to school" I turned around to see her with a box. I take it from her and see it had the keys to my motorcycle, and brake pad... "THAT JERK!" I yelled, and ran to the garage to see my baby. I put the brake pad back on and put the key in, just to see it needed gas... I look over to see a little thing of gas. "I'll Derick back latter..." I said to myself putting the gas in. I started it up and drove to school. I parked it in one of the student's parking space. "Hello, Old Friend!" I turn around to see Gene! "Really, eddsworld?" he just gave a nod and picked me up hugging me. "You got bigger than last time!" Gene laughed putting me down. "Heh, heh, you saw a couple months ago" I laughed. I look at my watch and started to dash off "I got to get to class, bye!" I yelled running to first period.
        I got into class to see my old MLH buddy. I walk up behind him, and hug him from behind. "Hiiiii, Zozo" I whispered in his ear. "Ahh, L-Lacey?" I gigged at his voice, it sounded like he still didn't hit puberty. "Yup, so whatcha drawing?" I look at his paper to see pinkycakes. "Ooh, that's really good!" I said and sat in the chair next to him. "Aren't  you friends with the Gene?" "Ya, I saw him out side before I ran to class. Why?" I said turning to him. "No reason" he said going back to his drawing. A girl with raven hair, tan skin, and Amber eyes ran into class and sat in the seat besides me. "Hi, I'm Lacey" I said and put out my hand for her to shake. "A-Aphmau..." She said and shook my hand. Awww, she's so shy... That's going to change! I look over to next to Aphmau to see TRAVIS! "Hay Travis!" he looked up at me, but soon shot his head back down. "Oh, come on it's me! Lacey... Danite's Brother's friend!" he looked up again, and smiled. "I'm Aphmau!" the girl said. Travis responded with 'not alone buddies...'

    The day was pretty boring, like every first day of school... I was heading to lunch when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned around and with out thinking, I punched them in the gut. "Crap, heh, maybe I shouldn't have done that..." I then realized I punched Aaron... "Serves you right! You know not to scare me like that!" I slightly yelled. "So what do you want?" he just pointed to outside. I tilled my head. Aaron sighed "your little friend is outside... don't you want to talk to him?" "Oh, thanks for telling Aaron" I said and gave him a hug then ran outside. "Heeeelloooo!" I yelled waving at Gene. "Who are you!" I guy with brown hair and brown eyes yelled at me. "None of your concern!" I said walking past him and hugging Gene from behind making him jump a little. "What do you want?" "oh so you don't want to see or talk to me..." I said in a sad tone letting go. Gene turned around and picked me up while spinning. "I never said that, pup" Gene said putting me down. "Ooooh, Gene who's this?" a girl with Pastel whitish purple hair and purple eyes asked. "This is, Lacey. My friend sense pre-K" Gene said resting his arm on my head. "Jerk" I mumbled shoving his arm off me. "So what are you doin- really?" I said cutting my self off once I saw his little logo on the side of the bleachers. I walk up to it, smear the wet pain on my hand, and wipe it on Gene's shirt. "I hate you" Gene said glaring at me. I only ran and had Gene chase after me. "Lacey!" I was running slow so he would be able to catch me. Once he did he tackled me to the grass landing on top of me. I felt my face start to burn... "G-Gene! Get off!" I said pushing him. "Aww, did I embarrass the pup?" he said in a childish voice. I push him off, and glare at him. "I like her!" "Zenix! Shut up!!" Gene yelled. I gigged. "Okay, you go get to class before you get in trouble" Gene said pointing back at the school. I nodded and ran back.

   FINELY LAST CLASS OF THE DAY! werewolf class? I thought running to class. Once I get there all I hear is the sound of glass shattering, and a girl yelp. I see Aaron staring out the now broken window, and the girl... Aphmau looking scared. "What did you do that for?!" She yelled. "He was a jerk" "that's no reason to throw someone out a window!" Aph yelled at him. "What happened here?!" I blurted out. Everyone turned to look at me and glared at me. "GET OUT OF HERE ROUGE!" some one yelled at me. "Aww, that's cute you think I'm going to leave just because you said so..." in a childish voice walking to a seat and putting my feet on the desk. "What a grate start to the school year!" I look over to see I assume is the teacher. "Well come to werewolf class everyone!" "Wait! I'm not supposed to be here!" I look at Aph. Thought so she's to small, and fragile to be a werewolf... "Nether am I!" I shoot him a glare. "Miss. Aphmau I'm sorry,And Mr. Lycan you now you're suppose to be in here!" The teacher said. Aaron sat down as did Aph next to him. The teacher started role call, and when it came to me everybody seemed shocked that me and Aaron were related. "Ya,Ya, I'm related to him. So what!" I yelled at them. The turned away from me and continued doing their own thing. The bell finely rang and I jumped up and ran to Aaron to punch him. "Hay didn't you punch me enough today?!" he groaned. "The first one was for scaring me, that one was for taking my brake pad, and Keys!" I stated. "Fine, I guess that's fare..." Aaron said walking out. "Oh, ya remember you're the new Alpha of re school!" I yelled at him as he walked out. I run out to the parking lot and get on my motorcycle to see a note.

   Meet me at my house?

   Okay then I guess I'll go home and change first then. I put the note in my bag. I started up the engine and head home.

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