Day With Gene

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Once I get home Melissa ran up to me. "Lacey! Sooo, how do you like PDH so far!?" I just ignored her and went up to my room. "I'm going to Gene's" I said before shutting my door to change. I put on a black crop top with a upside-down cross, a black short skirt, black wolf leggings, and black knee high boots. I head down stairs to see Melissa staring over the couch looking at me. "Don't eve-" "Sooo, you're going to boy's house!" "Ya, an- Never mind I'm leaving!" I said and walked out the door to run into Aaron." were so you think you're going?" "U-umm, G-Gene's!" I only stuttered because Aaron can be intimidating. "Did I scare you? Be back before nine, alright?" Aaron said going inside. I ran to my bike and started her up. "Come on lets go see Gene" I said and headed to his house. Once I pulled in the driveway, there Gene opens the door and walked up to me. "So you finely fix this thing" he said patting my baby. "Don't touch my baby!" I growled playfully. I swung my lag over one side, and kicked out the bike's sand to sit on one side. "Come on!" Gene said picking my up and spinning. I giggled and held on to him. "Put me down!" I giggled out. Gene put me over his shoulder and carried me into his room. "Geeeeeene, put me down" I wined while he was still carrying me. Once we got to his room he 'body slammed' me on his bed. I let out a groan and look up at Gene, seeing him still on top of me. "Do you have to be told?" I asked sarcastically. Gene just rolled his eyes and got off. "So, why'd you want me to come over?" I asked sitting on the edge of his bed. "Talk, hang out, play videogames" I rolled me eyes. "So, how do you like PDH? Sucks right?" Gene said sitting next to me. I just shrugged "To early to judge in my opinion" "fare enough. Come on!" Gene dragged me out of his room. "I thought we were going to hang out?" "ya, at the park" "you could have just said 'meet me at the park' Then!" I tackled him making him fall on the couch with me on top. "Awww!! Gene you didn't tell me your Girlfriend was here!" I froze. Gene pick me up and sat me next to him "*sigh* Mom for the last time. Me and Lacey are just friends" I know she's not going to pay attention. A flash of light went off hurting my eyes. I buried my face in Gene's shirt. "Did pup get scared~" Gene whispered in my ear. I lightly punched him in the gut, just to get a chuckle in return. "Aww! You two are just the cutest!" I pop up "I'M NOT CUTE!" I said even though my face was most likely red by now. "Come on Lacey, lets just go to the park. You can officially meet Sasha and Zenix" Gene said picking me up like a I was a child. I crossed my arms and did a pout face. Gene pulled me closer and nuzzled my cheek. "Ah, s-stop! Stop it!" I said while giggling. "Okay, okay, Here" Gene sat my on the ground. I got up and lightly punched him.

I found out Zenix like you yell... A LOT! And Sasha likes to keep to her self. "So is she joining the Shadow knights?!" Zenix blurted out. Me and Gene were sitting by the small river that ran through the park. Gene looked at me then at Zenix then me again. "Well that depends, no you want to b-" "No. Gene I've told you 'Gangs' are just like being in a pack. You have the leader, the pup, the hunter, and if I join I would be the outcast" I said looking at the stream. "Well then, would you like to do a little 'art'?" I looked up at Gene to see him holding up a spray-can. I take it from him and go under the bridge. I spray the words 'Werewolves are Free'. I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I look up to see Gene with a smirk. "I see someone feels out of place, but I can tell you one thing you belong here" Gene said tickling me.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Yes Gecey (Gene and Lacey) is a small thing in this! Oh! And will say this now if you guys want to draw fan art of Lacey, go ahead! I'd love to see what y'all can make!

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