Ein's little Problem

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( Hay guys here with a knew chapter)

    "Ugh! Being 'Alpha' is no fun at all..." Ein looked at me weirdly. "What are you talking about!? You get to boss every one around, and plus no one wants to challenge you!" I smiled at the fact Ein was trying to help. " Ya,ya, but everybody has tooooooo many problems, and I'm gonna end up having a mental breakdown because of it! " I said leaning back in my chair. "Well maybe if you had an Alpha mal-" I gave Ein a death glare. " *sigh* Ein I've told you, I don't want anyone" Ein put his arm around my shoulder, and gave a slight chuckle "You say that, but do you really mean it?" I moved Ein's arm, and stared at him with my face getting a little red. "What?... Pay attention to the lesson" Ein said jokingly while slightly pushing my head to have me look forward. "jurk" I muttered. Ein gave a slight 'hmm' "play attention to the lesson" I said mockingly with a smirk. Ein play fully pushed me, but I just ignored it.

    The day continue as it always does, boring! Until I get to lunch. (For so reason that is the only time something fun happens, like this.) "Alpha!!!" I shot my head over to see one of the werewolves I consider a pup instead of omega. " what's wrong this time pup?" I asked with a smile. "My ball got st-stuck in the tree... a-and the teachers w-won't help." I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle smiled "Ben, breath... now can you show me what tree it got stuck in?" I asked as if he was a child who lost their parents in the park. He gave my hand a slight tug for me to follow him. (The thing is, that Ben is taller, and older than me, but he acts younger.) "Ben did you have to get it stuck in the tallest tree?" I playfully wined looking up at him. He lowered his ears a gave a 'I'm sorry smile' I ruffled his hair and started to climb. "Lacey Lycan! Get Down From There!" I grabbed the ball and looked down to see the P.E teacher at the bottom of the tree looking up at me. I was about,what 15ft up. I jumped down, and landed right next to the teacher unharmed. I looked at him right in the eye and let my smart mouth take over "what? Can't help out a fellow pack member? Isn't that the uniter point of being Alpha, to lead and help out your pack?" I gave a small smirk and gave Ben his ball back before heading back inside. Ein was right by the door to go back inside. He shook his head "your gonna end up in ISS if you keep being a smart mouth to the teachers." Ein looked at me and smiled. "Meh, someone has to show them that kids can be just as mature as them, if not more" I said smiling back, and going inside.

(Ein's POV)

    Lacey walked back inside, and Jack walked up to me. "So when you going to ask her out, Huh Ein?" He had to ask! I looked away and had turned a little red. "never" I muttered looking back at Lacey, who went to sit by herself. " *sigh* well as your friend, bro, you need to tell her how you feal before she ends up liking someone who isn't you. " Jack said while pointing in my face. I slapped his hand out of my face "you act like some kind of anime girl, A Lot." Jack rolled his eyes, and gave me ' I'm gonna kick your but look'. I let out a sigh "How and What exactly am I going to ask her out to?" I asked a little annoyed. Jack nudged his head to the Halloween dance poster. " no,no,no, No! You know I can't dance even if my life depend on it!" I whispered yelled. "Well, I don't see you coming up with anything. Besides I've hurd Lacey sing along with some songs she listened to, and dance to some..." Jack gave a small fake cough and looked away. "Jack" I growled, making him lower his head. "hehe, sh-she gots some moves, not gonna lie." Jack said looking up with a sheepish smile, and rubbing the back of his neck. 'well I guess if I want her to be mine then I'll just have to ask her to the d-dance...' I bushed at my own thought of holding her in my arms. " wait Jack there's one flall, my Dad  would never let me go, if he knew I asked a girl out!" I said with my ears lowering slightly.

( Hay would you look at that, this turns out longer than I thought it would be... Oh and the fact that Ein likes Lacey!!!!! Ein: I'm going to kill you, if you say anything to her😡
*laughs nervously*  Okay I won't  *has my fingers crossed behind my back* Hay Lacey!!!!
Ein: Slenderpup!!! Don't You Dare!!!!!😥😥 *runs and hides*
Well I can't find her, anyways thanks for reading I'll have another one out as soon as I can. I still have school...)

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