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(I bet you can guess what going to happen in this chapter *smirks* pleas no dirty thought comets! -_-... I'm watching you... Warning cursing)

Ein's POV

     'The dance is only a week away and I still haven't asked out Lacey! Ugh! Why do I have to like her?! Hell, why do I have to like anyone!?' My thoughts were getting the better of me, and the worst part of it, is that I still need to ask my dad if I can even go. "Ugh! At the paste I'm moving at I'll never get to have Lacey as mine!" I yelled to myself. Man I was glad no one was home! My mom went to work, and my dad was on some busses trip but he's supposed to be back tomorrow... "DAMN IT!!!! Dad's coming home tomorrow!!!" I started to panic when I herd my phone go off. I pick up my phone to see that Lacey texted me to meet her at the park. I felt my face turn a little red, but then a rush of worry flood over me. 'R u okay?' I sent. A couple seconds past before she sent 'Ya, I just wanted to hang out with you ^.^' I calmed down mowing she was fine. 'okay be there in a bit •.•' I grabbed my bag that only had a couple of snacks in it, and left to meet Lacey at the park. 'Wait this is the first time me and Lacey are hanging out outside of school! Oh my Irene I hope no one from school sees us!'

      Once I got to the park I saw Lacey sitting on one of the benches  "YO! ALPHA!" I yell just to mess with her. She looked in my direction and glared at me. I just smirked and ran up to her to hug her. "Ein you know I don't do hugs..." Lacey wined. "To bad 'cause I'm not letting go till you hug me back" I chuckled. Lacey gave me a quick hug, but I knew she ment it. "Now come on." Lacey giggled as she grabbed my hand, and pulled me to an open field that was pretty close to the all werewolf college. It had some the most beautiful trees and I could here a creek running from inside the woods. "So what do you think?" I looked down at Lacey and smiled. "It's beautiful, but I thought we were going to hang out at the park?" I tilted my head slightly with a small smirk, still looking down into her light blue sparkling orbs. "Nooo, I said 'to meet me at the park' I never said we were going to stay there." She gave a small smirk. I felt something hit my shoulder, and the next thing I know, Lacey had disappear into the woods, and here a small 'you're it!' from her. I ran after her just to stop, so I wouldn't fall into the creek.

Lacey POV

     I giggled a little when I saw Ein nearly fall into the creek. I guess he must of heard me because he started to look around. I was up in a tree a couple feet away from the the creek. I giggled again, this time Ein looked right up at me and gave me that little smirk I adoor...

(...I'm not saying sorry!)

    "Now now Lacey, why don't you come down and we can sit and talk to each other?" "CAUSE YOU'LL JUST PUSH ME INTO THE CREEK!!!" I yelled down at him having to hold on to the branches tighter as I lend forward. "I wasn't planning on pushing you into the creek, but now..." "OH CRAP!!" I yelled as Ein started to climb the tree I was in as away to have me come out. As soon as Ein got half way up to were I was I jumped down, landing only a foot away from the creek. "Catch me if you can Blueberry!" I yelled as I ran back into the field. A couple minutes past and I started to worry about Ein. I ran back into the woods and yelled his name scared that I might have lost someone else who is close to me. I fell to the ground and started to cry. "Ein were the hell are you?" I whispered to myself. "Ha! I scared ya, didn't I!?" I turn around and slap Ein in the face! "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT YOU JERK!" I yelled in his face. Ein gave me a small smile before hugging me. "I'm sorry Lacey, I was just doing something..." I looked up at Ein confused with another tear falling down my cheek. Ein wiped away my tear and held me closer. "w-what were... y-you doing?" I asked inbetween sobs. Ein didn't say any thing just pulled me back to the tree for me to see 'H.W dance?' and a heart around it, c-carved into the tree. I looked up at Ein who was 50 shades of red. "w-what? E-Ein...?" I couldn't even finish my scents because of how much I was stuttering. Ein look away for a second then back at me with his hand scratching the back of his neck, and nodded. "L-Lacey wi-" Ein paused and took in a deep breath "Lacey will you go to th-the haloween dance w-with m-me?" Ein managed to stutter out. My face was in no doubt F**king red as hell by now!! I
"E-Ein?... As long as I pick what we dress up from." Ein smiled, and I decided to give him a small surprise hug. He was shocked at first, but gladly hug me back. We walked back out into the field just to have a little surprise waiting for us...

(Ya! Another chapter done! Oh and I'm going to start on making another story about my creepypasta O.C. Who I decided to basted off me because all of my friends and even my cuz' ship me with Jeff The Killer!! -_- Uh huh, right? But then again I have had dreams with Jeff in it and he's always being nice and sweet to me, and sometimes making everything get hot quick! And this is before I started reading Lemons!... Shit... I didn't say anything, got it!)

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