...Not Again...

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(Song not mine credited goes to PossiFox!)

"Lacey! Hurry up or I'm Going To Leave You!" Uncle Derick yelled from down stairs. "I can walk you know!" I yelled back coming down the stairs. "Do you even know were to go?" "I'm a go with the police station, because he's a Police Officer" I said walking out the door. "*sigh* just get in the car" My Uncle said already annoyed with me. I got in the back and put on my earbuds. The ride was quite till my uncle decided to talk. "So who gave you the guitar?" "A friend, Okay" I said just staring out the window. "It's none of your business who I got it from, so don't even ask" "You keep smart mouthing me and I'll send you to a military academy!" "Oh what a grate Idea send me somewhere I'll break for sure!" I shot back at him. He glared at me through the review mirror. "You know I'm rig-" "Just behave with Jake! You got it?!" I just nodded and looked back out the window. We finely pull up to the police station. I jump out of the car and stretch my arms out "Finely!" I yelled. My Uncle let out a sigh then gave me a glare "Come on!". We walked in side and the first thing I hear is someone calling mine and my uncle's name. "LACEY! DERICK! It's great to see you two again!" I could never remember what Jack looked like. He had ginger hair/ears and tail, teal eyes, a tan, and was slightly shorter than Uncle Derick. "Are you sure you'll be able to take care of her?" Jake gave a nod "If she's still like how she was then, It should be easy." "By 'was then' you mean stubborn and stuck up, then ya it'll be easy. Anyways I have to get to a meeting, have fun" I just looked away and flicked Uncle Derick off. "I wouldn't do that if I was you..." I looked up at Jake, putting my hand down, "and why's that? He's never home, I have to listen to Melissa 24/7, and the only time I have fun is when I'm with my Friend" I shot at him. "Tell me more about this 'Friend' of yours" "why'd you say it like that?" Jake started to walk to the front door "because you face went a tent of red when you mentioned them. Let me guess your friend is a boy, and you have a crush on him? Not only that but your Uncle nor anyone knows that you do, how much do I have right?" He said turning to face me. "I think I like you already!" I said not wanting to answer the question. "So were are we going?" I asked following him. "The shooting range" my eyes widen "CAN I SHOOT A GUN!?" I yelled/asked in excitement. "Sure, you got to learn how to protect yourself at some point. Get in" We got in his truck and headed to the shooting range. Once we got there Officer Bark asked "Do you know how to hide your ears and tail?" I gave a nod and put them away. I guess they don't aloud werewolves... I thought going in with Officer Bark. "Hay kid" I looked up at him. "What's that in you back pocket?" CRAP I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT MY KNIFE! "Umm..." "It's okay, I know what it is just... put it in here" he handed me a bag ⬇

(To lazy to explain what it looks like)

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(To lazy to explain what it looks like)

   "Isn't this a bit much?" "Not if it's a birthday gift" He said giving me a closed eye smile. "Do you watch Anime or something!" I said laughing "Oh and like you don't!" we were joking around, well that was until I saw the sign... I wanted to cry...

"Why do we have to be treated like this

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"Why do we have to be treated like this..." I mumbled... Officer Bark looked at the sign and sighed. "I know it's hard, but-" "I know, I know, this isn't the first time it's happened to me... I-I just hate how I have to hide who I really am just to have fun, or when I want to do something..." I said nearly about to cry. "Oh kid, l-lets go let off some steam while were here. I mean we are a a shooting range after all!" "Y-Ya..." We went in side and paid. After we were done shooting I apparently did better than Officer Bark! "I still don't get how you have better shot than me! Are you sure you never shot a gun before?" I nodded my head 'no' "Nope not that I remember!" once we got into his Truck I let my ears and tail out. "Much more comfortable!" I said twitching my ears and and shaking my tail. "Heh heh... I have to hide them every time I come here... They do let the Officers come here, but that's only at night when no one else is here..." He said putting in the keys. "It's not fair! Meifwas get to do everything Humans do! But when it comes to us werewolves! It's like we need a friken caller and leash!" I yelled curling into a ball crying... "K-... I know how you feel, but there's nothing we can do right now to change that..." I felt him rap his arms around me. I turned and hugged him back, crying onto his shoulder. We were like that for a couple minutes "O-okay I'm fine now... D-Do you think we could c-come here again, you know so I can out shoot you again!" he just laughed "Sure thing kid!" Officer Bark said with a bright smile.

    The rest of the day Me and Jake were walking in the woods till I had to go 'home'. After walking for like three hours we went to back to the truck. I ended up falling asleep, and Officer Bark had to take me inside.

(Thank you guys for the 187 Reads!! It's Crazy I only thought it would be my three friends reading this, but I have more followers!! And if you guys want to see a Speed Paint of Lacey then I'd go on my friend's YouTube 'Wolfgirl924' Chanle she's dose Speed Paints, tributes, but manly theory videos!)

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