!!Sleep over!!

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              !!ART NOT MINE!!

(WARNING: Please be mature while reading this And May die again)

   The week was so long. Me and Ein were currently walking to my house to get my stuff. "So if my cuz' says anything inappropriate just ignore her, okay?" I ask opening the gate to the house that was on a hill. "How old is she?" Ein asked as we walked up the hill. "18" I said annoyed. "She can't be that bad" Ein said boy he doesn't know how wrong he is! We got to the front door to see Melissa standing there. "Lacey! When you said your friend was a boy I didn't think it be the same one from the dance" She basically screamed. "Oh, I forgot to mention. My dad isn't going to be home, and my mom going to be at work till 10" Ein said walking up with me to my room. "You decide to tell me this now?!" I whispered yelled turning red. Ein just shrugged "I forgot. Can't really blame me now can you?" "Yes I can" I grabbed my science book and put it into my bag. "Why bring that?" Ein asked looking over my shoulder. "Test on Monday" I said putting my other stuff in my bag. Once I were done, we walked down stairs. "I'm leaving bye!" I yelled. "Not yet to ain't! Here!" Melissa put something into my pocket, and winked.(😏 ya y'all know what it is. But just in case I'm a ganna say it) "M-Melissa!!" I yelled my face burning blood red from embarrassment. I walked over to her and gave her the condom back. "I'M NOT GOING TO NEED IT! I'm still in Jr.high!" I yelled, earning a sniker from Ein. "Come on Lacey" Ein said grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I shut the door, and look at Ein red as the nether! "Okay I take it back she is THAT bad" Ein laughed. I playfully punch his arm "told you"

    Once we got to his house, Ein unlocked and opened the door. "Home sweet home" Ein said. His house was pretty, not many family pictures but the house was cute. "Tore Time!" Ein yelled. I giggled and followed him. "The living room~" he was laying upside down on the couch. I took out my phone and started to record. Ein got up and ran into another room. "The kitchen~" He was on the counter doing some anime pose. I started to laugh "what in the name" I started to laugh more. "Do you always apt like this when you home alone?" I asked. Ein jumped off the counter and walked up to me. "And what if I do~" Ein grabed my waist and the back of my head. He placed his forehead on my forehead. I put the phone in his face so he understood I was still recording. Ein pulled away, but pulled me up stairs. "Now the up stairs area!" Ein walked over to one door "This is the bathroom, this is my mom and dad's room" he said pointing to another room. He dragged me to a dark blue door, and slammed it open "And this is my room" Ein had so many wolf posters and moon sticker it's exactly how I'd decorate my room. The walls were painted and nave blue with some pink and purple stripes, and some little white dots that looked like stars. "Wooooow" I said spinning in a circle looking up at his ceiling. "Cool, Isn't it?" Ein put his hands on my hips, and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I was planing on having us go see a movie, then to the park to look at the stars." I look at Ein as he tilled his head to look at me, his head still being on my shoulder. I felled my face turn a million shades of red. "Your cute when your red" Ein said as he kissed my nose. "Jerk" I said playfully. "As long as your here I don't care what you call me, pup" Ein said nuzzling my neck. I didn't tense up when he did it, like you think I would. I felt safe with him. I turn around and hug him, turning off my phone along with the recording. "So what are we going to do till the movie?" I asked pulling away. "Well, how good are you at..." he walked over to a box and pulled out a game. "Just Dace?!" he asked. "I'm pretty good. Why is it a challenge?" I asked determined to beat him. "Now it is" Ein said putting the game in. "Guests picks first" Ein said doing a little bow while handing me the controller. "Okay, Hmm... Timber!"

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