Bye Ein (Short)

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    It's the last day of school and me and Ein were sitting down in the cafeteria. "I can't believe we have to got separate schools next year... I wanted t-...never mind" Looked up at Ein to see his face slightly red. My Uncle said I could got to Phoenix Drop High, but only if I don't get to attached to people... "Ein what were you going to say? We can hang out during the summer, and even after school." I said giving a warm smile. "I-I wished we could, but my dad is supposed to be home all summer, I already told you that..." "ALPHA!!" I turn over to see the pups. "Hay pups!" They all gave me a hug. "We heard you're going to a different school! I bet you'll be a great Alpha there, just like you were here!" Julia, the only girl pup, said. "Actually, next year I'm going to be a 'lone wolf'. I was only yalls alpha by accident." I said laughing a little. "Even so, you were are favorite Alpha!" Ben said giving me another hug. I heard Ein chuckle, so a gave him a quick glare. "Love you" "I know"  I said back
(If any of you people get what I did I love you. Also time skip)

      Me and Ein were hanging out at the creek by the park. "So what are you looking for next year at PDH...?" I looked up at Ein then back down. "Definitely not the uniforms! But it be nice to see my friend, Gene, again" I said remembering I don't hang out with him as much anymore.

Ein's POV

     "Definitely not the uniforms! But it be nice to see my friend, Gene, again" Lacey said looking down at the water. She always looked familiar, but I can never tell from were... But if I forget her Irene help me remember... I don't know what came over me but I leaned closer her and kissed her on her cheek. Once I realized what I did I backed up a curled up into a ball of embarrassment. "E-Ein D-Did you just-" by the sound of it she didn't wanted want to fish her sentence. I just gave a slight nod and stayed were I was. I felt warmth around me, not just that but something warm and soft on my cheek. I look up and see Lacey hugging me and looking down, her face more red than a blood red rose. "L-Lacey, I-I l-like y-yo-" "LACEY ARE YOU HERE!? COME ON DAD WANTS YOU HOME, NOW!" Lacey looked up at me. "It's okay, I have a feeling we'll see each other again. And don't worry I won't forget you. now go before you get in trouble..." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I was holding in my tears so she wouldn't see. "I'll miss you Ein!" I heard her yell as she ran to her cousin. Even if she was trying to hide them I saw her tears, which made mine fall... "Why couldn't I tell her what was going on with me... About how I got these scars... Why couldn't I explain to her about what I've been through...?" I said crying a little. "You know what I would've done if you did, so it's best that you didn't" I jumped and turned around to see M-Michele...

(I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I appreciated it if y'all vote as well. And once again thank you guys sooo much for reading!!)

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