Hanging with Ein?!

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    It was friday, yay the weekend. I was sitting in my seat for the last class of the day, werewolf class. Ya I know I got the same last class as last year! I saw that everyone was glaring at someone in the back as they walked in. I look to see they were glaring at Ein!? I get up and walk over to sit by him. "Mind telling me why you all are glare and growling at him!?" I yelled. I saw a lot of there heads go down along with there ears. "He's the omega, beta" I look at Ein of a second to see he had he's ears down a little. "That doesn't give any of you the excuse to growl and glare at him! If he hasn't done anything then there's no reason to be mean to him! Got it!?" They all nodded there head and sat in there seat right before the 'teacher' came in. I sat down and smiled at Ein. "You know you didn't have to do that" "ya I did. Everyone thinks just because this is how werewolves are suppose to act, that they never stop to ask should they be acting like this. I mean do you see me jumping out of windows for the hell of it? or throwing other werewolves out a window? no. I just think everyone one at this age should learn some manors, or we'll never be able to do what everyone else can..." by the time I was done talking my ears were hanging down a little. "You know i never wanted to be in a pack... I only became beta to help out Aph..." I felt a hand on my shoulder. My ears perked up a little as I looked up to see Ein with a smile. It was then that I saw the scars on his face... They didn't look like ones you get from a fight, but I decided not to ask. "You know the way you act does remind me of someone, but I just can't remember there name, or what they look like" Ein said making me smile a little. "Lacey I don't expect you to pay attention considering you didn't last year and still aced, but Ein I would like it if you would" I could see the teacher was a little surprised that no one was laughing. I just smiled and rested my feet on the desk. Ein seemed to sniker at my action.

Class went as it did normally would. Except we can't be breaking any windows or at least try to not break as many. Do to the budget the school has. The bell ranged and everyone ran out, well mostly everyone. I put my feet down and grabbed my stuff and was about to walk out. "Lacey?" I turn around and look up at Ein... I fucking hate feeling small! "Ya, what's up?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck "Well, I wanted to now if you'd like to hang out later?" Ein's ears were slightly down. "Sure, were would you like to hang out?" I asked. His face lit up "Um, well I know there's a park here right? Maybe meet up there, around 4?" I giggled "Sure, but I better get home before my cousin says something crazy when I get home." I said with a smile. Ein gave me a weird look before smiling "okay, see you there" As I was walking out I could hear the teacher say something "what is it with kids sitting in that desk together?" (if you couldn't tell Ein and Lacey were sitting at Aph's and Aaron's old desk)

When I get home I run upstairs and put on some normal clothes.

When I get home I run upstairs and put on some normal clothes

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I was sitting at the park when I heard someone call my name. I look up to see Ein getting out of a car. I wave 'hi' as he walks over. "Ein! Don't forget to be home by 8!" "YES SIR!" Ein yelled back. I froze, I may have only cought a quick look, but I knew it was Zack! "Well, what do you wanna do beta?" I looked up at Ein and gave him this look of displease. "W-what? I-Is there s-something on me?" He asked as he looked down. "No, but 1) I have a name don't call me 'beta' 2) lighten up. Come on were going to the Ice-cream shop" I said and started to pull him gently. Ein looked at me and lit up "Race ya there" Ein said and started to run "FAT BET!" I yelled and ran after him.

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