Hanging With Ein

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(!!WARNING!! MAY DIE OF FANGIRL/BOYING!! You've been warned!!)

      Ein said we could hang out at the park. I grab grab my bag and head down stairs. "Melissa I'm going to the park see you in a bit!" I yell as I ran out the door, and down the street all the way to the park. I get there and I see Ein on the park bench and on his phone. I decided to sneak up behind him, and give him a hug from behind. Ein jumped and yelled "AHH! L-Lacey!?" I giggled at his reaction. "What did I scare you?" I whisper in his ear. "Ummm, y-ya, you did" He looked away for a second before pulling me over his head, and onto his lap. I let out a yelp of surprise. "E-Ein! You jerk" I laugh as I fell my face start to get warm. He just chuckled and pet my head. I crossed my arms, and made a pouty face. "What, don't like me petting you?" Ein said laughing a bit, and started to ruffle my hair. I slapped his hands away and fell off his lap and onto the ground. "Lacey!" I stood up laughing "I'm fine! I've gotten hurt more then this! Heh,heh" I said reassuring him that I was okay. "You sure?" Ein was still worried. Ein brought me into hug, checking to make sure. "Ein, I said I'm fine. You don't need to worry" I said just standing there. Ein let go, but held me in place. He looked me up and down, but stopped and stared at something. I looked to meet were he was staring. He was looking at my- my scars. I pulled my arm away. "L-Lacey?" I looked up at Ein to see tears forming in his eyes. "D-Don't worry about it, there old" I said, which was a big fat lie! "No There Not! Lacey I know the difference between a new scar and an old one! Lacey these are new!" Ein had finely let tears fall from his eyes. I felt a knot billed in my throat, and stomach. "I-I'm sor-" I was cut off from Ein pulling me into a tight hug. "It's okay, and don't worry I'm not going to ask why. I just need to know that you'll come to me next time you even think about it, Okay?" Ein said as I felt one of his tears land on my shoulder. Ein pulled away and wiped away some of my tears. "Okay, lets get over this and go have some fun!" Ein said and pulled me to the swing set. He got on one and patted the one next to him. I sit down to fell a strong push from behind me. "Ahhh, E-Ein!" I heard him laugh as he push me again, but this with more force. He kept doing this until I jumped off and ended up doing a 'superhero landing'. "You're so extra!" Ein yelled running over to me. "Heh heh, shut up you're just jealous That I could nail it" I said shading up. "Ya, you tell yourself that" Ein said walking over to a bush of pink flowers. "How about we make a bet? If I nail a 'superhero landing' You have to where this flower in your hair." Ein said holding up the pink flower. "Bet!" I said as Ein walked over to the swings, and what do you know he landed!... "I hate pink..." I mumbled as Ein put the flower in my hair. I folded my arms over my chest, and looked away with my face turning pink in embarrassment. "Oh come on you look cute" Ein said giving me an 'anime girl' smile. I just sighed and looked at him "Fine, a bet is a be..." I growled. Ein put a arm around my shoulders. "Smile" I look up to see Ein taking a picture of us. (Picture above) Ein shows me the picture. "You're such a dork" I laugh. "Eh, if I can be your dork then I'm okay with that" I didn't know if he was being for real or not. "Oh ya, Lacey I was wondering if y-you'd like to stay the night at my house next weekend?" Ein said scratching the back of his neck, and his face a little red. "Sure. I mean My uncle's in a business trip, and It sounds like fun." I said smiling.

    Me and Ein played at the park a little longer, 'till it got dark and we had to go home. "You want me to walk me home?" I look up at Ein. "Na, I'll be fine. Besides I don't need my shipping fangirl of a cuz' asking me every question in the book." Ein laughed "Oh come on, she isn't be that bad?" I gave him 'the are you kidding me look'. "You don't know her like I do" "Well, just because you don't want me to, I am" I gave growled a him. I pushed Ein and ran off yelling "YOU'RE IT!" I dashed into the alleyways until I ran into someone making me fall on my butt. I look up to see Ein standing in front of me. Ein got one knee to be at my height and kissed my nose "Tag.You're.It" he whispered in my ear. My face was burning Blood red! I could have sworn Ein kissed my ear at one point. "E-Ein... I-I n-need to get home" I said getting up and dashing off.

   (BE HONEST WHO DIED?!?! Go a head and tell me in the comments.)

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