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I was on my way to the next period, but stopped when I heard someone crying in the girls bathroom. I opened the door and saw Aph in a ball on the floor. I ran to her "Aphmau?" she looked up at me and quickly wiped away his tears. "I-I'm fine, Lacey" She said. "Aph, tell me what's going on" she looked as if she was going to cry again. "Ge- I-I mean" "what did He do?!" I asked a tad angry. "N-no I don't want to mess up you guys frien-" "Aph I can handle it. He gets in trouble a lot." I said. "Gene took a pitcher of me and Gareth, a-and said if I-I don't do w-what he says he-he'll send the pitcher to Laurance" she started to cry again. I stood up with anger burring in side me. I couldn't hold it longer, so I punched the wall. I heard not only the wall crack, but Aph scream... I took off my bow and tie it around my eyes just in case. "*sigh* Aph, one you should have came to me, and two you need to say you've had enough." sho looked up at me and gave me a hug. I'm not much of a 'hug person' but I hugged her back. "You clean yourself up, okay. I have to go and cool myself off" I said giving her a small smile then left the bathroom. I walked out side and over to the park, and of cores Gene and his 'gang' was there... "Lacey? What are you doing here?" Gene asked coming up to me. "What about you? And I'm not talking about the being at the park." "what are you talking about?" "Aph!" I growled "Oh you mean Kitty?" Gene had a smirk on his face that soon faded when I punched him were the sun don't shine. "Gene I thought you learned not to upset Her" I herd Zenix yell. "Now when Aph I says she's had enough then you back off!" I growled walking back to school. Once I get back I go in the bathroom to check the eyes. "There normal, good" I sighed and rapped my bow around my neck and head to class. I walk into class and see Aaron sitting in the back. I walk and sit with him "I heard you made yourself both Alpha and Omega, guess that's best" "let me guess you have detention, again" Aaron whispered looking up at me. I just smiled "maaaybe... Ya" I sighed. "Dad's going to end up sending you away." Aaron said going back to doing his work. "Why is you tie undone?" I look at my tie and shrugged. "Must have came undone" I said pulling out my sketchbook. I herd Aaron let out a sigh "you better hope no one question it" "people are always questioning me" I said starting to draw a black wolf on a cliff with a full moon. "Aaron, do you think we could do 'cuz night', you know like we used to?" I asked looking up at him. He let out another sigh, and looked at me "Maybe, if you get your homework done" "oh ya, could you help me with that?" Aaron just rolled his eyes but smiled.

Hello people Okay One: I like to say thank you for all of the reads I mean I didn't think anyone expect for my friends were going to read this. and Two: I'm planing for all my tomtord/Eddsworld fans I plan on making a TormXReader!! If you don't know Torm is the ship child of Tom and Tord!

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