Meeting Kawaii~Chan

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Aph invited me to a sleep over at her house. She said that Kaitlynn and some of the others were supposed to be there. I was in the middle of getting my stuff together when Melissa came in looking at ever thing in my bag. "Hmm, lets see. Anime, Cookies, Cacao-Bars, Your wallet, Your small wolf plus- *GASP* LACEY ARE YOU GOING TO A SLEEP OVER, AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Melissa yelled. I just mentally faced-palmed, "Yes. Now get out of my room, so I can get my stuff together" I said pushing her out. Once I was done I headed down stairs and to my motorcycle. "Have fun" Aaron said giving me a hug from behind. I jumped I little from shock. "You jerk, and I will" I said giving him a hug. "I'll say 'Hi' to Aph for you too" I yelled jokingly as I jumped on my motorcycle and started it. Aaron just rolled his eyes and waved 'bye' as I rode off.

Once I got to Aph house I saw Kaitlynn up-stairs look through the window. I parked in the parking space that was opened before the door opened. "LACEY!" I jumped as every one ran out of the house and at me. "Lacey~salma?" I look over to see the pink mifwa that's in my cooking class and homeroom. "I'm Kawaii~Chan" She had such a highly pitch voice. "Nice to meet you Kawaii~Chan. Then again I knew your name, we have Cooking class and homeroom together" I said with a smile. "Hay Aph, were can I put these Cupcakes?" I asked holding up a container that had some homemade cupcakes in it. "Oh! I'll take them you go set your in my room" Aph said taking them and going inside. "Come on Lacey~salma, Kawaii~Chan will take you up to Aphmau~Senpi's room!"... So she talks in third person... Kawaii~Chan dragged me up to into Aph room, the walls were purple and there was Grey Follbuster poster. I put my bag in the corner, and walked down stairs with Kawaii~Chan. "Mija, you didn't tell me one of your friends were a werewolf!" look over to see Sylvana?! "Syvana?" I questioned. She looked at me confused "It's me, Lacey. Remember when you and Zeana had to watch me?" Here face lit up and she let out a squeal! I covered my ears as did Kaitlynn and Lucinda. "How did I not recognised you?!" I uncovered my ears, "I died my hair and I'm not wearing a hoodie 24-7..." I said with a strait face. "I see you didn't get over that smart-mouth of yours" I just smiled. "You know my mom?" Aph said. "Yup just like I know Garroth, Zane, and Vlad. When Zeana would need help watching me and the boys she take us over to well your house, and have us have a play date. Me and Zane would stay up-stairs watching T.V." I said smiling just thinking about what happened back then. "Well I don't need to worry about you then, Lacey" Sylvana said walking into the kitchen. "So Aph is anyone elts coming?" "Nope, this is all of us!" Aph said happily. "So what does Aph~Senpi have planed for this sleep over?!" my ears twitch at Kawaii~Chan's high pitch voice. "Murder?" Lucinda suggested. I looked really confused at her, and in a snap of her fingers I had a gun in my pocket... "So the person with the gun is the cop and they have to kill the murderer. Got it?" Lucinda explained. "So the "cop" has to figure out who's the murderer and kill them before everyone elts dies?" I asked. "Yup" I pulled out the gun and stot Kawaii~Chan and she just exploded into confetti with a knife falling on the ground. "How did you know it was Kawaii~Chan?" Kaitlynn asked. "I could hear the knife being pulled from her pocket" I said picking up the knife. In a spilt second I was back in Aph's room with nothing this time. I walk down stairs and sit on the couch next to Kawaii~chan. "Listen I didn't mean to kill you-" "OH! 'I didn't mean to kill you!' Lacey you sound like someone from a really bad anime" "You know what Kaitlynn, Shut up" I yelled. "Were are you guys" Aph yelled. "Oh well, Kaitlynn went to take a shower" Lucinda said coming down stairs. "Kawaii~Chan, if you have the gun shoot Lucinda now" I whispered. Kawaii~Chan pulled out a gun and shot Lucinda and again she exploded into confetti with a knife falling on the ground. "Noooo!" "thank-thank you Lacey! I feel avenged" I appeared in Aph's room, but with a knife this time. I walk down stairs, and see Aph with the gun. "Okay, so I'm the cop! I'm the cop" Everyone was around her. "Lacey come over her were doing interrogation!" I just slowly walked over to them. "Okay, so Kawaii~Chan what is... The best anime?" "Yuki Yuna is a Hero" "Nope!" Aph just shot Kawaii~Chan. I got up and stabbed Aph. "Well I'm out" I said and ran out of the house. I felt something hit my back, and I appeared in the room.

  We played until we got bord. Once the game was over we spent the entire sleep over playing truth or dare, Eating sweets, and watching anime.

     Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. To MCD fans I was thinking about putting Lacey into it, and making another book. If you think I should leave a comment or vote for this chapter!

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