A Shadow Party (Part1)

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   It was 3 am and I woke to the sound of my phone going off... I look at it and see Gene texted me.

G- hay you up?

L-Now I am what do you want

G-well me and the other shadow nights were getting bored this summer and thought maybe we could through a little party at your cabin... That's if you're okay with it.

L-you fucking text fast. And I don't mind I was planning on going there in the morning. If you guys want to join come by the cabin at 10.

G-aww, thx pup 😘

L-don't do that emoji -_-

G-💙 that better?



L-are you done yet?

G-what if I'm not?


G-c u in the morning

   I put my phone down, and get up. I go to my dresser knowing I'm not going to be able to fall back to sleep. (does any one else do this?)

    I grabbed a black sweat shirt, some ripped jeans, and head to take a shower.

     "Lacey! You're boyfriend's here!!" I heard Melissa yell from down stairs. "For the last time. Gene. Is. Not. My. BOYFRIEND!" I yelled as I got down stairs. I could just hear Gene chuckle from behind me. "I thought I said I would meet you at the cabin with the others!" I shot giving a glare a Gene. He put his hands up in front of him, like he was giving up. "Sorry, must of read the text wrong. You know it being 3am and all" gene said giving a smirk. I grabbed the caller of his shirt and pulled him down with me glaring at him. Even Melissa wasn't able to tell if I was playing or not. My ears were pointing strait up, and I could even hear Gene gulp as his expression went from smirking to scared. I let him go and start to laugh, "Wow! I really scared you didn't I?" I said laughing. "Are you serous!?!" Gene yelled still scared. I just grabbed my bag that I got when I was 12, and walked out waving bye to Melissa. "You're a bitch" Gene said as soon as I shut the door. I was still laughing. Gene started walking away "Aww, come on I was going to everyone donuts" I said going to my bike. "I'm not getting on that" Gene said as he just stood there. "Get on, pussy" I said patting a spot behind me. Gene gave a groan as he got on. "Hope I'm only doing this so I can hold you here" Gene said as he rested his chin on my shoulder and rapped his arms around my waist. "Ya I know" I said and started up my bike.

    We stopped by the bakery to get donuts but I moulded help but to get chocolate cake. That was big enough for everyone. "Are you kidding me?!" Gene Ask/yelled when he saw the cake... He didn't want to go in so he waited outside. "Whaaat. You know not to let me going inside by myself, or else this happens!" I said holding up the cake. "Ya ya, but are you going to be able to keep it intact on the way to the cabin?" Gene asked as he saw that it was still a mile away. "Ya, I did this last time we were hanging out there" I said proudly as I put the boxes of donuts and the cake in the basket. Gene got on and we headed to the cabin.

    "Okay so... What all are we going to get?" I said as I put the Donuts on the counter and the cake in the fridge. "Beer" Gene said. I glared at him, but he is of legal age.(well it was before they changed it!!) "No. It's not fair to the rest. Your the only one legally able to drink it" "No, you're able to drink as long as you have parent permission or at least one adult, and I'm technically I'm an adult." Gene said sadly proud of him self. I rolled my eyes as I walked out the door. "Come on we're walking" Gene gave a groan, but followed. "Why are we walking?" "Because the store isn't too far away, and you can use some walking" "I walked to your house" "nope, not good enough" I said with a small laugh and started to run a little. Gene chuckled and chased after me. "Come on, you know you can't catch up with me" I said and stoped only to run again when Gene got close.

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