1. 🔀 Past? Present? Future?

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Characters: Avriel + Libby Satori (husband+wife), Mitch + Lori Sophia Marshall (soon-to-be Satori), witch, Scott Satori + little Lori Satori, Libby + little Jonah Smith


It's hard to say, he's been doing his job for 2 years when he's a time traveler. Ever since he had this opportunity to work everywhere and nowhere at the same time, he fell in love with his job. He became one of the best, because his work was quick and clean. Today he came to fix a simple aberration. There's some kind of a witch running around LA's streets, killing everyone, who stops to look at her. It already killed a few people and from the newspaper, that alerted him, its next victim was Avriel Satori - husband of one of the best singers, Libby Satori, and great-grandfather of Mitch Sr. - inventor of the time-traveling device, that makes Mitch's job possible in every way you can think of and the father the agent himself.

"Mister Satori, you have a visitor," his assistant peaked in through the door. "He says, it's lifesaving," she scanned the room with her eyes. It was obvious that she was very nervous.

"Fine, let him in," Avriel sighed and laid back on his chair. He walked into the office and everything about him was screaming "I'm not a typical citizen".

"Mister Satori, am I right?" The man behind the table nodded and motioned for him to sit on a chair on the other side of the table. "Thank you. I came here to inform you, that there's a possible attack on you and your wife during today's evening. I was sent here to protect you. You can say that I was hired to make sure, you're both kept safe," he said, not moving with any other muscle.

"And what if I won't let you do, what you were hired to do?" Avriel looked up and down at the man sitting against him.

"You're not the one, who's in charge, Mister Satori. You may not understand this, but I'm hired by your great-great-great-grandson, who needs you to stay alive. I will do everything I can to keep you and your wife in safety until my contract with your descendant reaches its end," he wanted to laugh so hard when he saw the face of the man, whom he was supposed to keep safe.

"I don't have any kids, Mister...?"

"My name is not important, but his life is. He needs to be born and for that, you need to be alive. His inventions are in use even at this very moment, when I'm talking to you. You may not believe me any of this, but if it will help, I have a photo of your whole family," he handed him a paper with a picture of them all. He hadn't looked at it in years and years, he didn't need to look at that picture. He will always remember that picture of his family.

"How do you know so much about something, that hasn't happened yet?" Avriel looked at the man in a suit, who gave him the picture.

"That is classified information, I'm sorry. I can't tell you everything, but you have to believe me."

"Mister Satori, your wife is here for lunch," the assistant peaked in again.

"Call her in please," The assistant nodded and soon woman walked into the room. "Hey, sweetie. I'm sorry for delaying the lunch, but I've got a visitor."

"Mistress Satori," he bowed in front of the lady and sat back down. "As we spoke, Mister Satori, you both are now getting bodyguard for at least 12 hours and there's nothing, you nor your wife can do about it. I have my instructions and you better not keep me away from doing my work," he stood up right after, smoothed out his suit, and went out of the room, where he stood next to the door.

"Why did you hire a bodyguard?" Libby asked.

"I didn't, allegedly one of these young men did," he showed her the picture. She looked through the picture and something was telling her to not let go of it that easily. "I was told, this is our family."

"Babe, we don't have any kids and we agreed to not have one either," she sighed and leaned against his desk. "Whoever that is, he's lying," she said and looked at the door. "Do you believe me or him?"

"Of course, I believe you, but what he said somehow can't leave my mind," Avriel sighed and stood in front of her. "Now let's get the lunch, as I promised we would," they took each other by their hands and walked out.

"Ready to get your lunch?" he was there and he was with them until the evening came. "If I may, I need you to stay in your office, both of you. This is only for two hours. I will come for you, once it's safe for you to go," he walked out of the office and locked the door, keeping the married couple inside. He went outside, looking everywhere around, searching for the witch.

He couldn't see her in the dark, so he decided to go back. Once he saw the door to the office open, he ran inside. She was there, mumbling something. He ran up to her, grabbing her around her neck. She started squeaking and kicking everywhere. The couple stood there in horror, looking at their descendant as if they knew they were related.

"You won't get to hurt them, rather kill me," he mumbled, as his arms tightened around the witch's neck, breaking her bones - killing her quickly. Her body stopped moving and fell down on the floor. He fell next to her, breathing heavily. "This is, why I'm here," he said between his breath, looking into his great-great grandfather's eyes. "Now I have great news for your future family." He stood up and left the room. He opened his portable bridge.

He walked into the apartment and looked around. It was nearly 5:30am and he needed some sleep, but the happiness of seeing his ancestors so young once again was keeping him up. He went to the shower, trying to get his body relaxed and forget, what happened about 100 years back (few minutes ago). He took a long shower before he finally felt his muscles relax under small hands. He turned around and smiled when he saw his fiancee smiling at him. "Where were you all night, honey? I had a hard time falling asleep."

"Keeping you safe for the last time in the past. From now on, I will be keeping you safe from your side," he smiled at her and stopped the water. "Tomorrow I will become the luckiest man, that ever existed," she blushed and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much," he hugged her back.

"But I still get to love you more," he couldn't be happier in that moment. She was in his arms and he was 100% sure, he would be there for her no matter what. She was happy to be in his arms, feeling that he was there with her again.

"Lori?" she looked up at him. "Can you imagine, that I wouldn't be here? That I would not be born, because my ancestors didn't want to have kids?" he looked down at her, still wondering, how he got so lucky to have such a gorgeous woman in his arms.

"If you wouldn't be here, I wouldn't either. I'd be long dead and I can assure you, that our kids will never have to think about us not wanting them, right? Do you want to have kids?" she was hoping for a positive answer.

"I always did and always will, because you, Lori Sophia Marshall, are the one with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. I want to tell our kids, how you made me the strongest and happiest boy ever born under any star in any corner of the multiverse," he kissed her, giving all his love to the kiss. She wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling him closer.

"Then you won't be mad at me for this," she pulled a positive pregnancy test out of her pajamas' pocket. He smiled and spun her around in happiness.

"I'm going to be dad. God I love you so much," he sat her down, kissing her again.

"I love you more," she laid her head on his already dry chest.

Their little surprise came to look at the world on the 22nd of June 2092 and you wouldn't believe the resemblance. Daughter like mother and son like father. When they were 15 they looked like exact middle between their parents and they were smart just as much as their parents were at their age. "Little" Libby became a lead engineer on a new project in her father's company and "little" Scott went a bit different way. He went in his father's path and became the second-best agent of their times. He might never get to beat his dad's score, but he was happy to have such a proud family as he has. Libby had amazing life with her son Jonah and her brother named his daughter after his biggest hero = Lori. He was so happy to meet his family each and every time. Mitch's grandkids always loved to hear about his traveling stories and loved their grandparents almost as much as their parents.

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