Chapter 1

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Dean Winchester, the eldest of the Princes of Earth, well built, attractive, and kind.
Though he had the temper and attitude of an Alpha the poor Prince had presented as Omega four years ago at the age of 14.
All of his Alpha training had come to a screeching halt and he had been switched to lessons on how to be a good Omega for whoever his future husband was going to be.

In this case the Enochian Archangel Crown Prince Michael of the kingdom of Heaven.
It was quit the title but Dean knew he'd manage.
This was the opposite life he had hoped for.
He had always been told one day he would be King of Earth, that he would be given a beautiful wife and he would rule from his father's throne...
Until he presented as a stupid Omega.

Dean had nothing against what most called 'His Kind' really he had high respect and only ever treated Omegas well.
The rest of most of the known world though treated Omegas as bartering chips and whores. Honestly presenting as such literally stripped Dean of his voice and any potential titles.

Dean was getting ready for the day and was currently fixing the fluff that pointed out if his sleeves and fixing his shirt when there was an annoying and yet insistent knock on his quarters door.

Dean was getting ready for the day and was currently fixing the fluff that pointed out if his sleeves and fixing his shirt when there was an annoying and yet insistent knock on his quarters door

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*The outfit*

Dean grumbled and walked to the door in a simple few long strides.
As his hand hit the door he smiled at the familiar smell of his two younger brothers, Sam, who had recently presented as an Alpha and was named the future King, and Adam, his little half brother not yet presented.

"Good morning. Come in please." Dean mentioned as he waved them in before going to work on his hair in the mirror.
He left his bathroom door open so he could hear what his brothers had to say and watched them both closely in the mirror.

"We wanted to check on you." Sam shifted his weight. He had hit a major growth spurt upon presenting and was already as tall as his brother even though four years younger.

"I am fine Sam." Dean said with the slightest of a smile before his bottom lip stuck out as he fussed over his hair

Adam sat on his oldest brother's bed and kicked his feet before he spoke with a tilt of his innocent little head
"No you're not. You seem tense and a tad worried. You forget we can tell the slightest bit of change in your scent."

Dean let out a small whine and frowned because he wanted to growl but it was true. He was nervous and honestly scared.
The man he was to be married to he barely knew at all. They had met at large balls and various galas, but only ever briefly and they never spoke to each other...
The most Dean knew of the Crown Prince Michael was he was a valiant warrior and kind hearted towards his people.

Sam gave Dean a knowing look from behind him.
"We know it has to be scary for you Dean."

Dean straightened up and turned around looking at his two precious brothers.
"I will be fine. So long as I don't think about my future husband being a whole ten years older, or of the fact that I shall be nothing but his trophy wife I will be fine. I am sure I will be treated well, and who knows, perhaps we will grow to love one another... After all our mother and father's marriage was originally arranged... They loved each other dearly until she passed. Our father still loves her."

Adam frowned
"But I thought he loved my Mom..."

Dean knelt in front of his baby brother as the young ten year old prince sat on his bed.
"He does. He learned to love again when he met your mother." He ruffled Adam's hair and stood as there was a small, hesitant knock on the door.
"Come in!" Dean called as the door slowly opened and a Beta maid peeked her head in.

She gave Dean the most unamused and yes slightly disgusted look as she spoke.
Honestly Dean had grown used to the staff thinking they were above him.
"His Majesty the King asks for your presence in his study."

"Thank you. We are on our way."

"No sir. Only you." The maid rolled her eyes but quickly straightened up when Sam let out a low growl.
He never tolerated his brother being treated like a peasant.

The maid quickly left and Dean shot Sam a look.
Sam frowned and looked down a little before shrugging.
"She should treat you as Royalty since that us what you are." Sam once again shifted his weight and tucked some loose hair behind his ear.

Dean chuckled and hit his brother in the shoulder
"It's fine. Just never direct a growl at me and we'll be alright... Also stand straight. You're a Prince and future King afterall." Dean noted as his younger brother stopped his slouching.
"Alright both of you, I'm off to see what Father needs and we will meet you in the dining room for breakfast."

Both younger Princes nodded and Adam grabbed Sam's hand and they both hurried out and down to the lush dining room.
One last glance at his reflection and now satisfied Dean closed the heavy wood door behind him and headed to his Father's study.
Once he reached his Father's private study he hesitated before finally straightening his posture, clenching his jaw, chin up, cleared his throat and knocked.

The door opened and King John looked up from the letters and papers littering his deck.
"Ah Dean good morning son. Feeling well?"

Dean nodded and relaxed slightly. His Father seemed in a pleasant mood so it must not be to pressing a matter.
"Yes sir I am feeling just fine."

"Fine enough to travel? Isn't your heat soon?" John raised an eyebrow

Dean frowned slightly unsure what his Father was getting out. His heat was due in two weeks. He didn't think he would be traveling anywhere for quite some time.
"Not for another two weeks Father... What is this about?"

"As you know," John began as he stood and walked around his large dark desk to look at his oldest son better "The war between Heaven and Hell is over for the time being. Meaning the Prince Michael will be returning from war."

Dean's chest tightened and he felt he couldn't breath.
He spoke blinking a few times his voice quiet
"Meaning I will be married upon his return."

John nodded clapping a hand to Dean's shoulder
"After breakfast I would like you to pack for a trip to Heaven. You will be escorted by our finest Beta warriors and will arrive before your heat. King Chuck has already assured you a safe place to have the heat away from Alphas and when the heat ends you will meet your future husband."

Dean swallowed his tongue now feeling like lead as his heart hit his stomach.
He was going to get married.
He was expected to give heirs to his future husband, he was moving away from his home.
Married to a man ten years older whom he didn't know the slightest about.

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