Chapter 65

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Michael nodded along as his father rambled stories to John Winchester. The Human King had torn into Michael about his eldest being kidnapped, about a lack of security. Michael had explained the situation, that security had foolishly been placed elsewhere with the traffic coming in and out the front gates with wedding planners, and his deep regret at allowing Dean's kidnapping to go unnoticed for as long as it had.

John had lightened up, eyes glassing over with unshed tears, the angry lines relaxing into tired wrinkles of an aging man as he pulled Michael into a tight hug. Thanking him for finding Dean, for keeping him safe, for hunting down the people responsible, for letting Sam stay while the search happened, and then sharing his condolences for the loss of his brother Raphael.
Michael forced the tears back as he returned the tight embrace, wings stretching out slightly on either side of the Human King.
"My younger brother, Castiel, and the General Lucifer, are to thank for Dean's safe return. I was forced to remain here." He had explained but John merely shook his head.

Now Michael sat beside his father, John and his Queen Kate in front of them beside a warm fire, the sunset behind them out the window, sipping tea and coffee while awaiting to head to dinner.
Chuck was telling stories of this and that, John laughing and sharing his own stories. Of war, and meetings when they were young rulers.
Michael focused on the aromatic tea in his hand, his eyes flicked up noticing Kate watching him closely.
"Yes Ma'am?" Michael smiled making eye contact with her.

Kate tilted her head as she seemed to think of what she wanted to say
"Could you show me to the balcony? I didn't get a chance to see much of the sea when we were here last."

Michael of course nodded with a small smile. Stood up and offered the Queen his hand, wings shuffling to be more comfortable, one stiff and aching from being injured, but feeling better.
Kate followed Michael onto the balcony,looking over the ocean. It seemed to be the thing to do lately when an important conversation was to take place
"I appreciate what you are doing for your people, our people." Kate began as she placed her hands on the railing "It wasn't an easy decision for John to make. But it needed to be done."

Michael said nothing, staring off over the vast ocean, little silhouettes of long distant islands starkly dotted the horizon.
"It is what needs to be done."

"You're a kind and generous Alpha Michael. We were proud that you would be the one Dean would marry. Though there were many sleepless nights, John was sure Dean would of driven you all crazy by now." The Queen laughed with a shake of her head.

Michael regarded her words. Dean, drive them crazy? Michael had started to see Dean, the real Dean. He was finally starting to be comfortable, to be himself before he had been taken. Now he seemed so empty
"I'm sorry I didn't Protect him." Michael muttered turning his face away from the kind Queen beside him

The Queen never responded as Chuck swept them away to eat.
Dinner went by with hardly a word. Gabriel, Balthazar, Michael, Dean and Sam hardly ate. When the meal was over, the Winchesters all retreated to a parlor to spend time the five of them, though before they were out of the dining room John pulled Castiel suddenly into a tight hug.
"Thank you for bringing my boy home safe." John's voice was gruff with withheld emotions

Castiel stiffened at first, sending a wide eyed deer in the headlights kind of look over John's shoulder to Dean, Sam, and Michael
Michael and Sam sent Castiel each a shrug, while Dean made a motion with his arms for Cas to hug the man back.
Cas did, arms hesitated slightly as they wrapped around the taller human. His wings stretched forward with his arms but didn't wrap around the human as that was a bit to intimate to Castiel.
"Anything for Dean." Castiel huffed as John's embrace briefly tightened.

John pulled out of the hug with a small smile. Gave Castiel a firm shoulder squeeze, and followed his wife and sons from the room.
Dean was fbe last Winchester to leave the room, and if John noticed the mouthed 'thank you' directed at the Alpha angel, and finger twitch from Dean's hand he didn't say anything.

The next morning, the wind seemed to shift over the sea, the air threatened rain but not a drop fell. Clouds rolling with an ominous energy, waiting for something to happen.
Michael blinked as he looked at his reflection, the mirror over the sink showed Michael staring at a tired version of himself, with red rimmed eyes as the eldest Prince and soon to be King held back tears for the brother he would bury in but a few hours.

The Crowned Prince wore black, boots shining and golden crown rested atop his neatly combed black hair. Silver eyes scanning his attire and pure white feathers, everything was set proper, in order. With a sniff Michael blinked back the tears, eyes flicking down to his hands. The ones that took his little brother's life. For a throne, and a crown, that was already weighing him down, already. The weight of the Kingdom was ready settled on the Prince's shoulders, he felt as if it was cutting through his wings, pulling them down. His shoulders pulled back, wings folded neatly.

The Alpha held his chin up high, trying to keep the dignified, put together look of a future King.
It hurt, it hurt so much and Michael felt a piece of him chip away. Everything going on was just so heavy on the angel. With a heavy sigh Michael exited his chambers. As he strode down the hallway he was silently met with Gabriel at his right hand, Balthazar to his left and Slightly behind him, and Castiel completing the diamond shape the four princes solemnly walked in. Each with wings held stiffly behind their backs, adorned in black with crowns upon their heads,chins held high as the four line Alpha Princes of Heaven, stepped out of the confines of the palace walls, to meet the people of their Kingdom.

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