Chapter 48

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Dean shifted on the end of his bed, he was very much not presentable for the King of all people to be talking to him, he was in night clothes, wrapped in a blanket with slippers and bed head, not to mention his bed was a nest right now, and Castiel's blood stained coat was among the pillows he had been cuddling
"You want to talk about Michael? Is he alright?" Dean asked quickly worried that the Crowned Prince may have been more injured than he was told

"He's fine. Dealing with everything." Chuck spoke pulling a chair away from the desk and sitting in It. Wings dropping as he hung his head and thought about how to word this
"There have been recent developments over the past few years you are most likely unaware of, that have me worried for him... But, I feel you may be able to fix it." Chuck explained rubbing his hands on his legs as he spoke

"How?" Dean lifted an eyebrow as he pulled the blanket around his shoulders closer, he licked his lips ignoring the sting from the newly resplit open cut on his lower lip

Chuck tilted his head, nervousness lightly lined his scent as he rubbed at his beard
"How do I ask this of you?" The King grumbled before he finally exhaled "I need you to seduce Michael."

Dean's mouth fell open as he blinked at Chuck. His eyes glowing green in the crackling firefight
"You want me to what?"

"Seduce him."

"Before the wedding? Isn't that against Enochian custom? Thought they were all about abstinence until marriage? Especially in their royalty and future rulers?" Dean tilted his head swallowing back confusion

"We do. But the current circumstances are, complicated. A child as yourself cannot possibly see the big picture, or the reason behind my request." Chuck explained with a wave of his hand and nod of his head

"I would like to understand then." Dean spoke simply with a lift of his chin throwing away any submissive behavior he may have been displaying out of respect

"You wouldn't understand. You aren't a parent, or a King." Chuck continued "Besides I thought you humans didn't care about waiting for the perfect mate anyway?"

Dean swallowed back anger at what Chuck had just implied
"Some do not. Just as some Angel's do not. I on the other hand and as a royal do."

Chuck sighed rubbing a hand down his face as he searched for how to word this to get Dean to do as he wanted without causing an issue
"Listen Omega, this is-"

"Dean." The Prince spoke with narrowed eyes, no Alpha was going to try and manipulate him

"Alright, Dean, I'm sorry. This is my request to you as a King. It's for Michael's own good. You're to marry him as soon as you're presentable to the public anyway. No one but us and him in the end will even know that you two have been together. Just do as I request." Chuck pleaded his wings dropping

Dean shifted and stood, shoulders back and chin raised in defiance
"And if I refuse to do this? Do you even realize what it is you are asking me to do? I refuse to do anything to make Michael uncomfortable. He is to be my husband, I am not some whore for you to use." Dean was still so appalled by the very thought that Chuck would ask him to take advantage of and seduce Michael.

Chuck stood, with a low rumbling growl, his wings shuffled and rose in dominance, chin raised and nostrils flared as his irri scent came off the Alpha with a hard glare.
Dean swallowed thickly, the smell of hostility coming off of Chuck was out of character and strong enough to make the Omega Prince lower his head in a bow of submission
"You willyou will do as I say or I can make your stay here very, challenging."

Dean bit his bottom lip holding back a wince as he felt the healing cut split open again
"I will see what I can do. But I cannot promise anything." Dean finally said his eyes flicking up to meet Chuck's, his head mot raising from it's lowered position.

"You have two weeks to bed him." Chuck spoke seriously and upon Dean opening his mouth to protest once more Chuck held up a hand to stop him "You have the body type of an Alpha, I'm sure it won't be to difficult." The King said this time relaxing, wings shuffled to their relaxed state and his eyes softened
"It was a pleasure to have this discussion." Chuck added with a smile, his nose twitching eyes flicking to Dean's bed that was flooded with pillows and blankets before he turned and left the room.

Dean sat back on his bed and let his head fall into his hands. This wasn't good.
What was Chuck thinking? Dean hadn't spent a huge amount of time with his future mate, but he knew enough that Michael found intimacy to be sacred among mates. Dean could respect that, besides, the thought of being with anyone sexually left a huge ache in Dean's chest and made him want to throw up. He couldn't do this.

With a shudder the Winchester crawled back into bed and burrowed into his nest, of course it wasn't perfect anymore, the pillows had been moved when he woke up, the blankets weren't warm anymore and the smell of Chuck's anger lingered in the room, making the smell of the fireplace and clean sheets.
He had two weeks, to weeks to seduce his future mate, and Dean had no idea why. It was alarming and confusing. Dean considered confiding in someone, Benny perhaps? Or Castiel? No, not Castiel that wouldn't be good. Dean needed to distance himself from the beautiful Alpha. Afterall what they had shared, a kiss.
While it was a simply kiss, it felt like it contained the world. Like everything Deam had ever imagined and more. They shared the words they could not speak in that moment they kissed. Dean was betraying everyone and everything, he had no idea what to think anymore, what to believe. His life was like a ball of yarn falling off a knitters lap, unraveling and doing so fast.
A tangled mess of string.

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