Chapter 40

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The air was so incredibly thick, no one dared to breath. Everyone waited with baited breath as Dean made his appearance. For a majority of the Kingdom, this was the first time they had seem their future Queen, Dean was still bruised to Hell, but the swelling around his eye had gone done today. The purple had begun it's transition into green and yellow.
The Omega stepped up some stairs to be seated by King Chuck, but first leaned over the railing, looking down where Raphael and Michael stood in armor and waiting.

Dean didn't even look at Raphael at all but motioned for Michael to come closer. The Alpha did, as Dean reached down, took his face gently in his hands and leaned forward to place a kiss on the Crowned Prince's forehead.
It was a formal way to wish his future mate luck.
"Kick his ass Michael. I won't be wed to a sexist cruel pig." Dean whispered in the Archangel's ear as he cast a sideways glance to Raphael with a sneer.

Michael chuckled and stepped back, bowing slightly to Dean, his wings spreading a little as he did
No words were needed. Dean could see the look on Michael's face. He didn't want to hurt his brother, but he could not let his people, or Dean be governed by such a cruel angel.

"Tch, let's get this over with Michael." Raphael sneered as his wings stiffened, hand hovering over the hilt of his sword.

Michael scanned the crowd, never fully taking his eyes off of Raphael. The Alpha was concerned when at first he did not see Lucifer, but then he saw his General move from the shadows, standing just behind King Chuck.
Lucifer gave Michael a small nod, and Michael was sure he saw something like a flicker of guilt in the blonde's eyes, but dismissed it as Chuck stood to speak

"My son, Raphael has challenged my eldest, the crowned Prince Michael for the throne and the Omega Prince. I tried to talk him down but he would not listen. Therefore, the two Alpha's will fuel honorably for the title of Enochian King of Heaven!" Chuck looked down at two of the boys he raised with a sad look and tears threatening his eyes
"Let it begin."

Raphael pulled his sword and with a raging cry swung at Michael.
The war general easily dodged the blow and defended the next with a steady and calm swing of his own sword.
The sound of metal on metal echoed heavily through the air. The citizens of Heaven were silent, each creature on baited breath waiting to see who would rule them.

Raphael was relentlessly swinging at Michael, the crowned prince only defended. He would not hurt his brother, even if they were not related by biological blood.
Family never ended with blood, and it never started with it either.
Unfortunately for them this would need to end in blood.

Michael made the one mistake that had been trained out of him when he was younger, he took his eyes off his attacker for only a second, his icy eyes flicking upward to see Lucifer had moved closer to the railing, his wings stiff in anticipation.
As Michael's eyes flicked back to the angered angel attacking him he moved a second to late. A sharp stinging tore in his shoulder and down his arm. Of course his arms held little armor but that didn't matter, neither angel wore much armor at all, this was meant to be a traditional fight.
Michael tore his mind from the pain of his wound, it wasn't even bad. But the steady slow drip of warm thick blood through his sleeve was very distracting.

The Archangel defended for a long time, simply watching Raphael rage and attack him.
Raphael's scent was so strong with anger that the eucalyptus and wintergreen scent stung Michael's nose, making his eyes water. This battle was dragging on and Michael needed it to end.

"Just kick his ass already Michael!" Dean called down from the stand. The Omega's face was distraught as he leaned over the edge of the railing. Lucifer pulled Dean back and whispered something to him to which Dean nodded and frowned.

Michael looked back where Raphael had halted his assualt. Chest heaving and eyes rimmed with furious Alpha red
"Either attack me or lay down your sword Michael. You're a coward." Raphael hissed as he tried to catch his breath
Michael pushed his words out of his mind and took a deep breath, exhaling the Crowned Prince opened his eyes, they seemed to glow a calm icy blue. His wings shifted, one foot slid back, he spun his sword before addressing Raphael

"Than strike me again."

With another enraged roar Raphael ran and with a flap of his wings jumped, sword swinging down like a guillotine in an attempt to strike Michael down.
With one strong flap of his wings Michael dodged and for the first time attacked back.
The battlefield became a flurry of dust and feathers. No one could make out which figure in the dust cloud was whom. White and wine red clashed as the onlookers could catch a glimpse of wings. The only sound filling the arena was the growling of Alpha's, the clanging of metal along with the frantic flapping of wings

Lucifer leaned over the railing trying to make out which shadowy figure in the dist cloud was Michael.
The General's red pink feathers twitched and all six wings couldn't hold still.
His amber eyes scanned the dust cloud and then he noticed blood splattered in the dirt.
The smell of blood, of sweat, of aggression, filled Lucifer's nostrils. The Alpha's nose flared, he picked up a scent to his left and swung his head to look at Dean.

The young Prince's nostrils were flared, his pupils dilated with fear, trained on a face across the arena.
All cor seemed to be drained from the Omega's bruised and cut face
"Your Highness?" Lucifer whispered and gently touched the young man's elbow.
Dean's face whipped up to loom at Lucifer with fear filling his face and scent
"Prince? What's wrong?" Lucifer asked scanning the boy's face. The Archangel hoped it was simply fear for Michael's predicament

Dean's eyes glanced back to where they had been trained, but his face stayed facing Lucifer
"It's Abaddon. She's here..." Dean swallowed before his eyes looked back up to Lucifer's

"Who's Abaddon?" Lucifer spoke softly as he gently pulled Dean to the side, the movement didn't go unnoticed by Sam who was seated beside Gabriel

"She-" Dean swallowed and closed his eyes, steadying his breathing, he dragged his tongue over his bottom lip, his eyes opened again as the Omega continued "She was responsible for kidnapping me. Claimed she was the Queen of Hell, and she's here."

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