Chapter 63

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Michael and Dean ended up both laying side by side in the long warm grass of the little forest clearing, staring up at the clouds and blue of the sky.
It was a quiet moment between the two. Both going over all the information from the past few days. It was a lot to take in for anyone and everyone involved.

Dean had been returned intime for a duel to the death between Michael and Raphael, Abaddon had showed up, and disappeared again, Crowley was alive, Dean was pregnant, Lucifer ran off to get revenge or something, Chuck was acting weird and pretty much threatened Dean, and they were to get married in just a mere few days.
Not to mention Dean's father John, step mother Kate and baby brother Adam would be here for the wedding anyday.

It felt like a sharp rock made it's way down Dean's throat as the young Human swallowed. A sense of dread and fear settled in the pit of his stomach in the existence of a little life.
What would his father say? How would His father react to knowing that his eldest son, the one that refused to be a typical Omega, the son that was built and trained like an Alpha, that was headstrong and bullheaded, had been bred like some animal to a random Demon?

Dean took a deep breath, he had to take this all one issue at a time. The first issue being, what, was he going to do with the baby?
This was the one time Dean wished that Michael, as his soon to be Alpha and husband would just tell him what to do.
"Michael," Dean started keeping his eyes up at the sky "What should I do?"

"Whatever you want Dean. It's your body, your life, and ultimately your call on what you do with it and the the one growing in you." Michael said softly and simply. He didn't want to influence Dean's decision and make him regret whatever he decided. He wanted Dean to be sure of what he wanted to do about the baby and Michael would support him and be there for him through all of it no matter what happened.
If his fiance decided to keep the child, Michael would help him raise it, if he decided to carry the child and hand it over for adoption, Michael would ensure that the best possible family took the child in, if he decided it was to much and he couldn't do it and abortion washers right way to go, Michael would be with him through the process.

Dean sucked in a breath, and slowly let it out
"For once I want someone to just tell me what to fucking do. Just this once." The human muttered, one arm slung above his head the other hand resting on his chest.

Michael scoffed, one set of wings stretched up with his arm as he reached it towards the bright and free blue sky
"Dean, you're like no one I've met before. To hear you ask to be told what to do about yourself breaks my heart. You're a free bright soul, own it and let no man, Alpha or otherwise tell you how to run your life and what to do with your body."

Dean frowned up at the sky.
"I know. But for once I thought maybe you would tell me what to do. I have many options and I don't know which one is right." The freckled prince chewed his bottom lip as further worry set in "I will have the decision made by the wedding... I promise."

"Alright." Michael wanted to reassure Dean that he didn't need to rush into a decision, that he could take as long as he needed to figure it all out. But he felt the human didn't want further reassurance and soft sympathy.

A silence settled between them once again, the sky began to shift into the dripping colors of sunsets, the breeze slowed, the air began to cool, and crickets began their song
"Perhaps we should head back." Dean's voice came out in a hushed whisper, Michael almost didn't even hear the Omega in his dozing off state

Sitting up the Crowned Prince stretched out his arms and wings, spine letting out a series of gentle pops.
"That's probably a good idea." When Michael turned to look at Dean the boy was already pulling his boots back on and standing


Michael watched Dean, his face was blank of all emotion as he mounted his horse in thoughtless but instinctual movements. He waited as Michael mounted his own horse before whipping the reins, Impala charged through the woods like a sleek black bullet, leaving Michael in the dust.
Dean let his thoughts start to spiral, which was a very bad idea as he barrelled between trees, letting his Baby take him home. Before Dean knew it he was charging back into the Castle court yard as the sun was kissing the sea, his horse halted and the sudden stop nearly made him pitch forward, the prince calmed and cooed to Impala, petting her neck as he looked around, immediately recognizing the Carriage that was already being unloaded, the familiar scents of his family met his nose as he blinked a few times.

Dean dismounted quickly as his father turned at the sound of his horse's approach. The Alpha Human's eyes watered at seeing his eldest safe and sound. Having obviously been informed of his four months captured and tortured at the hands of demons.
Dean stood beside his big black mare, emotions battling in him for the forefront, he wanted to run to his father, bury his nose in his neck and sob, part of him also wanted to run in shame, while another part wanted to lift his chin, set his jaw and act as if everything was fine.

He had no chance to decide which he would do as suddenly his father's strong arms were wrapped around him. Surrounding him in the smell of home and the strong scent of burning leaves and saw dust. Something associated with the loving but stern and steadfastness of his father.

"Dean I'm so happy you're home and safe." John mumbled into his eldest son's neck with a softness to his voice that was rare for public settings.

Dean's arms wrapped around John as he tried to keep the damn from breaking, a single tear slipping down his cheek as he felt his father's shoulders give a shake.

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