Chapter 47

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The dinner table continued to sit in an awkward silence after Michaeldismissed himself. The sounds of clinking silverware and glasses was overbearing and Castiel couldn't take it anymore.
"If you'll excuse me." He said simply to which his father gave a small nod.

Gabriel stood and Sam followed Suit
"If we may?"

Chuck nodded again and dismissed his children and their guest. Once the door was closed Chuck looked down the long table to Crowley. The demon was already looking at the King with a curious yet slightly knowing look.
"Something wrong?"

"Of course not. I only had one son try to over throw my eldest who was then forced to take his life. Though I knew Raphael was up to something. I didn't realize to what extent and I fear it may be deeper than we initially thought." Chuck pressed his fingertips together with a frown, his graying wings twitched "At least you got out in time. One threat has been eliminated but Abaddon is still an issue. Eve will behave for now but I have no idea how John will be when we receive his letter. We sent one to him upon the Omega being returned and should receive his letter in three days."

Crowley nodded and tilted his head
"We could always-"

"No!" Chuck's gaze was dark and threatening as the Alpha lifted his chin "We do not bring her into this. Your mother stays out of this also. Michael is to marry the Omega Prince provided Abaddon didn't taint him to badly. He is never to be with another Alpha Regardless of what your mother can reveal. Red Strings and fate, mean nothing in politics. Love and true mates, mean nothing in withholding Peace."

"Fine. My witch of a mother stays where she is. But we could use-"

"Enough!" Chuck stood his six graying wings flaring in aggravation and a display of authority, dominance, and a finality that made Crowley snap his mouth shut "I refuse to call her out of exile. She is where she shall stay. As for any other fool you think should be brought into this I suggest you rethink. You're supposed to be intelligent Crowley." Chuck groaned rubbing his temples with a sigh "You will be shown to your room, and I am retiring for the night." Chcuk growled hostility leaking through his scent as something almost sinister flashed in his eyes. The King then stormed out the door leaving Crowley alone.

The entire way to his quarters Chuck fiddled with his ring. Thinking of his late wife with a deep frown.
He had had two wives. Micheal, Gabriel, and Balthazar's mother, then Castiel and Samandriel's mother. It was a mess of things, the circumstances leading to the marriage of Castiel's dear mother Cassiel. He had named Castiel after his mother even. But everything around that time, and around the birth of his youngest, of whom the world was sure was dead, was shrouded in things he rather not think about.
Chuck paused as he reached an area of going left or right. To the right was the hallway lined with his children's rooms, to the left led to his own room.

Decided to at least check in his children, as he was a decent father, at least in his mind, he knocked first on Michael's door.
There was silence for several minutes before the door slowly opened a little to reveal Michael's tired eyes and sleepy frown. He looked worn and older with his face bruised and tired. Years of fighting etched in his frown, tiredness of fighting and war filled his icy eyes
"Yes father?" He spoke, something hiding in his voice that Chuck could not place.

"I wanted to check in on you."

"That's very Kind. I assure you I'm alright. I didn't suffer any serious injuries." Michael explained running a hand through his already messed up dark hair, blinking a few times to clear the sleep from his eyes as his icy colored gaze met his father

"If you insist. Sleep well son. You have a lot ahead of you. A marriage and a coronation." Chuck gave his eldest a weak smile and patted his son's shoulder before bidding Michael goodnight. Michael returned the sentiment as he closed the door.

Gabriel did not answer his door when Chuck knocked, neither did Balthazar. Castiel did though, and was still fully dressed, but stressed looking, though his youngest did not want to talk much. Which Chuck respected, when Castiel was deep in thought a lot of conversation was out of the question.

Chuck left his children alone. He considered heading to his room as was the original plan. But something else came to mind.
Chuck turned down a different hall, heading up stairs until he got to the quarters that Michael's future bride was staying. He paused outside the Omega's room, the Alpha gaurd giving him a bow of respect to the King
"See if he is awake. It's rather important."

Benny nodded and turned to knock lightly, when there was no answer he shrugged at the King.
The Archangel motioned with a certain look that Benny should go /in/ and wake him.
Benny knew this couldn't be a good idea. Especially since the Prince had been through so much, a strange Alpha in his room at night may not be a good thing. But not wanting to cause a problem for the king, the blue eyed Alpha exhaled as he carefully opened the door
"Your Highness? Dean?" He asked just above a whisper

Dean groaned as he rolled over. Peeking a vibrant and slightly glowing green eyes open at the sound of the door creaking
"Who is it and what the fuck do you want?" He asked sitting up, he pulled warm fuzzy blankets over his shoulders to trap the warmth of his nest to his body

"It is Benny. The King is here and would like to speak to you... He claims it's urgent."

Dean blinked several times and shook his head, regretfully swinging his legs over the side of the bed and slipping his bare feet into his slipper, pulling the blanket more around him Protectively
"Send him in."

Chuck entered and gave Dean a respectful bow
"Prince Dean, we need to talk about Michael."

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