Chapter 28

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Michael was a wreck in a sense. His fiance was missing, his fiance that was an Omega and practically a child was missing.
The Archangel had informed his father and then immediately sent a message to John King of Earth, to inform him of the situation.
Less than a week later he had sent his second oldest and Alpha Son Sam to stay in Heaven and assist in anyway necessary, along with a good amount of soliders.

Michael got to know Sam a bit better and the kid was a good kid for sure, and he always spoke about Dean with such a high respect, which honestly was strange and refreshing to see from an Alpha.
Still Michael was frantically awaiting any news of the Omega. He had discussed with his father about canceling the wedding for at least another year, but Chuck had insisted that Dean would be found, and the wedding was only pushed two more months.

For the entire month Michael was snappy with the guards, snappy with his brothers, and even snappy with Sam and his Father.
Everyone though was patient with the Alpha, except Raphael.
"If you can't keep yourself together in this situation, who's to say you will not snap under the weight of the crown?" Raphael had asked with false concern in his voice, but amusement in his eyes

"You will not speak such slander about your own brother Raphael." Michael snapped his wings fluffed on aggravation, his scent taking more dominant tones

"I'm just saying if the Omega had been my bride this would not have happened. History has obviously already repeated itself. I mean after-"

"ENOUGH!" Michael roared and slammed his fist down on the dinner table.
Everyone flinching save their father Chuck who did not see it fit to butt into an argument his two grown Archangel sons could deal with themselves, even if the subject greatly upset the King

Raphael's wings fluffed in irritation and twitched with discontent.
Sam's eyes widened and he steadied his cup before it fell over, but Michael and Raphael's cups did indeed spill.
Balthazar was unphased except when his wine spilled, then the angel pouted and shot his brother's an irritated look.
Gabriel on the other hand went rigid and stiff, he caught his cup with a sad frown and glanced briefly between his two oldest brothers and then to Sam.
Gabriel threw a quick look to their father to intervene but Chuck returned a look to Gabriel.
Chuck was done interfering. If Raphael had a problem with his brother and future King, then they needed to take care if it themselves.

Raphael stood firm his seat and rose his wine purple wings in a challenge
"You are unfit to be King brother, you are to soft to rule."

"Don't challenge me little brother. You are not the next King for good reason." Michael growled out his eyes holding a dangerous look to them as his wings rose to meet the challenge

"I should be! You're only to he King because you're the favorite! But you are soft, weak, and most disturbing, in love with another Alpha! Do not expect me to serve and obey a weak Alpha as yourself." Raphael but out, his scent of Eucalyptus and wintergreen nearly suffocating the entire room, clashing with the anger rolling off of Michael

"If you are challenging him, Raphael than say it and it shall be done. If not take a seat and respect your future King, and your brother." Chuck finally said as he set his fork down as he shot a glare at Raphael
"But know this, I've already lost one son, don't make me lose you as well." The King spoke with sadness in his tone as he looked at his second oldest son.

Raphael scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest before glaring at his father
"It isn't my fault that Samandriel is gone! He is either dead or was whored off to someone!" He hissed and a growl rumbled his chest

"Don't ever speak his name like that again!" Gabriel shouted as he stood up. The short Alpha had tears in his eyes and his wings rose in aggression
"He was our baby brother. Respect him."

Raphael lifted his chin and with a growl turned in Gabriel
"Be silent! He is not my brother, he was not my brother. None of you are actually my brothers." He hissed all four wings rose in anger as he growled at the shorter golden angel
"I will speak however I would like. You're not even a real Alpha Gabriel."

"You will not speak to Gabriel in such a manner little brother." Michael spoke up without a glance to Gabriel and the flash if hurt that came over his face briefly as his golden wings sagged slightly
"Respect this family, and our guest."
Michael couldn't believe anything that Raphael was spewing. To bring his little brother and fellow Alpha down like that, to spit on the name of their youngest brother.
It was normal in the royal family to present at a young age, around 9 or 10, and Samandriel had presented as the only Omega in the family at the age of almost 9. The kingdom, instead of celebrating mourned when he was suddenly gone without a trace at the height of the war a year ago.
The poor young angel was never found.

Gabriel gave Michael a silent thank you as his eldest brother defended him. But seriously all of this was out of hand.
Gabriel turned to Sam and with an apologetic smile simply bowed slightly and spoke
"I'm sorry you're witnessing Raphael's insolence. Please come with me and I will show you the gardens or the libraries."

Sam nodded and the young Prince stood and followed the older Alpha out the door after a quick glance over his shoulder as the dark skinned Prince called out the challenge Officially to the Future King
"Michael! I challenge you for the crown!"

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