Chapter 60

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Gabriel's day passed in a flurry, and by the time he watched Dean and his older brother Michael ride off into the woods, he was exhausted.
Castiel had been sent to train a few new knights and would not be back until late that night, Sam was buried in books and old war maps in the library, upon speaking to the lad Sam had kindly told Gabriel he needed some space. The Angel was not the kind of person to deny someone of such a thing, and headed off to Unfortunately, aide in the planning of his recently deceased brother.

He also had a more, private mission, but for that he would need to speak to Heaven's secret and highly unwanted guest the Alpha Demon King Crowley. Who was hidden away in his quarters drinking wine by the fire as he read.
Gabriel intercepted a maid as she was bringing afternoon tea to their guest, she didn't seem to mind as the gold winged Archangel flashed a flirtatious smile and toom her tray.

Upon entering the guest quarters for King Crowley Gabriel suddenly was a bit nervous. Crowley had been king of Hell for a while and made the Prince a tad uncomfortable. Though it seemed the demon Alpha made everyone uncomfortable...

"You're not the usual maid." Crowley's voice echoed from where he stood by the window

"No. I'm a Prince actually." Gabriel rolled his eyes, placing the tray on the glass table by the crackling fire
"I needed to speak to you."

"We had meals that could have been done at." Crowley purred not turning from the window

"Yes well, I needed to speak to you privately." Gabriel's wings shifted before folding close to his back "My father cannot know about this conversation."

This peaked Crowley's attention, the Demon King turned, red eyes fixing on the Archangel, seemingly examining the Prince before he took a couple of steps forward
"Have a seat, join me for tea. I offered your eldest brother Michael help in his private matters and the pillow stuffing turned me down, but this. This, is a surprise. Gabriel, the third eldest of Heaven's princes, the mysterious Alpha no one truly knows much about, has come to me for up on something? Pray tell me Gabriel, does it have to do with your little secret? Your family's cover up?" Crowley cooed as he took a seat

Gabriel sat across from the Demon, his shoulders tense, jaw set, chin up
"Shut up. Whatever rumors you may have heard are false, I've come to you about a myth."

"A myth you say? Like the little rumors about you dear boy? The rumors uttered to me about the strange Archangel with the golden wings, the prince that isn't what he seems?"

"I said. Shut up!" Gabriel snapped his voice rising a little "I've come to you for help, willing to make a deal and you do nothing but belittle me and speak of scandel." Gabriel hissed, anger souring his grassy scent "Show another Royal a little respect." He spat hands pulled into tight fists where they rested on his lap, wings tensing and rising up a little bit.

Crowley sat back, resting his chin on his fist, legs crossed as he examined the angry angel before him
"Than explain what you want pretty Prince."

"A witch. I need to know where I can find the Witch Rowena, the one that can see soulmates." Gabriel finally spit out, whiskey eyes flicking up to meet Crowley's intimidating red.

"Rowena, yes I know the whore. But tell me." Crowleyeaned forward hands folding together as he tilted his head at the Prince
"Why are you looking for her?"

"I have my reasons and they're private."

"It's for you I assume?"

"No. It's for my brother, Castiel."

"Finding her will not change the wedding."

Gabriel froze, his eyes wide as he looked at Crowley
"How did you know it had to do with the wedding?"

"Because I offered to get her for your Father. To help end some of this, inner turmoil among his sons and to prove him wrong on something. But I suppose your father was right in saying there is more pressing matters than who is marrying who and if it is right." Crowley poured himself some tea not sparing another glance to the stiff archangel before him

"Such as why Raphael challenged Michael to the thrown, and why this Abaddon tried to have you assassinated."

"Very good. You aren't as stupid as I've heard."

"Just tell me where I can find her. I have on good sources that the issue of Abaddon will be dealt with by the wedding. Now, tell me, where to find the witch." Gabriel hissed, standing to his feet anger rolling through his grassy scent like a bush fire

Crowley sipped his tea, contemplating what angle he should play
"Fine. I'll tell you. You can find her on a small island a days travel from the Capital docks. It's a little island, warded and dangerous, but if why you're seeking her is of true and pure intention, than you should be able to pass with little trouble." Crowley looked up at the Prince with an amused smirk

"What are you asking for in return?" Gabriel swallowed thickly, praying to gods that the Demon wouldn't ask anything outrageous

"I'm asking for wrongs to be made right. As selfless as they may seem it is quite the contrary and is purely for my own gain. Have a wonderful evening your Highness. I pray the funeral goes just fine tomorrow, and I will see you at dinner."

Gabriel stared at Crowley for a few moments trying to wrap his head around how easily the Fallen King had told him where this Rowena the Witch was. Feeling it unwise to press the Alpha on his true intentions for supposedly righting wrongs, the golden feathers Archangel bowed with a small thank you and hurried off.
He needed maps, maps and a boat.

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