Chapter 42

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Raphael's body was taken to be prepared for the funeral in two days, Michael was escorted to be patched up from his own wounds.
His brothers never left his sides. Castiel helped support his brother on the right, Gabriel assisted in making sure his wounded wings didn't drag on the ground, and Balthazar growled and glared at anyone that dared look at them the entire way to where the doctor was meeting them in Michael's room.
Chuck was no where to be seen, but no one questioned it.

The doctor checked Michael out and expressed the injuries were not to extensive.
Balthazar's wings twitched impatiently and the moment the doctor finished the poor beta man was pushed out the door by the sandy blond Prince.
"Glad the doc is gone." Balthazar grumbled before turning back to his brother's.

Michael sat on the table, hands in his lap staring at them intently. He was shirtless and bandaged, silent as his icy eyes avoided his brother's
"Why didn't he just stand down?" Michael whispered blinking a little bit

Gabriel opened his mouth to try and console his eldest brother when there was a light knock on the door
"Who is it?" Gabriel called his golden wings stiffening at the unfamiliar Alpha scent at the door

Castiel went rigid as his eyes locked on the door, a low growl emitted from his chest as his foot slid into a defensive stance.
"Castiel calm down." Michael whispered placing a hand on Castiel's forearm.

The door peeked open revealing a well dressed red headed Female Alpha.
"I simply wanted to congratulate the victor of the duel." The tall esteemed looking woman purred as she stepped in. Her eyes flicked black as she held her head up, horns poking from her neatly done updo in a regal way "I am-"

"I know who you are." Castiel hissed as his angel blade slid into his hand "I suggest you leave. You are not welcome here!"

Michael, Gabriel and Balthazar all looked to their younger brother with shock
"Castiel enough!" Michael ordered to which Castiel did not listen. The black winged angel took two strides forward, placing himself between Abaddon and Michael "You are responsible for the kidnapping and torture, of Omega Prince, Dean Winchester." Castiel growled as he looked at the Alpha demon in disgust

Abaddon looked highly offended, a hand to her chest, shock in her face
"I have done no such thing! I have been granted the throne of Hell, as Crowley is dead. I simply came to show that my Kingdom is not a threat to Heaven."

Everyone was silent.
Crowley was dead?
"How." Michael asked, well more like stated as his wings lifted slightly, despite the dull throb in two of them

"I couldn't stand my Kingdom being the bad guys any longer. I wish for peace between the four realms, not war."

"You mean you had him assassinated." Balthazar spoke with a tilt of his head

Abaddon shrugged but said nothing more of the matter. "I would have you know, on the subject of this Dean Prince, I did not send for him to be kidnapped. I will say this, orginally he was to be promised to the ruler of Hell for peace. But the King of Earth decided to sell him off to Heaven. If you do not want him, I will take him to be my mate, peace will be maintained, and Hell will serve no threat to Heaven or Earth, or Purgatory, for the remainder of my rule."

Castiel was bristling now, his wings flicked up in a show of anger and dominance, feathers puffed out in a challenge as he began to say something, though Michael cut him off with a hand to his shoulder
"We will have to discuss something else. Dean is in a delicate state at the moment. I have already declared him as my future husband and mate. Hell and Heaven are currently at peace with the treaty signed at the end of the war. While Crowley was standing King at the signing, it was still a treaty you cannot break. Should you break it." Michael stood and looked Abaddon in her soulless black eyes, Michael's own flickered with angelic grace as his wings lifted to display his superiority "It would be catastrophic for your nation."

Abaddon's smile fell and her fake sympathy vanished
"You have no right to speak to me that way boy" She hissed as she turned to leave "I will be back to negotiate further. That Omega though, he is damaged by now. If he was tortured it will probably hinder the potential of pups. I'm sorry you may never get an heir from that, whore." She purred with a delicate smile full of venom as she vanished out the door.

Michael looked to his brother's with a set expression
"Gabriel, go find Dean and ensure he is safe. Balthazar, get someone to investigate her claim of Crowley's death and the throne of Hell. Castiel, find Lucifer. I want her removed from my Kingdom post hast!"
The three brothers nodded and separated to their tasks, leaving Michael alone with his thoughts and throbbing ribs.

Michael frowned as he thought about everything going on.
He had seen Castiel and Dean on the shore in the early morning hours, he and Lucifer's relationship was finally nearly at a snapping point. This Abaddon character made him uncomfortable and her sudden ascension to the Throne of Hell was incredibly alarming. Not to mention she wanted Dean as a mate? Why? He was a child compared to him, and definitely a child compared to a demon like Abaddon.
Her claims of having nothing to do with Dean's kidnapping and horrid torture were contrary to the Omega's description of one of his assailants. Not to mention Dean knew Abaddon by name. Things weren't adding up, Abaddon had seemed disappointed that Michael had won the throne, almost as if she had wanted Raphael to win...

Things were not adding up, he was missing something. Something big, and something crucial. Abaddon was a puzzle that Michael felt he needed to solve.
A feeling in his gut said if he didn't, something catastrophic would happen.

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