Chapter 49

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Sam followed behind Gabriel as they exited the dining room, the taller Alpha stayed close to the short angel as a puppy would it's master, still not familiar with the castle layout, though the short Archangel didn't seem to mind.
The floppy haired Prince kept a close eye on Gabriel, as the usually smiling Alpha, with a joke on his lips and bounce in his step was very burdened down. His whiskey colored eyes were dulled of their usual mischievous glimmer, his wings shuffled and stayed lowered, a frown graced his lips, eyebrows furrowed and his scent had a bitter tang to his usually warm and inviting sweet scent of chocolate and springtime.

Sam wanted to say something, anything, but he had never lost a brother before, sure he had lost his mother but he never really knew her and was but a baby.
Most people say that the loving smell of their mother is comforting, Sam supposed Dean had that role in his life, other than Kate of course.
Sam stayed silent and tucked loose hair behind his ear as he tried to think of something anything to say, as the young teen opened his mouth to speak Gabriel growled, his fist swinging out and colliding with a wall.

Sam barely moved out of the way as the marble let out a dull thud and loud crack in the quiet hallway.
"Gabriel," Sam took the other Alpha's hand and examined the immediately bruising and swelling knuckles "Come on, Let's get you some ice?" It came out as more of a question as Sam looked around unsure of where the kitchen had disappeared to in the maze of hallways

"I'm fine Sam." Gabriel spoke softly, pulling his hand away from Sam's gentle touch. "I just, it's a lot to take in. Crowley practically just told me, that my older, now/ dead/ brother was a damn traitor to the throne, that he had been so, so-so brainwashed and manipulated that-" Gabriel was cut off as he was suddenly pulled into a hug by the younger but taller human
The Archangel's gold wings shook with his shoulders as he buried his nose in Sam's shoulder. Arms coming around the human's middle, clutching the back of his shirt like a lifeline

"I've told you before, I'll tell you again, you've been through a lot today. It's alright not to be some big tough Alpha, and to just be you." Sam whispered into the short blonde's hair

Gabriel let out a huff into Sam's shoulder trying to keep his nose out of the teens neck as that could be considered scenting and the two were only friends.
"I already broke down in front of you and Dean earlier this evening. I should be fine."

"But you aren't." Sam held the angel at Arm's length, his deep brown puppy dog eyes searching Gabriel's face with such concern it made the Archangel's heart lurch "Let's get you to your room, and get you relaxed."

Gabriel's voice caught in his throat and he coughed checking on his tongue
"Mkay" he croaked as Sam held the other man's bruised hand still

"I am afraid I don't know where your chambers are..." Sam frowned looking around confused

"This way." Gabe mumbled, he tried to pull his hand from Sam's gentle grip, but Sam tightened his hold and shook his head

"Lead the way."

Gabriel led Sam down the halls until they came to a lovely door with gold letting saying 'Gabriel' with gold feathers seeming to drip down the door.
Gabe pushed the door open and halted when he saw Castiel coming down the hallway
"Brother, are you alright?"

Castiel paused, his wings going rigid as if he'd been caught in a cookie jar
"I am fine Gabriel. Prince Sam." The blue eyed angel gave Sam a bow to which Sam shook his head

"No need to bow to me Castiel. We aren't even in a public setting, to which in your kingdom it is I who would bow to you" the young Alpha chuckled

Castiel did not seem amused as he furrowed his eyebrows with a tilt of his head
"Regardless you are in succession to be King. It is only polite to bow to you young Winchester." Castiel continued as he shifted his weight, his arms at his sides awkwardly

Sam raised and eyebrow letting go of Gabriel's swollen knuckles, one hand going to his hip as the other tucked hair behind his ear
"Whatever you say Prince." Sam narrowed his eyes at the angel before speaking again "You did not go after Dean did you?"

"Of course not." Cas answered quickly squinting slightly at the younger Prince who happened to be about his own height though four years younger "I do not understand what gave you the idea that I would. Is Dean alright?"

"My brother is fine." Sam's expression softened, tension releasing from the teen's shoulders "I never got a proper chance to thank you Castiel. For finding Dean, for pulling him out of Hell."

"It was an honor." Castiel replied with a small nod of his head, he bowed slightly again, wings spreading slightly "Your brother is a remarkable Omega, not like any I have ever seen. He gave his abuser quite a fight I think." He noted as he remembered seeing Alistair's broken nose, bruised face and wrapped up hand

"That is Dean for you. He is twice the Alpha of most Regardless of his designation." Sam added as he bowed to Castiel "You have my eternal gratitude for bringing him back in ome piece. If you ever need anything, send for me."

Gabriel smiled at Sam as the teen fought back tears, and couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips as Sam pulled Castiel into a bone crushing hug.
Castiel stood there awkwardly, wings stiff and shoulders rigid as he didn't know what to do, his blue eyes pleaded with Gabriel to do something
"Hug him back you dumby!" Gabriel cackled holding his sides trying to keep back a burst of laughter

Castiel awkwardly hugged the young Winchester back, giving the boy's back a few stiff Pat's and grunted as Sam released him
"I promise Sam I will." He grumbled forcing a small smile "I am going to retire to bed now. Do not let Gabriel pull you into trouble. He is notorious for such things."

"I won't. Goodnight Castiel."

"Night lil bro."

"Goodnight Sam, goodnight Gabriel"

Sam turned back to the blond as they entered Gabe's chambers, the door was then closed and the Archangel let out a sigh
"I don't want to talk." He grumbled sitting on the edge of his bed

"Than don't." Sam smiled softly
They didn't talk, and when there was a knock on the door some time later Sam didn't bother to answer, as Gabriel had fallen asleep, his head on Sam's chest, wings stretched over the teen and bed. Tears dried down his cheeks as he had finally let it all crumble.

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