Chapter 3

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It wasn't long before Dean had packed a couple of trunks with nearly all.of his belongings.
Of course he had decided to leave some things for when he visited home... Which he hoped his future husband would allow of course.
With a sigh Dean watched as a few servants hauled his things down the stairs and loaded them onto the coach.
He had his arms crossed over his chest and groaned internally at how careless they seemed to be about his belongings.
He was still Royalty they should treat him as such.

Regardless Dean bit his tongue and decided not to cause a problem this time around. Afterall he should leave the servants on good terms.
Dean turned around at the sharp smell of his Father and the sweet smell of his step Mother. With a sweet delicate smiled Kate pulled Dean into a tight loving hug.
"We shall see you in a month Dean."

Dean hugged her back burying his nose in the crook of her neck. She may not have birthed him but she was there when he needed her. He loved her and found her scent of fresh grass and lavender relaxing.
"See you then. Be sure to knock Adam in the head every once in a while for me."

John couldn't hide his chuckle as he shook his head before hugging his dear son.
"You act like we are sending you to your funeral! It's quit the opposite. I'm sure you and the soon to be King will get along wonderfully." He patted Dean's cheek with a gentle smile

Dean held himself back from leaning into the loving touch and simply nodded.
"I am aware but still... I've never been so far from you all before... Let alone a weeks travel away." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck "It's a bit nerve wracking."

John laughed a hearty kind of laugh that made the corner if his eyes wrinkle.
"Dean my boy you'll be fine! You had years of Alpha training before you presented and really you hardly act like an Omega at all anyway. I'm more worried for the Royal family of Heaven then I am for you."

This made Dean chuckle lightly and he felt some of the tension shrink from his shoulders.
Perhaps he was overthinking... Afterall overthinking was very much a Dean thing and it only made him want to drown in himself.
Dean then gave his 'See you laters' and hugs to his two dear brothers and got into the rather plain looking carriage.

The scenery was beautiful as they pulled out of the castle gates and off through the village.
Dean closed his eyes and knew this was going to be, a very, very long trip.
Dean was very very surprised when they crossed the border without incident, and when they went through the city without a problem.
As the large gates to the castle opened Dean rubbed the sleep from his eyes and peered out the window.

The first thing to catch Dean's attention was the smell. The sharp salty cold smell of an ocean. The Prince had nearly forgotten that Heaven was on a coast.
Unlike the castle he had grown up in, which was what one would Imagine a castle to look like, this one was much different... Larger too.
White and gold, spiraling towers and large windows, balconies and gardens.

Dean put his head back in the window as they slowed before and entered the city that was below the castle nestled away from the ocean, except for the far side where Dean figured there were docks for ships and boats. Dean hoped he could see the ocean from wherever in the castle he would staying.

The drive through the main village was quiet even through the chatter of people.
Peeking through the window Dean was once again surprised and shocked by the amount of Angels wandering about. Buying, selling, chatting, little Angels with little wings chasing eachother or chasing pets.
A few humans mingled into the mix, even a few werewolves or vampires mixed in.
Dean was also surprised though he knew he shouldn't be that he even spotted a demon here or there.

Soon they arrived to the gates leading into the castle property itself.
Dean sat up and tried to look a bit lore presentable as he knew someone from the royal family would be there to greet him.
The carriage came to a halt and one of the human Betas his father sent to Protect him opened the door.
As soon as Dean's boots hit the ground, the Omega looked up quickly at the wonderful scent of old books and coffee beans.

Dean's eyes met eyes that triumphed over the blue of every summer sky imaginable. Dean knew this Alpha was royalty, perhaps it was the way he held himself, perhaps it was the armor of a knight that he wore, or even the slim silver band that was on his head, nestled in his black hair.
His hair stuck every which way, his wings were like the darkest night sky, Dean had never seen such dark feathers before, it was beautiful.

Dean was once again taken aback when the angel suddenly bowed and in a deep warm gravel voice spoke.
"Welcome your Highness. I am Prince Castiel Novak of Heaven, I shall show you to your quarters that have been made especially for your needs."

Dean nodded slowly and just stared. The young Prince no more then roughly Dean's age tilted his head and Dean knew then that it was one of the most adorable sights in all the four realms.
Dean didn't say anything but shivered a little.
One thing he knew he wouldn't like about this kingdom was it was colder then what he was used to, he was tanned and freckled from days in the sun and summers in the woods. In the winter it rained, never snowed, here it was Spring time and he was shivering.
Perhaps that's why the attractive Alpha Prince in front if him smelled so nicely of poetry and warmth.

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