Chapter 23

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Lucifer had searched everywhere.
The halls, the kitchen, the Prince's bedroom, Michael's bedroom, the library, dining room, throne room and balconies, the gardens and court yard.
The Omega was gone.
However when Lucifer had been near the Queen's memorial fountain in the rose garden he cought the faint scent of Vanilla and Leather, mingled with distress. It was disturbing to say the least, especially since Dean's scent had the lingering notes of a heat coming on, mixed with the smell of an Alpha smelling of ashes and burning coals, a demon Alpha on that with the subtle hints of sulpher that every Demon possessed.

With a hand on his sword and a twitch of his wings Lucifer looked around quickly trying to find where they may have gone.
But the trail stopped here.
"Damn it they went airborne!" The knight hissed and hurried back to the castle. It was of the upmost importance to find the Prince, in one piece and unharmed. It didn't help that Lucifer recognized the scent if the Alpha in question and he really liked to torture people. Alistair.
He was one of Hell's finest interrogators to ever be spawned. He could anyone to do or say anything with the right amount of cuts or burns. Last Lucifer knew the deranged Alpha was given any Omega he wanted in all if Hell to satisfy his wants and keep him happy.
So why take the Prince?

The next thought that Lucifer had scared and excited him.
Maybe the war wasn't over. But then again maybe Hell just wanted to make Michael so distracted by stealing his bride that they could swoop in when everyone thought it was over and overthrow the throne. That was not going to fly on Lucifer's watch.
Michael belonged on the throne and if that meant having the bratty human Omega Prince at his side then so be it.

Lucifer already knew that he would never have Michael so why fight it?
The very thought made the Archangel freeze in his tracks, his heart stopped thupping for a moment and something caught in his throat. His stomach twisted, wings twitched, Lucifer's fingers twitched with the urge to run them through the Crowned Prince's hair, or feathers.

Lucifer looked up at the star dotted sky with a frown. He knew this day had been coming, when Michael would marry...
He had known the Prince since he father worked as a knight and his mother worked in the Kitchen. He remembered running down the halls chasing Michael, playing with him, finding others little ledge that they would go to whether be it to hide or relax. Lucifer remembered how much fun it was. How amazing it had been. They grew up and still were around eachother daily, still talked, taught alongside eachother, had each other's backs, saved each other's lives.
Deep down Lucifer had always known that Michael would marry, and that he would marry an Omega of Prestige... But somewhere in the back of his mind Lucifer always hoped, hidden deep in his heart, that he would get the honors of saying "I Do." to the future King.

With a stuttering sigh Lucifer stood a bit straighter and continued back into the castle.
The Alpha knew what his problem was. He had given the Crowned Prince his heart many years prior, he was to attached to his charge. That in itself was a dangerous thing. He needed to distance himself.
From now on he would think of Michael as no one but his future King. Not as a friend, not as anything else that his heart ached for, but only as his King. It's how things needed to be now. Even if it hurt.

Lucifer looked all night long, and upon the sun rising the next morning, around the halls quickly and spotted the young knight named Inias from Castiel's garrison.
"Inias, fetch Prince Gabriel and Prince Michael, tell then to meet me in the library. Be sure to inform them it is of the upmost importance."

With a twitch of light brown wings Inias nodded with a hard "Yes sir." As he was off.

Lucifer hurried to the library without hesitation. He wasn't waiting long before Gabriel, Michael and Castiel quickly came in.
All three of them were dressed well, as you would expect from Royalty, Michael with his gold crown nestled in his dark hair, Gabriel's was smaller and bronze, standing out against the dirty blonde of his hair, and Castiel's was thin and silver, surrounded by hair that could not be tamed.
A perfect picture of Prince's.

"I need to put together four search parties. One will scour each direction. We will also most likely need to send word to the Omega's Father as he belongs to his father still until the wedding." Lucifer explained after he rose from bowing.

Michael nodded as he began to pace, Gabriel settled in an arm chair, hands folded in his lap, elbows on his knees as both older Princes began to think it all over.
Castiel's feathers fluffed up slightly as he ran a hand over the spins of a few books. He tried to keep himself calm but the longer they sat around, the less likely they would find Dean would be, and the more likely the Omega would be tortured and possibly even killed.

Michael stopped and looked to Lucifer with a set face and rigid wings
"You have my permission to instruct and oversee the search parties. Take Castiel with you as his garrison will serve as help. I will inform my father of these developments and will discuss pushing the wedding out further. Gabriel, I want you to do what you do best, find the breach in our security. These things should have never happened again." He said with a simple frown that made all four Alpha's look to the ground at the memories.
It had been tragic.

Gabriel cleared his throat and stood
"Then let's not let history repeat itself."

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