Chapter 10

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Dean ignored Gabriel's smug grin and slightly sad eyes. He really did. For two days he ignored it, instead simply enjoying the fact his family was visiting...
But he couldn't shake it and had to go talk to his future brother in law. For some reason that look Gabriel would give him only made Dean curious and angry, he needed to know what was wrong.
He found the four winged angel sitting on a balcony, chewing something with closed eyes, he was talking to Castiel and Dean didn't feel right interrupting... So he ended up just listening.

"Are you alright Cassie?" Gabriel hummed opening his eyes to look at the dark winged angel.

"I'll be fine. I just... I don't know Gabriel. I want to support him like I had before but, I just..." Castiel trailed off and the young Alpha's wings twitched "It's something about the Prince I don't know."

Gabriel nodded and his four gold wings twitched.
"Really now? What part doesn't sit right with you? The age gap? The arrangement? The expectancy for the two to fall in love?"

Castiel shook his head and sighed letting his shoulders and wings sag a little bit
"I don't know what it is Gabriel... But it doesn't sit right with me and I-"

There was a brief pause and for a moment Dean thought he'd been caught. It was easier for him to hide and eavesdrop since he had no wings to worry about hiding. Still he could see and hear them and the breeze was coming in and Dean had to admit, out of the two Alphas there was one that smelled, perfect Dean shook his head quickly as the talking started up again

"I can't get it out of my head... His scent, his eyes I just... You know since I met him, all shades of Green haven't seemed so vibrant or interesting anymore... I keep trying to compare them to his eyes and it's wrong for me to think like that, to feel like this but..." Castiel's voice trailed off and Dean couldn't listen to this anymore.

Dean headed down the hallway quickly. He knew he had given away his position as he heard Gabriel exclaim something and two sets of Alpha footsteps were soon right behind him. He knew he heard Gabriel call his name and that only made Dean break into a run. He needed to run, to go outside, to breath and he needed to process what he over heard. It was so intimate and it was about him and it was what Castiel thought of his eyes and they were not mates nor were they to be married. They weren't in love. He was going to be marrying Michael, Castiel's eldest brother. He felt he was betraying his soon to be husband and they weren't even officially married for another two months.

Wedding planners and florists, the tailors and bakers, the caterers and so many people were going to be arriving this week and Dean was finally coming to terms with it all and now this?
It was a lot and he was confused. His head pounded but he just kept running. The Omega's bowed legs carried him around a corner and his nose collided right with Michael's shoulder, making the Prince fall, almost, on his ass.
Luckily Michael grabbed Dean's armband hoisted him back up onto his feet.

Michael was nothing but a white feathered, dark haired ball fo worry.
"Are you alright? Why were you running? What happened?" When Dean didn't answer and simply tried to catch his breath Michael turned to his two younger brother's

Castiel frowned and concern laced his voice but Dean wasn't going to look at him
"I don't know. Gabriel and I were speaking privately and we turned around to see him take off down the hall."

Michael tilted his head to try and loom Dean in the eye but the human wouldn't make eye contact
"I need to-" He tried to push past Michael but the Alpha had a firm grip on his elbow. "Let me go Michael! I need some air!" He yanked his elbow away and took off in another dead run down the hall and out a door leading to a garden.

This was a lot.
Dean needed to process. He fell onto a bench and pushed his feet out as he slouched. He worked on steadying his breathing and rapidly beating heart as he leaned his head back to look at the bright blue sky.
It only made his frown deepen. It reminded him of a set of swirling concern and conviction.
"I'm a fucking traitor to a man I'm marrying soon." He hadn't admitted it, but Michael didn't smell right he didn't smell bad but he certainly didn't smell right.

Now Dean didn't expect love at first sight. It wasn't how these things worked. His father had told him countless times that after you get to know them, they're scent will be like home and that no one else will ever be able to replace them. That Dean would eventually fall in love with the Alpha...
That's how these kinds of marriages worked.
Dean also remembered the stories his father and mother used to tell about True Mates. Love at first sight, and a scent to drive you mad. Their scent would be perfect it would be home it would be comforting, and no one would smell like that. Ever.

Dean never believed those stories. Even if his parents claimed that while yes their marriage was arranged, that they were True Mates from the start. Dean only saw it all as Fairy Tails.
True Mates weren't a thing.
But what scared Dean to no end was the fact that all those things, to him, Castiel smelled like home.
Dean was unable to get the Young Alpha Prince put of his head! His future husband didn't even stay in his head like Castiel did.

Castiel seemed to be always in the corner of his mind. With every shade of blue Dean saw Castiel. With every Angel he met he silently and deep down compared their wings to Castiel's.
Yes, Michael was attractive and Dean got along with him...
But Michael didn't feel like Home and that terrified Dean.

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