Chapter 78

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"Fine. I knew. That storming night when the Witch was summoned, when she revealed my Red String of Fate, I didn't just see mine, I saw everyone's. Gabriel had none, Balthazar's reached far away, Raphael's was broken, and yours!? Yours was the hardest to swallow! Yours strung across the room, clear as day to where your friend and our newest knight stood watch at the door. Surely, Surely; I thought the real True Mate of my Alpha son, the real True Mate for the Future of Heaven had to be passed that door, she had to be. But it wasn't. It was tied to THAT THING!" Chuck swung an accusing finger across the room behind Michael to where Lucifer was sitting, barely conscious, trying to stay awake. Limbs limp at his sides, wings on the floor, the General's head lulled to one side causing Gabriel and Sam to try and keep the Alpha awake

"How was I supposed to react to that?!" Chuck was in near hysterics, voice climbing high as his wings shook, feathers rippling like an ocean storm "How was I supposed to deal with supposed Fate picking out another Alpha for my son? How was I supposed to deal wirh that Alpha being an Angel raised in HELL most of his childhood? How was I supposed to live knowing Fate wanted my son to be some-some abomination!? Answer me that Michael!" The King nearly screamed, eyes wild. The veins in his neck popped, face turning red

"Answer you that? Maybe be supportive of not just Fate, but maybe your child! I didn't choose to be this way! Fate didn't make me this way! I'm just this way Father!" Hot tears streamed down Michael's cheeks, flaming sword still pointed at Chuck "In addition to that, you assisted in putting Raphael against me. Forced me to take my brothers life."

"Alright Boys, everyone is getting restless, these demons want to bury their mutilated Queen, and I'm sure Crowley wants his throne and people here want medical attention." Rowena cut in, a deep frown on her face, waving a hand to Dean, Lucifer, and bystanders.

Michael moved his sword, the fire extinguishing. He didn’t bother wiping the tears from his face, no need when more would surely be shed tonight.
"You, you will be dealt with." Michael growled taking a stiff step back

Chuck had opened his mouth to speak, but Rowena snapped her fingers and no noise came out.
"Enough out of you." She sighed, rolling her brightly decorated eyes "The King will decide what to do with you. As I'm sure everyone present, including Foreign Royalty may agree you are unfit to continue to rule." The Witch snapped when the angel tried to speak "Restrain him!" Her accented voice thundered through the room making Angel Gaurds do as they were ordered

Dean glanced around the room, a hand still firmly on Castiel's chest as the angel still held his arms tightly to stop him from tipping over. He noticed his father, standing over one of the yellow eyed Demons Abaddon had entered with, clutching his side with bloody fingers. Continuing to look around the room he took note that Adam and his mother were far from the commotion, Balthazar, sword in hand with them,, and Sam was by the doors with Gabriel struggling to keep Lucifer awake and gently moving his wings into a semi comfortable position.

"You should sit Dean." Dean felt the voice rumble in through his fingers where they were splayed over blood sprinkled armor before be registered what words were actually being spoken

"How the fuck are you calm right now? Your father admitted to a lot of shit and you're worried about me? Cas-" Dean halted, snapping his mouth shut and pulled Castiel to sit with him in a pew. The enemy soldiers seemed to be of no concern as they stood with wide black eyes at the drama displayed before them.

"Take him out of my sight." Michael growled to the guards restraining his father "Lock him up until further notice." As he spoke them the words felt as if they were stabbing his heart with ice, with the finality of an executioner's axe.

As the gaurds walked the Angel King out, he held his chin high as if he still held any authority, sneering at Lucifer as he walked passed, Sam putting himself between the King and the General with a growl, it made Chuck scowl deepen as he was pushed from the hall and towards the dungeon.
Rowena waited until he was no longer in sight before clearing her throat
"I do believe this has been enough drama for one lifetime! Now, Michael dear let's get you officially King and then we shall settle the desires of the heart." She purred motioning for the Minister to come away from the wall where he had plastered himself in prayer.

The Ministers wings were trembling as he shook, stepping forward he cleared his throat, going through the official coronation ritual.
"The last thing we need is a King's approval-approval usually that would be the father I-"

"Enough of this prattling. Chuck is hardly a father." John's voice boomed, echoing in the room as he forced himself with a hiss to stand straighter, hand still over his side "He has my blessing to be King over Heaven."

"As Mine." Crowley crowed from the darkest corner of the room he had been lurking in. His sudden voice made all the demons turn with wide black eyes and a chorus of gasps

"You were dead!" One of them cried out in shock

"And you will be dead now shut the bloodh hell up!" The Demon Alpha hissed eyes flashing red as the demon backed down

"I agree to this crowning." Eve spoke as her gaurds parted their ring around her to show the woman. Hardly a dark hair out of place from the commotion

"It is settled then!" The Minister announced as Michael practically fell to one knee, the crown of a Prince removed from his now messed up hair, to be replaced wjth the Crown of a King." Michael stood, turned to the crowd, all of his blood splattered white wings spread out as nearly everyone applauded. Though Michael still shed a few silent tears.
What was the throne if he still would never be happy?

"On to the actually important things that caused precious Gabriel to brave finding me on my island prison and break me out." Her eyes began to glow purple, hands outstretched, fingers stiff like manicured claws of a wendigo, her voice echoed as if in a cave, but rushing like violent waves, with a shout of what the Humans present recognized as Latin the candles flickered nearly blowing out only to light with large dancing flames casting intimidating shadows crawling up the walls. The lights then fell to low little fluttering flames, casting the large room in an eery glow.

Dean felt a tug as his heart and it made him want to sob in sorrow, but sing in joy at the same time. A red warm light caught the corner of his eyes, looking to Castiel beside him he was mesmerized by a thing glowing bright red, string of sorts from Castiel's chest, connecting to his own.
A small gasp left his lips as he met the Alpha's eyes.

Michael stared to the far end of the room, following the glowing red line from his chest as it snaked around people, and connected to Lucifer. It took his breath away, a sob escaped his lips before he could stop it. He was leaping from the platform before he registered his feet were moving.

Sam and Gabriel moved out of the way as the newly proclaimed King fell to his knees with a thud infront of Lucifer, to engrossed in the scene before them to noticed the glowing red connecting the two of them. The general huffed a painful laugh, blood trickling from his lips as hs weakly took Michael's hand
"My King."

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